Lion's dodge attack

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Sausage Man, Mar 6, 2002.

  1. Sausage Man

    Sausage Man Active Member

    Is it just me, or is this move completely and utterly useless. I think it might be worse than Wolf's. I constantly get hit by this move and if by some miracle I don't get stuffed (which happens all the time even with the MC dodge) by the attack, and unless the move leaves them at like an 87 frame disadvantage, it is blocked or countered. Can anyone actually use this move effectively?
  2. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    yes you can use this move effectively.. you just have to know when the right time to use it..

    for example in machi play lion vs jacky, if you keep attacking low and back dash the jacky player would want to do a mid attack (elbow,mid kick, beatknuckle, etc..) when you try to attack him low again, so if you can predict that he's going for a mid kick or beatknuckle the dodge move will take him down while they are in the middle of the mid attack...

    and if you play against lion you can avoid his dodge attack by either blocking, countering or ducking or some other way which i dunno about.
  3. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Yes this move is really useless to an extent.

    This move is useful when opponent does a rising kick or mid attack. Dash back out of range and this move will hit them for a flop.

    Followups on flop:
    b,f+P+K, PP
    f, f+KK ( if this misses you're too slow)

    Otherwise a better dodge is his b+P+K+G. If you dodge consider : Dodge and quickly CD for "D, f+P" or "D, f+P+G" for a float/throw guessing game.
  4. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    The only thing I might add is that Lion's dodge attack is a special high move, so it *does* hit an opponent in the middle of a low punch. But other than that, Lion's dodge attack is arguably the worst in the entire game.
  5. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    <font color=red>FeixaQ</font color=red> please take a look when you have a minute to <font color=blue>MetalButter's Lion Trick #1</font color=blue> it is short (9 seconds) movie found in "stuff" icon on <a target="_blank" href=></a>
    quite interesting. Please comment after you view if you have time. thx.
  6. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I've got something better for you... /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    1) Take a look at 7 gigabytes worth of VF4 movies

    2) Look particularly at the Chibita and Rho Epsilon clips
    3) Count the number of times Lion does the dodge attack
    4) Divide (3) by the total number of rounds played in these clips

    5) Watch the Neo-Tower, Kyasao, Retirement Kage, and Edge clips
    6) Count the number of times Jacky or Kage does the dodge attack
    7) Divide (6) by the total number of rounds played in these clips

    8) Compare the ratio of (4):(7).

    <font color=red>Please comment after you view if you have time. thx. </font color=red>
  7. Freud

    Freud Well-Known Member

    However, for the convenience of those who have slow connections, can anyone who has done the above experiment kindly share the results with us?
  8. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    The post is dripping with sarcasm. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    In short, don't abuse Lion's dodge attack.
  9. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    I've got something better for you... [sigh], I know you have an awesome library* FeixaQ, unfortunately, the only chibita VF4 Lion IÂÂfve viewed were mpeg CreeD presented at his ftp VF archive for those of us with W95 Media Player/slow connections. I look forward to all future mpeg presentations of chibita with unabated enthusiasm. Ranking right up there on the novelty/flashy scale is LionÂÂfs ÂÂgoff the wall kickÂÂh (f+P+K+G and his: ÂÂgbackflip off the wallÂÂh uf+P+K+G). The king of Flashy Useless Moves for me is: 'Sky Kick" (uf+K) 30 frames of execution and -44 frames of recovery if this mid-level attack is blocked. The only way I could get this move off would be if we had <font color=red>Britney Spears</font color=red> or <font color=red>Lucy Lui</font color=red> stand along side arcade cabinet and pull their tube top down and shake in opponentÂÂfs face.
    ÂÂc<font color=red>* IÂÂfm like a blind man at an orgy. IÂÂfm too busy having fun to complain. </font color=red>
  10. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    All I'm saying is that while Lion's Dodge Attack may have its uses, it's used far less frequently than most other characters' DAs. (I didn't say that it was completely useless.) The Lion players in the movies may use the DA less than once a match, but the Jacky and Kage players use DA 2-3 times per *round*, which should give you some idea as to the relative usefulness of the move.
  11. Sausage Man

    Sausage Man Active Member

    Nycat, u/f+K does have it's purpose, it is great against a low rising attack, much easier to accomplish than u+K, K.
  12. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    very interesting SM! I have an opponent who likes to do low rising attacks that i will be battling tomorrow at <a target="_blank" href=></a>
    he is the arcade ironman ... I never would have thought to try it. Why do you say it is easy compared to u+K? Lion does have an excellent # of options for the OKI part of game. What are your other tools of the trade in your OKI arsenal?
  13. Sausage Man

    Sausage Man Active Member

    Well, u+k,k has a much smaller window to hop over a low rising.
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    but uf+K is HEAVILY punishable if your opponent does a high rising attack or no rising attack at all (the main concern for me). This is of course if you're the type of player to predict rising attacks instead of handling them on reflex.

    Not trying to discourage your adventures into VF4 Lion's uf+K, just that this is what comes to my mind regarding that move.

  15. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    u+K,K is a much better okizeme tool against low rising attacks compared to uf+K.

    It is more damaging and not as punishable as uf+K when blocked.
  16. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: Lion's Okizemi

    SM you must be EXTREMELY CERTAIN that the opponent will do a LOW Rising Kick. Here are few "Upon Rising" moves that I employ in my playbook. <font color=black>The Brotherhood.</font color=black>
    Handstand Kick ( d/b+K ) Just as opponent does his LOW Rising Kick, Lion executes the Handstand Kick (d/b+K). Timing is, again, EXTREMELY crucial when you are doing this. The Handstand Kick lifts Lion's body off the ground, all except for one hand, which causes the Low Rising Kick to go UNDER Lion's body. Lion's kicks, in turn would interrupt opponent's kick, resulting in a knockdown. You can then opt for a Hop Pounce ( u/f+K ) followup, or another Okiseme such as: Hop Kick ( u+K ) Just as opponent does his Low Rising Kick, Lion does a Hop Kick ( u+K ). Timing and distance is a little bit more flexible here, but still crucial. Again, Lion hops above the Low Rising Kick, and kicks opponent in the midst of his rising kick. This also results in a knockdown. Again, followups such as Hop Pounce ( u/f+K ), Watermellon Stomp (b,f+K+G), Pounce ( u+P ) are possible. If you wish, you can attempt to Okiseme again.
  17. ken

    ken Well-Known Member

    Lion dodge attack

    is great for punishing both mid rising and low rising kick.

    vs Mid Rising kick
    1 - mainly use the "dodge attack" if the kick is whiffed.

    2 - hop over the opponent.. if close enough. If you time it correctly. If you do the hop too early.. just hop back over again.

    3 - If the opponent is facing down.... "qcb+P" will sabaki the kick.

    Lion's dodge attack has some very interesting properties:

    -0 or -2 frames if blocked (depends on which way you execute up or down):
    this is one of the fastest recovery for a DA (Dodge Attack)
    -successful hit causes a flop:
    -will defeat a low punch

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