More Ver. C chunklets from Pyrexia.

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by CreeD, Jan 23, 2002.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The web translation follows.
    2002.1.23 14:16 ƒAƒLƒ‰
    On the whole, it is a power down.


    26PÂÂ{K‚ª‚©‚È‚èŽã‘̉»ÂÂAˆêÂÂ؃zÂÂ[Æ’~ƒ“ƒOÆ’iÆ’V [‘SÆ’Lƒƒƒ‰‚ªâ€â€Ã‚§â€šÂ¿P‚Åâ€Â½Œ‚Šm’è]’¼ÂÂüÂÂUŒ‚ÂÂB
    26 P+K -- rather -- weakening -- entirely -- homing pear [-- all KYARA -- standing -- P -- counterattack decision] straight line attack

    [akira SHRM counterable by everyone with P? heavies included? YAY!]

    2K are to a straight line attack.

    [low kick doesn't track]

    The stiffness time of a 64 P+G2 P+K hit tense hand became long. 666P are decided!

    [the PIT, exchange, RBC combo now stuns the enemy longer, giving a guaranteed SDE. Meaning after f,b+P+G, u, P+K, you can probably get f,f,f+P, DLC every single time]

    A delightful changed part is many.
    64P‚ÌŽJ‚«â€Â»’è‹­‰»[ŽJ‚«ŽžŠÃâ€Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒÂ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã‚·â€šÂ­â€šÃˆâ€šÃ‚½]ÂÂi‚´‚àŽJ‚¯‚éÂÂj
    Judgment strengthening [ it sells and ] [it sold and time also became long] (a knee also sells well) of 64P

    [Pai's sabaki has even better priority over moves? Beats a knee now?]

    That to which a partner is downed in the work of a K+G system increased. [K+G attacks are better]
    1 K+G is downed by the counter hit. [quick sweep knocks down on MC]
    Even when 6 K+G is normal, it is downed. To a bound combo

    [f+K+G knocks down without a counter and leads to OTB combos. Probably causes leg flop animation]

    4 K+G is on the special upper row (it squats down and P can be crushed.).

    [b+K+G is a special high now? beats punches? Or is he saying crushes guard maybe?]

    Damage steep rise [ of sensation ‰ÂÂ‰Ø ]] [better damage]
    4K -- the middle -- a judgment
    The performance of ‰_Žè rises.

    Rau [lau, duh]
    It adjusts towards making it settle down. [weakened]
    The delay of 6 PP&P4P became short.

    [less recovery? jesus, they were fine!]

    6 K+G is on the special upper row (it squats down and P can be crushed).

    [f+K+G special high, forces crouch?]

    â€Âð‚¯ÂÂUŒ‚ƒJÆ’Eƒ“ƒ^ÂÂ[Æ’qÆ’bÆ’gŽž‚É• •ö‚ê‚ðâ€â€Uâ€Â­
    It avoids and belly collapse is induced at the time of an attack counter hit.

    [KD's on MC]

    Spare time when 4 K+G is guarded became large.

    [increased recovery I suppose]

    The fall of a throw
    The damage of 3 P+G, P+G, 4 P+G, and 33 P+G fell.

    [all those throws reduced in damage... d/f+P+G ??? .. P+G, b+P+G, d/f,d/f+P+G]

    The float at the time of a P<-P counter hit became high.

    [p, b+P gives great float on MC]

    63214P adjust the most painful changed part.
    - The air combo at the time of a counter hit is not decided.
    4P‚Ì‚æ‚낯’†‚ÃÂ6P‚Å• •ö‚êâ€â€Uâ€Â­

    [HCB+P doesn't knock down/give a combo on counterhit anymore]

    4P stagger, and it sees inside and belly-collapse-induces by 6P

    [b+P staggers, and f+P body blow KD's! rad!]

    The camera work of giant swing was lost. [sniffle]
    Giant swing of the fastest input and the damage of SSD increase.

    [damage of d/f, d/f+P+G increased. Giant swing of the fastest input? Dunno?]

    2K are counterattacked in the work of an elbow class.

    [low kick is elbow counterable]

    A down cannot be taken if normal in defeating 26K by the special upper row.

    [more special upper row madness. What's it mean? guard break? sabaki? throw? My guess is that this is about wolf's drop kick, as d, f+K is nothing for wolf. Maybe wolf's drop kick no longer gives a free knockdown and pounce, even in some counter situation]

    Æ’WÆ’FÆ’tÆ’Å ÂÂ[
    Only always a delightful changed part
    6PÂÂ{K‚ª’¼ÂÂüÂÂUŒ‚‚ɂȂ½‚ª• •ö‚ê‚ðâ€â€Uâ€Â­
    Belly collapse is induced although 6 P+K became a straight line attack.

