More mix-up for Brad

Discussion in 'Brad' started by deathsushi, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Learned another new trick from Seidon the other day. Not a shocker that he's the one that discovered this (or at least, discovered it for me), since Wolf is his main, but I had never even considered using Brad's P,K~G into a throw as another part of his pressure mix-up.

    After some of Brad's combos, you find yourself at a very tiny amount of disadvantage - PP, SR K (piercing knee) is -1 on guard. My own experience has been that I've been able to cheat in a lot of free hits using a quick jab. Seeing the counter-hit your opponent has just absorbed is generally enough to cause them to hold down guard, and the follow-up kick, cancelled into a throw, is a very frustrating weapon to have included in your arsenal.

    Thanks Seidon!

    Disclaimer, for Feck's benefit: I'm used to playing online, and with lag - feel free to discard this advice if it doesn't apply to those living in a lag-free utopia.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    It's not cheating or stupid man, -1 is almost neutral lol. Nothing's guaranteed.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Using PKG cancels is a fantastic idea at -1 as long as your opponent doesn't KNOW you're at -1. If they do, they can score a CH P on you (except those with 12f punches - then you exchange hits).

    I'm not sure about online - if you buffer PKG - you'll probably come out ahead if the lag is bad enough.

    Here's another thought - if your opponent knows frames and goes for P when they're +1, you can also use a move that goes under highs.
  4. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Yes, this was part of the tutorial in VF4Evo. You were asked to Piercing Knee (-1) and then do 2P right after to beat your opponent's high/mid attack.
    Deathshushi, I recommend that you do 2P more than standing P to interrupt your opponent bc this works better irl. Not only that but the only thing that can beat your 2P is their 2P unless they have a 2P killer like Lau or El Blaze or a 2P sabaki in which case they have to be quick to retaliate anyway but this is why it's good:
    Once your opponent expects you to 2P after Piercing Knee, it's your turn to turn the tables on them and take back your advantage. Now that they're expecting it, they're going to try to beat it, whatever they do, analyze it and remember it for the next time that you're in that scenario.
    Even really good players will keep doing what works unless he knows that you're going to switch it up in which case it boils down to just another mind game but still, just like Phase Turn K, you're at -1 and you can do a number of things to outplay them if you know what they're going to go for.

    Oh, and you will learn this too: PK(cancel) is meant to be used as a fake so you can mix up, not go for a throw every time, so keep doing throws until it stops working but then, it's time to mix it up with mids, Offensive Movement, etc.
  5. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Yup, I apply this philosophy to everything I do. Spamming anything over and over is going to earn some serious pain, and on the other side of things, don't worry about changing things up until your opponent figures out how to deal with it.

    Man, that VF4Evo tutorial really had the goods hey?

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