Monster Hunter World

Discussion in 'General' started by social_ruin, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Drops jan. 26 2018.

    I am sooooo hype about this. I can honestly say this is the most excited i have been about a game release since vanilla online/FS. Maybe more. Maybe.

    I haven't played MH since tri to the wii and even though i was excited i was super disappointed it was going ps2 to wii with not really a graphical upgrade. It kinda improved perhaps in monster appearance. But not necessarily in the fact it was a smoothness in texturing that while it looked better (in a way) lost a bit of the grittiness of appearance. An improvement in my eyes, but at the same time the backgrounds took a hit with an unfocused haze. This was particularly jarring given the super low draw distances of very small areas. While the monsters and hunters looked arguably better (and only arguably, it is totally a preference and i waffled back and forth) seeing rock walls or vegetation only 30ft away being flat, uninspired, and having a blended not 3d look was...a disappointment. On par was my disappointment that every new iteration was handheld, thus subpar or only on par graphics. Sorry, when i look at the mountainous wall in the background i want more than a weird blurring of gray/black camo designed to approximate rocks. That was the biggest failure of wii monster hunter. In mh2 ps2 the swamp setting was gorgeous, reflective, atmospheric. I was sorely spiteful of wii mh3 where landscape mostly sucked, and nothing was atmospheric--remember the high wheatfeild in mh2 for ps2? Ambience matters. Then the next iteration was wii U. Same game, same graphics, and all it really brought to the table was the death of normal wii servers to shift to the wii U servers for the clone game. Fantastic. I had a wii and wasn't about to buy a wii u to get the same damn game with no upgrade just to get servers.

    Since 2005-2007 i have longed for the next gen MH. It comes in january. As of now it has been announced it even has free dlc. We might get every monster ever eventually. A ton of new monsters and gear. And most importantly to me is when i stop and consider this has been on of the most supported franchises by a developer of all time. I have only brushed the surface of what it has to offer (mh2 ps2, mh3 wii) and the game will continue to get support AND it has always been spectacular and unique. It's not going away.

    I'm so damn hype for this. I've literally waited for this game for over a decade--it has been on my wishlist!

    So? Who here will be playing and on what platform? Also from what i've heard it will have all region support and maybe cross platform (i think). I'm leaning toward PC personally as i haven't invested in a console past x360.

    Simply put: it has a 'thill of the hunt' no other game has recreated. Closest thing in gaming to it is ranking up. In genres where the idea is 'your personal experience is the only experience rewarded', only it and fighting games can deliver this holy grail.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
    Stl_Tim likes this.
  2. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    You have my axe sir!

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