    [f+K+G doesn't track, but KD's now]

    66P and 3K are a straight line attack. [non trracking again]
    If 4 P+G has defensive position taken, a damage can hardly be given.

    [b+P+G when TR'd inflicts less damage?]

    3PP(s) become continuation work and float in the 2nd step -- as (a pursuit is possible at ->->PP) --

    [second punch in d/f+P, P floats? allowing f,f+P,P?]

    A lower-berth throw is connected from 3 P+K which squats a partner.

    [d/f+P+K forces crouch and gives a free low throw]

    A down cannot be taken by the counter hit of 2 K+G.

    [no more free pounce after d+K+G MC]

    Jumonji upgrades.
    P+K and K+G break down and it is in induction work.

    [P+K and K+G break guard?]

    Registration of P+K+G in cross-shaped is from the first appearance.

    [something about kage's jumonji mid kick reversal]

    ª of evasion and the performance of « became high.

    [dodges from jumonji are better]

    44 K+G (â€â€Ã‚´â€Âö‘M) stopped downing by the normal hit.

    [the famous one, b,b+K+G doesn't knock down on normal hit]

    6 K+G becomes down work and can determine a bound combo.

    [f+K+G now knocks down for free OTB combos, probably leg flop animation]

    The blow of the elbow class from ->P+G is decided.

    [f+P after f+P+G is guaranteed]

    BENESSA [sic]
    The lower left P comes out and it can judge from the start. [?]
    44KÂÂ{G‚àƒmÂÂ[Æ’}ƒ‹ƒqÆ’bÆ’g‚Å• •ö‚êâ€â€Uâ€Â­
    44 K+G is also belly-collapse-induced by the normal hit.

    [b,b+K+G KD's on normal hit]

    The portion which became weak is 2KPP.

    [d+K, P, P weakened. Awww.]

    - Bottom ‚ª‚½ of a damage
    - It is [ three step ] the upper row.
    3PP‚Å• •ö‚êâ€â€Uâ€Â­
    It belly-collapse-induces by 3PP(s). [d/f+P, P KD's]
    << MUETAI style >> [MT stance]
    It follows on 2KPP weakening and is [ 2 or 4 steps of damage fall / of KKPP ] the upper row.

    [less damage for d+K, P, P.. blockable high?]

    Being strengthened came to require 46PPPK delay. [b,f+PPPK delay something something]
    3K‚ª‚µ‚Ⴊ‚ÃÂÂÂó‘Ãâ€Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚©â€šÃ§â€šÃ â€°Ã‚ÂÂE
    3K squat down and possible also from a state

    [sidekick .. from crouch? causes crouch? and also possible from stance?]

    For a changed part, a flamingo relation is a center.
    The work which shifts to a flamingo is strong briefly.
    It will be thrown, if the spare time of 8K becomes large and is guarded.

    [FL u+K can be thrown if blocked]

    Since 3K staggered among the flamingo and time became long

    [d/f+K staggers in flamingo.. more recovery?]

    3PK(s) came to be decided certainly.

    [d/f+P, K is counterable]

    The damage of P+G fell sharply.

    [lol, it already blew]

    P+K is a straight line attack.

    [beat knuckle doesn't track]

    It is connected with K if 6PP(s) are counters.

    [if f+P, P MC's, K guaranteed?]

    Registration time extension of a BAGUSAO knuckle

    [increased recovery of beat knuckle? aieee!]

    The biggest changed part is 4 P+K+G.
    - The timing which can be taken out became quick.

    [stance can be activated ??de-activated?? quickly]

    - short slide SHAFURU which shifts after work can take out immediately after movement -- as

    [presumably you can come out of a shuffle animation instantly]

    Adjustment of weakening is main anyhow. [weakened!]
    8K‚̉º’i‚·‚©‚µÂ«â€Â‚ªâ€? AIEEE! it's like shun's primary tool! aieee! aiee!]

    KK PP2 which was 16 or more cups is * from 26 cups.

    [KKPP combo needs either more or less drinks, I can't say.. prolly more]

    A strengthening portion is 6K. Even if it makes it guard, P and K are no longer interrupted.

    [f+K is strengthened. Even if blocked, P and K is no longer interrupted]

    A back throw damage-rises.
    A command is to 4 P+G keep throwing to 1 rotation P+G.

    [go from b+P+G into 360 throw?]

