MoAT 2001 Rules

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Llanfair, Mar 13, 2001.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    I've decided to move some thoughts to Versus City - as it may be easier to stimulate discussion for those wishing to attend. The same will copied and massmailed so that everyone will get a chance to participate...

    First - <font color=red>The rules.</font color=red>

    <font color=orange>1) Format</font color=orange>

    First and foremost, the tournament will Team Battle. There's no OB in Toronto and hasn't been for quite some some time, not even on DC. This is the way it will be. You have every right to pick a replicate team, but the format is Team Battle.

    <font color=orange>2) Part 1: Round Robin</font color=orange>

    Depending on the number of people (hopefully many), the group will be divided into subgroups for round robin play. Everyone will play everyone in their group. There's a twist however. The group round robin will be played in an Iron-Man type setup. One person will play all the others in a row, and so on. You get it? For example, Group 1 consists of players A, B and C. A would sit down and play B and then play C - regardless if A wins or loses. Once A's Iron-Man is over, B will sit down and play A, then C. Get it? So each person will play everyone in their respective group twice, right? I think you get it now.

    <font color=orange>2) Part 2: Match setup</font color=orange>

    Each 'match' will consist of best out of 3 'games' and each 'game' consists of best 5 rounds.

    <font color=orange>3) Seeding</font color=orange>

    The way the seeding will work is through a point system.

    Here's how it works:
    You only get points for winning games. No points for losing.
    If you win 3-0, you get 6 points.
    If you win 3-1, you get 5 points.
    If you win 3-2, you get 3 points.

    So, the maximum number of points you can get is 12 points per match if you clobber someone 3-0, 3-0. Got it?

    <font color=orange>4) Double Elimination</font color=orange>

    Once the round robin is complete, all players will be seeded according to the number of points accumulated during round robin play. This seeding will determine the matches for the double elimination. For those who are not familiar with double elimination, it means to be knocked out of the tournament you must lose TWICE. This means that the following the first round of double elimination, there will be a winners and a losers bracket. When you lose a match in the winners bracket you move to the losers bracket. When you lose a match in the losers bracket, you're out. The system has worked really well in the past and we're sticking to it.

    <font color=orange>5) Practice</font color=orange>

    There will be 3 DCs setup for MoAT 2001. One Dc will be setup for actual tournament play - round robins and double elimination. The other 2 DCs will for practice. However, only those 'on deck' will be able to use the practice DCs. To explain further: Players A and B will play their match on the main DC. On deck are players C, D, E and F. (C vs D, and E vs F). The practice machines are for players C, D, E, F only for that time. We also don't want C and D playing practice when their real match is coming up so C would practice and mess around with either player E or F, etc. It sounds confusing, I know, but if you think about it, you'll get it. <font color=red>*** No other machines will be running VF ****</font color=red>

    Why? you may ask? This is not a VF3tb gathering. We have no intention of organizing a gathering. It's a tournament and it will run like one. What we want to avoid is people being reluctant to play because they're currently playing on a different machine. We've seen this problem and it leads to disorganization and eventual disassembly of the tournament. So, no other VF besides the 3 machines. And no one practices unless they're on deck to play. There will be other DCs setup and a PS2 for extra fun to keep people's boredom level low. You can play on them, but not VF. Vipers2, TTT, DOA2 - no problem.

    <font color=orange>6) Results</font color=orange>

    This tournament is for pure, outright bragging rights. If you win, you'll be titled the Best Competitive VFer in North America. Except for Jan, Myke, etc (non North Americanites) who get to go home upon winning as the best competitive VFer in the Universe. ;)

    <font color=orange>7) Controls</font color=orange>

    If you have a sensitivity to certain joysticks, please avoid the hassle and bring your own stick. Everyone has a preference, of course, and we will have sticks here, but if you're worried it will affect your gameplay, bring it yourself. Capiche?

    Ok, well, I can't think of anymore items for the time being, but I will post more as they pop up. Dates are still uncertain. I'll run a separate post for that. Please only respond to this thread with discussion of the rules, not of what date you like best.


