Mind Game Tactics

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Banshee, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    I haven't heard or found much surfing the site on how players use moves to make a mindgame. It's out there, I'm sure, but one sentence at a time. I personally would like to get some advice on how to create a good versus mindgame with Kage, Akira, and Aoi.
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't this go under the Once and for All thread? I think that would be a much more suitable place for it.

    PS: Check my sig!! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Good call!

    Yeah,.. definatly. And in this post I've included a good joke.

    Here's the worlds most funny goldfish joke:

    There were 2 goldfishes in a Tank and one said to the other;
    "Man the guns! I'm driving!"
  4. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    I'm rather tired of the Once and For All Thread and how people can't seem to get it into their heads that if they don't like it, they should just stay off and let it progress alone. This is why this topic doesn't appear there, along with the fact that that particular thread is for advice on how to perform difficult moves, not strategies and such.
  5. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Once again the question you're asking is to broad Banshee. The mindgame you actually talk about vary dependent on the skill level you, and your partner, are at (Akiras [3][P]+[K] is easy to abuse when starting out) and even then probably from characters to characters alot in the game. The mindgames you can do are also dependent on your own knowledge of your character, the disadvantages you're at and so on from different moves and your knowledge, to a point, of your character (throw countrable moves for example). You can learn more about proper countering that here.

    All moves are still not, however, used to the same extent and some flow naturally easy into others; my tip to you is trying to use the words flowchart when searching with a characters name for better results since you didn't get any results from your search. I just tried it out for Kage and Aoi and found some nice discussions.

    Other than that there are the tactics advice actually in the game training compiled here.
    Note; that post is funny cause Myke spanks my fingers on it (and btw, that combo can't easily be QR'd).
    A great way, imo, to learn stuff (in any game) is watching movieclips, lot's of movie clips. Here are fight clips sorted by character.
    You also have fights on your Evo disc which you can turn on command input and slowmotion and such on (which is great).
  6. GreatSinister

    GreatSinister Active Member

    ive always found this mind game to be successful:

    1)wear a sweatshirt/jacket with a hoodie to the arcade
    2)stand there as you wait for your turn with a spaced-out, crazy look in your eye ignoring everybody/thing, intently studying the onscreen action
    3)get on the game and when you win, flip up your hoodie, bow your head a little, cross your arms in front of you like a genie and go "OOHHM"(yes, much like a bhuddist)

    works like a charm /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  7. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Mind game tatics in VF.

    1. Change a lot when playing against someone who doesn't change a lot.

    -> If you see your opponent doing the same thing over and over and over, change your tactics to punish that.
    It is not so complicated.

    2. Stay the same while anticipating your opponents to change when you play against someone who changes a lot.

    -> For instance, if you get hit by wolf's d,f P+K twice in a row by techrolling and not blocking low, going for another blocking high would work since your opponent anticipate your change and would go for low throw or side kick this time. It has its own risk for sure and may sound like a bad idea but it works in real matches against good players.
  8. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    I can see what you mean about the topic being too broad. Alright, we'll just go alphabetically, starting with Akira. We'll all know when we've heard enough. If that's still not narrow enough, how about for intermediates (those who can handle combos, floating, evading, and TRing, but not the advanced techniques such as evading gaurding throw escapes)?
  9. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GreatSinister said:

    ive always found this mind game to be successful:

    1)wear a sweatshirt/jacket with a hoodie to the arcade
    2)stand there as you wait for your turn with a spaced-out, crazy look in your eye ignoring everybody/thing, intently studying the onscreen action
    3)get on the game and when you win, flip up your hoodie, bow your head a little, cross your arms in front of you like a genie and go "OOHHM"(yes, much like a bhuddist)

    works like a charm /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    all very good, but you should give this one a try.

    In the middle of a close bout, look behind you and yell out something outlandish, such as "pink elephant!" or "former american president jimmy carter!" (the trick here is to find the balance between outlandish and TOO outlandish, something such as "a discarded version of windows 3.1 on floppy disks!" just wont cut it"
    You should then proceed to scream like a little girl and crawl up into a little ball. Im telling you now you will get ALL the chicks. That was the point of this thread right?
    To get the chicks? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  10. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

  11. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    If i remember correctly tom, Kicking your opponent in the face works well.
  12. Mankey

    Mankey Active Member

    Tap [G] vigorously!

    Also note: Shun is the mind-game master.
  13. OffBrandNinja

    OffBrandNinja Well-Known Member

    I'll humor this thread, even though I agree that it's simply too broad a topic. It'd be a much better thread overall (for the obvious reasons) had it been something like "How do I flip out and kill people with the ninja?" Ah well, guess I'll have to do that thread myself one of these days.

    Mind games in VF are akin to mind games in rock-paper-scissors, mostly due to the two being very similar at a base level. Thus, any strategy you ever used in the aforementioned playground game is applicable here. There's some differences in VF, however.

    First, as someone else already mentioned, the mind games alter as you (and your opponent as well) increase in skill level. When you first figure out how to use punch and low punch effectively, for instance, that can really mess up an opponent of lower skill. I would figure out how to use your standing [P] and [2][P] effectively first (I'm serious). They're excellent weapons, and when used correctly can greatly enhance your overall game.

    Next, there's the defensive tactics. A low level opponent will evade very little, if at all. However, learning Guarding Throw Escape (G-TE), and Evading Throw Escape Guard (E-TEG) and applying them in combat (that's the difficult part) will also greatly enhance your game. These tactics allow you to effectively take care of multiple options. To return to the earlier analogy, it's like stopping paper and rock at the same time. However, this is where higher levels of mind games come in. E-TEGs don't beat circular attacks, nor do they deal with delayed striking moves. It's all about yomi (reading your opponent).

    In general, you should feel out your opponent. Try to imagine what they could do given the situation in the battle, and counter for that. If you think they're gonna try to counter that blocked low punch, backdash -> floater move will take care of that. If you think they're gonna back crouch-dash at the beginning, sidekick them in the face. It's that simple. The most important thing (in my opinion) in this game is reaction. You have to be prepared to do anything after a move, depending on the situation. Once you get that, you've got the game. Good luck with it.
  14. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Instructional Video on Distracting your opponent

    [/ QUOTE ] From Siyko

    i recomend that EVERYONE downloads this video. Its virtua fighter at its best. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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