    ¦‚¨‚»‚ç‚­KK2PK‚ÌŠÃâ€Ã‹â€ ÃƒÂ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚¢â€šÂ©26â€Ât‚łÂȂ¢‚©‚Ç‚¿‚ç‚©
    * Which is [ the mistake of KK2PK, or / whether they are 26 cups and ] probably it? [wtf?]

    Rion [sic]
    there is no changed part which has a bad influence on tactics -- alike and equal
    It sells, and stiffness of work of 214P (&214PP) becomes long, and is counterattacked.

    [qcb+P iand qcb+P,P increased recovery, counterable]

    The derivation throw (â€â€Ã…½Å½Ã±â€˜oŽè, â€â€Ã…½Å½Ã±â€™f‘Ú) from catch work damage-rises sharply.

    [throw after catch does more damage]

    –ÂÂâ€ÂÕŽè is on the special upper row. It squats down and P can be crushed.
    [more of this stuff]
    Mallow [aoi]
    There are many changed parts [ minutely ].
    43P which raged

    [something about b, d/f+P. Prolly weaker]

    - The counterattack by the guarded post-throw is certainly.

    [blocked hit throw is def. counterable?]

    - special -- the middle
    - The appearance of work and the collateral after a counter hit do not change.
    46 K‚ªƒmÂÂ[Æ’}ƒ‹‚Å‚à• ‚æ‚낯‚ðâ€â€Uâ€Â­
    46 Even when K is normal, induce • ‚æ‚낯.

    [normal b,f+K probably KD's]

    The spare time of 2for the backs P changes. It turns by 44P and they are 2 ‘ð from 2P.

    [lost me there, changed recovery for b,b+P and d+P. Prolly followup d+P has more recovery, or there's more lag between these moves]

    ‚Æ‚¢‚½ÂÂU‚ß‚ªÂÂoâ€â€Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ÃƒË†Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚­â€šÃˆâ€šÃ‚½
    The said attack became impossible.
    Lei FEI
    But a big change is 236 P+K.

    [qcf+P+K is changed]

    - Induce collapse (it is the same as 46 P+K).

    causes KD]

    - A pursuit is possible at 4PP etc.

    [pounce possible after b+P,P]

    An attack judging to P+K in a Nirvana formula the middle where P+KPP from there is perfect -- an attack

    [from ??? stance, P+K, P, P is counterable?]

    Usually, the speed which an independent formula makes a â€Âs type henceforth from a style became quick.

    [switching stances quicker??]

    Weak portion
    - 66 P+K half-rotates.

    [f,f+P+K .. half-rotates. Tracks? Leaves back turned probably]

    - 9K and 2 P+K are a straight line attack.

    [doesn't track anymore]

    If the derivation work from 2 P+K is guarded, become disadvantageous.

    [if followups to d+P+K are blocked, you're at a disadvantage]

    Instead, delay should hear.
    2PÂÂ{KP• •ö‚ê‚ðâ€â€Uâ€Â­
    2 P+KP belly collapse is induced.

    [d+P+K,P causes KD]

    On a whole target
    - Inside walk correction for the backs of Rau

    [3D walk correction for lau?]

    - The weight of BENESSA became heavy.
    - a large down attack can be taken out with BENESSA in the state at the time of for the backs in a MUETAI style -- as

    [big pounce possible with vanessa from MT stance]

    ÂÂEÆ’xÆ’lÂÂAÆ’Å’Æ’CÂÂAÆ’Vƒ…ƒ“ÂÂAÆ’Å Æ’Iƒ“‚Ìâ€Âð‚¯‚µ‚Ⴊ‚ÃÂÆ’_Æ’bÆ’Vƒ…‚Ì“üâ€â€ÃƒÂ•ÃÂÂÂX
    - Benet, a lei, SHUN, and Rion avoid, squat down, and it is input change of a dash.

    [command change for special dodges?]

    - Head collapse ceased to carry out a wall hit.

    [head kuzure down? something no longer works for a wall hit]

    - When judged, it ceased to hit in a wall.
    - Reexamination of curse item conditions

    [new conditions to get 'curse' items --> the items you get from losing a lot]

    - The measure against a color (the color which EDIT(ed) even if ’iˆÊ changed, when color EDIT was carried out by VFNET is used)

    [color changes]

    - Rising input change (front “], a backward turn, and all sideslips change into lever + guard aggressiveness)

    [ maybe it means just GGGG doesn't do anything, you must enter a specific direction plus guard to get up in/out of the screen? sideslips sounds like dodges, surely he's not saying dodges are now tap d+G or u+G? I might like that actually]

    ÂÂEÅ m’肶‚á‚È‚¢ƒ_Æ’Eƒ“ÂÂUŒ‚‚ª‰ñâ€Âð‚µ‚â‚·‚­‚Ȃ½ÂÂiÆ’XÆ’vƒ‰Œã‚Ì’Ç‚¢“¢‚¿‚È‚ÇÂÂBÂÂj
    - The down attack which is not decision becomes easy to avoid (pursuit after SUPURA etc.).