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  2. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Why was the decision made to only have TB. I am not complaining as I will probally not attend it just seems that this would put Shun players at an even greater disadvantage. As if playing Shun wasn't a big enough one already. I was just wondering the thought process behind this decision.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  3. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    just pick shun, shun, shun.

    fuck spelling!
  4. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    I was under the impression that the drunk points do not carry over to the other Shuns so you would have to start over(drunk point wise) everytime one of your Shun's lost.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  5. uk_kid

    uk_kid Well-Known Member

    "I was under the impression that the drunk points do not carry over to the other Shuns "

    -correct, but just pick him and win and stop complaining
  6. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    I am not complaining It just greatly alters his strategy, you lose the drunk round that Shun players are so fond of.

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Lonelyfighter on 03/14/01 01:23 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  7. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Yes but it also eliminates a Shun from devoting/sacrificing an entire round to getting drunk just to be more 'powerful'.

    Also - TB is the way it is because of the strategy involved. Variable life, different characters, etc lead to a much more diverse set of strategies to deal with. And besides, that's the game - TB - this has been hashed out before.


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    MoAT 2001 Dates
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Llanfair, will it be TB full recovery or partial recovery?

  10. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Partial recovery of course ;)

    Sent you an email.


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  11. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    were is MoAT 2001 being held?

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  12. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Toronto baby. Where else would a MoAT be held? It's a Canadian thang. ;)


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  13. Drunken_Master

    Drunken_Master Well-Known Member

    looks like i am not going then :(

    hmmmm.... lend me a a couple of grand?

    'Strong body but a weak mind' Sam Seed from Drunken Masters
  14. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Can u give us details of accomodations n the MOAT a one day event only n stuff....

    I never been to a vf tourney....esp when I have to fly over to toronto for one!

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'enemy SPODED, enemy DOWN'
  15. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Summers - email me at
    and I'll guide you from there.


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  16. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    I'm interested in the MoAT. This will be my first tournament, or gathering, so I have a couple of questions:

    1. Do you guys provide transportation from the airport (bus stop, etc.?)

    2. I know this tourney is for bragging rights, as you people are experts, but is there any room for an intermediate level VFer in your tournament? I have seen some of the mpegs of the Chicago Gathering and Toronto 2K, and I'm around that level ( I know you guys have gotten much better since then). I want to see how I do against LIVE COMPETITION. Not only is there no competition (I don't know any one who still plays), but there are no VF machines anywhere around!

    Oh yeah, did I mention that I've never been to Canada?!
  17. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Richard - send me an email at

    And I'll provide you with details, etc. Glad to see a new interest ;)


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  18. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Well I just received my package from ML -- it looks like my starting date is going to be on May 28. This means that there's a 80% chance I'll be at MOAT and E3.


  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member


    2) Part 2: Match setup

    Each 'match' will consist of best out of 3 'games' and each 'game' consists of best 5 rounds.

    Quick question here. By rounds you mean characters in TB right? I.e. 5 rounds, 5 characters? If so, are you sure you mean "best of 5 rounds"? It's not first to five as it usually is?

    If that's the case, how does that manifest below...

    3) Seeding

    The way the seeding will work is through a point system.

    Here's how it works:
    You only get points for winning games. No points for losing.
    If you win 3-0, you get 6 points.
    If you win 3-1, you get 5 points.
    If you win 3-2, you get 3 points.

    So, the maximum number of points you can get is 12 points per match if you clobber someone 3-0, 3-0. Got it?

    ...If it's first to five, wouldn't the range be more like:
    Win 5-0
    Win 5-1
    Win 5-2
    Win 5-3
    Win 5-4?

    I'm just a little bit confused about the "best of 3 games" thing and the 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 point system...which does the 3 apply to because as is something seems inconsistent.

    Finally, the tourney period is officially set at two days...we can easily do this tourney in half a day. Will the rest of the time be a "gathering"? Will there be multiple tourneys?

    ice-9<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by ice-9 on 03/20/01 11:07 AM (server time).</FONT></P>
  20. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Re: rounds?

    Lets have 2 tourneys. The person who wins BOTH will be labeled the ultimate uber-vfer of all time.

    If 2 different people win the tourneys - they have to have a final battle (tie breaker) to see who is declared the vf chimp of the universe.

    <font color=red>ORA! ORA! ORA!</font color=red>

    <font color=white>adam</font color=white><font color=red>YUKI</font color=red>

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