MC & mC having trouble

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Guest, Nov 19, 1999.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I am having trouble recodnizing the diffrent situations that will all me to get an MC or an mC.
    I am playing on VF2 Saturn. so if you could give me situations in that game it would help alot.


    Im a VF scrub. If you are looking for a arcade quality controller for the home system Email me.
  2. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    just to be simple about it (i'm not sure what you mean by situation) you get an MC by interrupting an opponents attack animation in it's execution stages. if you want strategy on how to score one, and which moves are good to get one, well it depends on which character you're using. But anyway, it's all about anticipation. Which is why it's important to get real opponents and not AI( in which facing it patterns can be picked up, and thus make you lazy).

  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Does VF2 Saturn have a training mode? I forget. BUT, if possible, use Akira and another dummy character.

    Dummy character does a whole bunch of standing kicks (just Ks).

    Try to anticipate the timing of the standing kicks, and SDE just before one comes out. There will be a loud sound and the opponent will fly way up. This is MC (Major Counter).

    Next, do the SDE just as soon as you see the dummy character retract the K. There'll be a loud noise, but not as loud as before. The opponent should still float, but also not as high as before. This is mC (Minor Counter).

    Finally, just let the dummy stand there and do a SDE on him. The hit sound you get is not nearly as loud and the dummy doesn't float all that much. This is a normal hit.

    ice-9 | Sennin
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    de's and sde's are a very poor reference point to use in vf2 because there are many sounds going into the hit, and the difference between MC and mC or normal hits are virtually indistiguishable for de's.

    use the same setup, except use a high kick. regular/mc hit will have a dull sounding noise, while MC high kick will have a loud BLAM.

    VF3 sound effects are completely different; far far better than they ever were in VF2.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    VF2 saturn doesn't have a training mode.

  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Sorry for not being more specific.
    I use Jeff and am getting all the basics down CDing in for the Crusifix float combos and such. But I just cant wrap my mind around the MC mC thing..
    So if I understand you right I get counters by interupting my opponents moves such as standing K. I still dont understand either what I have to do or what the situation in the game would be for me to get the diffrent counters.
    Is it the move I use such as the f+k will give me a MC and the P will give me a mC? some thing like that?

    thanks for any help

    Im a VF scrub. If you are looking for a arcade quality controller for the home system Email me.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I'm afraid I don't understand your confusion. There are basically three states to any character (it's actually a bit more complicated than that):

    1. Normal (not doing anything)
    2. In the middle of an attack
    3. Recovering from an attack

    If you can hit the opponent while he/she is in State #2 you will get a major counter with any move (be it P, knee, or whatever). If you hit the opponent while he/she is in State #3, you will get a minor counter.

    ice-9 | Sennin
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    So if I understand you right I get counters by interupting my opponents moves ...

    Firstly you must be aware that every attack goes through 3 phases:

    - initiation: as the attack starts up.
    - execution: during which the attack can register a hit
    - recovery: execution has finished and the attack winds down

    Major Counters (MC) occur when you hit your opponent during the initiation phase of their attack, effectively interrupting their attack with yours.

    <pre><font face=courier>
    | initiation | execution | recovery | \
    |____________|___________|__________| \
    | H I T | | | /
    |____________|___________|__________|_ /

    Minor Counters (mC) occur when you hit your opponent during the recovery phase of their move. This is not the same as interrupting, and often occurs when your opponent whiffs their attack.

    <pre><font face=courier>
    | initiation | execution | recovery | \
    |____________|___________|__________| \
    | | | H I T | /
    |____________|___________|__________|_ /

    In short, MCs occur before the fact, and mCs occur after the fact.

  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Just to add to that, if you interrupt the opponent during the execution phase of the attack (quite possible), that's also a major counter. Just think of Kage's u/f+K+G...and kickflipping while he's in mid air. Major counter.

    ice-9 | Sennin
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Thanks MYKE! you helped me alot.

    Im a VF scrub. If you are looking for a arcade quality controller for the home system Email me.

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