    [pounces after non-counter hits are easy to get out of]

    It already recollects with ‚¿‚àlater (since it is [ be / it ] under work).

    [More to come!@!]
  2. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Ver.C Sarah Bryant..

    [FL u+K can be thrown if blocked]

    Bollocks, that was one of the Sarah's few safe scenarios.

    [d/f+K staggers in flamingo.. more recovery?]

    It gives stagger animation (recoil) like a charge move? If so that's interesting. Might even guarantee a Kick Tornado.

    [d/f+P, K is counterable]

    I now have to rethink my close range game. No more infinite chop-kicks into kickflips as either one will screw me if I'm blocked. I'm guessing the kick is still guaranteed from a successful chop though.

    Conclusion. She's taken a serious hit in the aggressive department but it's adaptable especially if the FL: Sidekick turns out like I hope. Her game has to concentrate more on precision hit and run tactics now, like back in VF3tb. I can live with Ver.C.
  3. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    Re: Ver.C Sarah Bryant..

    yay more power to pai......although we probably won't see it in the states too soon if ever..../versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  4. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    Re: Ver.C Sarah Bryant..

    Belly collapse is induced although 6 P+K became a straight line attack.

    Sweet God, NO!!! Rodney was already a bitch, now he has a chance to land long range low throws *shudder*

    f+K+G doesn't track, but KD's now

    This is the one that guard crushes as well isn't it? If that's true, it's going to become a damn nice move, GC on block, KD on a hit...ick.

    b+P+G when TR'd inflicts less damage?

    Wow, talk about totally neutering a throw. It was already at like 40 pts if you TR'ed it.

    second punch in d/f+P, P floats? allowing f,f+P,P?

    God, I hope not. Jeff's overall damage and float/flop tools worked well enough.

    d/f+P+K forces crouch and gives a free low throw


    no more free pounce after d+K+G MC

    Nice ray of sunshine there.
  5. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    PP2KK which was 16 or more cups is * from 26 cups.

    This will make the TO gang happy. I hear Plasma's Shun was abusing that move. Apparently after a certain number of drinks the Low Kick - High Kick part of the combo becomes unblockable if you block the punches. Now at least Shuns all over will have to work thier way up to 26 drinks before cheesing people with that move (although I wish the would have taken out drinking after the round had ended instead).

  6. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    aye yup
    from is impossible to block the followinng annoying kicks after blocking the 1st two punches..

    And I agree with ur opinion abt disallowing him to drink at the end of every round..once is fine...two is ok..but three?
    fucking ridiculous~
  7. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    - Head collapse ceased to carry out a wall hit.

    [head kuzure down? something no longer works for a wall hit]

    Though I haven't tried it myself, maybe someone could offer a yes/no on this being the interpretation (not sure if this is how it works in ver B.):

    Connecting a head KD (Aoi's b,b+P+K for example) from a wall stagger (say, caused by an elbow), will no longer yield the head KD, but probably just a normal hit or maybe just a regular knockdown.
  8. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Lei Fei

    But a big change is 236 P+K. Induce collapse (it is the same as 46 P+K).

    >> That's great! QCF+P+K was a high risk low reward move that not worth using at all in ver.B. At least with KD, it's a worthwhile gamble.

    A pursuit is possible at 4PP etc.

    >> Pounce possible after b+PP? Huh? Does that mean the opponent can no longer tech roll, so you can pounce for followup damage, but can't do Lei's 90% combo? Or maybe this is something else... I dunno.

    An attack judging to P+K in a Nirvana formula the middle where P+KPP from there is perfect -- an attack

    >> Not sure what this is. Either refers to regular P+KPP or [crab] P+KPP. Since Pyrexia delineates the "weak portion" below, I'm guessing whatever this is is a good thing for Lei though...

    Usually, the speed which an independent formula makes a â€Âs type henceforth from a style became quick.

    >> Right now, switching to Crane stance is relatively quick (which is why you see Lei players do d+P+K u+P+K+G (G) Throw as a fake-out tactic). Maybe switching to the Crab stance has become quicker? Not sure. Switching to Scorpion stance right now is pretty damned instantaneous, as it is. When I played on the PS2 80% version, I still could do the standard combos, didn't see anything really different.

