Messing in dojo mode. P > 2P can't be beat?!

Discussion in 'Lion' started by cjcastan, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. cjcastan

    cjcastan New Member

    Ok forgive my ignorance as I am new to the frames / advantage discussion.

    I was messing around in dojo after watching the LA_Akira stream and learning a lot more to the game than I knew existed (always was a more casual player)

    so i know when using P as your lead jab you open your self up to being countered by 2P, so if you fear the P you'd counter their P with 2P, but the 2P can be beat by Mid Elbow (6P?)

    but when I was going against the CPU set to G counter P/ Mid / 2P. I noticed that I could beat sarah and pai to the punch if I went P > 2P and they were going Elbow mid even..

    So after P with +2 (i think advantage) can Lion beat P / Mid / 2P counters for every character? Reversals and Sabaki should be the only thing that can beat that right?

    So could you hypothetically P > 2P > 2KK someone to oblivion? Obviously you want to mix it up and not spam to keep opponent guessing but coupldnt' that string be a foundation for your gameplan?

    Thanks for responses again forgive my n00bness
  2. X250A

    X250A Member

    even if you land the 1st P you can guard the 2P by simply pressing guard(ex lows can be guarded high).

    After P you should follow up depending on what you think your opponent will do. In Lion's case it goes like this basically.

    Guard Low - any mid hit but mostly stick to 6P
    Guard High - either 6P+K+G -> P+K(guard break follow up with combo) or throw them.
    Opponent does mid/high attack - any low hit that is fast enough for high attacks 23P for a CH combo. For mids do another P(G) to mess with them and you start all over again. [​IMG]
    Low attack - for 2P counter with any jumping attack 8k usually or do a back dash and 3K them.
    Throw - just use any attack string of your choice or a low attack.
    Sidestep - anything with a circular property or a sweep. I think a throw works to but i'm kinda unsure.
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    YOu are at +2, throwing out 12 frame punch. Yes, you will beat anything what is not anti-low
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">So could you hypothetically P > 2P > 2KK someone to oblivion? </div></div>
    P - blocked - +2
    2P - blocked - -5
    2k - 16 (I tihnk) exe
    16+5 = 21
    your strategy will loose to every elbow/knee in the game after 2P is blocked

    P - blocked - +2
    2P - backdashed - low throw/elbow guaranteed
    Backdash is pretty easy way how to beat 2P spammers, if you guess their 2P correctly.

    I do not mean it bad or anything. Just pointing out how VF works [​IMG]
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    What you're talking Cjcastan about is a flowchart not a string. As soon as 2p is blocked, you are at disadvantage. You should use p/2p as pokes to gain some advantage before using a slower more damaging move/launcher.

    2kk is not that good. I think the second hit is only guaranteed if the first is a counter or side hit. The move is good as a poke, or for mix ups but its not good enough to be the foundation of a playstyle.

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