    66 P+K half-rotates.

    >> This is the low swipe move... not sure what half rotate means, but it's listed as a weak point. Dunno...

    9K and 2 P+K are a straight line attack.

    >> uf+K not tracking is fine. Doesn't really matter since you only ever use uf+K as a wall combo starter, otherwise you'd use uf+K+G (which never tracked anyway). d+P+K not tracking is just a little disadvantageous, but not too shabby.

    If the derivation work from 2 P+K is guarded, become disadvantageous.

    >> This negates the d+P+K u+P+K+G (G) Throw fake-out tactic, since a blocked d+P+K is throw-counterable. Bleh.

    2 P+KP belly collapse is induced.

    >> Hmm. Maybe this is the balancing factor -- d+P+K is throw counterable if blocked, but if d+P+K,P hits (not in a float combo), then you get KD. But since you end up in Tiger Stance, I'm not sure what you could do to maximize damage against the KD'ed opponent. Maybe d+KPP?

    Overall, seems like Lei's been powered up just a little. Yay!
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    can't you skip the replay and take away his ability to do this? Or is that just too rude?
  10. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Nah, there's maybe a few seconds in between the time the opponent is knocked out and the replay starts that Shun can drink all he wants.

    At least they made Pai's reverse sweep somewhat useful now. And no MC to float on f+K+G? Marv Albert says: Yes!
  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Thought I'd post the Amikai translation w/o the original gibberish, as the first post is pretty hard to read.


    The changed part of VerC each KYARA (portion which got information)
    source by dreamcastmagazine

    On a whole target

    ? Inside walk correction for the backs of Rau
    ? The weight of BENESSA became heavy.
    ? a large down attack can be taken out with BENESSA in the state at the time of for the backs in a MUETAI style -- as
    ? Benet, a lei, SHUN, and Rion avoid, squat down, and it is input change of a dash.
    ? Head collapse ceased to carry out a wall hit.
    ? When judged, it ceased to hit in a wall.
    ? Reexamination of curse item conditions
    ? The measure against a color (the color which EDIT(ed) even if ?? changed, when color EDIT was carried out by VFNET is used)
    ? Rising input change (front ?, a backward turn, and all sideslips change into lever + guard aggressiveness)
    ? The down attack which is not decision becomes easy to avoid (pursuit after SUPURA etc.).

    ? On the whole, it is a power down.
    ? 26 P+K -- rather -- weakening -- entirely -- homing pear [-- all KYARA -- standing -- P -- counterattack decision] straight line attack
    ? 2K are to a straight line attack.
    ? The stiffness time of a 64 P+G2 P+K hit tense hand became long. 666P are decided!

    ? A delightful changed part is many.
    ? Judgment strengthening [ it sells and ] [it sold and time also became long] (a knee also sells well) of 64P
    ? That to which a partner is downed in the work of a K+G system increased.
    1 K+G is downed by the counter hit.
    Even when 6 K+G is normal, it is downed. To a bound combo
    4 K+G is on the special upper row (it squats down and P can be crushed.). Damage steep rise [ of sensation ?? ]]
    ? 4K -- the middle -- a judgment
    ? The performance of ?? rises.

    ? Adjust towards making it settle down.
    ? The delay of 6 PP&P4P became short.
    ? 6 K+G is on the special upper row (it squats down and P can be crushed).
    ? Avoid and induce belly collapse at the time of an attack counter hit.
    ? Spare time when 4 K+G is guarded became large.
    ? The fall of a throw
    The damage of 3 P+G, P+G, 4 P+G, and 33 P+G fell.
    ? The float at the time of a P4P counter hit became high.

    ? The air combo at the time of a 63214P counter hit is not decided.
    ? 4P stagger, see inside and belly-collapse-induce by 6P
    ? The camera work of giant swing was lost.
    ? Giant swing of the fastest input and the damage of SSD increase.
    ? 2K are counterattacked in the work of an elbow class.
    ? A down cannot be taken if normal in defeating 26K by the special upper row.

    ? Although 6 P+K became a straight line attack, induce belly collapse.
    ? 66P and 3K are a straight line attack.
    ? If 4 P+G has defensive position taken, a damage can hardly be given.
    ? 3PP becomes continuation work and floats in the 2nd step -- as (a pursuit is possible at 66PP) --
    ? A lower-berth throw is connected from 3 P+K which squats a partner.
    ? A down cannot be taken by the counter hit of 2 K+G.

    ? Jumonji upgrades.
    P+K and K+G break down and it is in induction work.
    Registration of P+K+G in cross-shaped is from the first appearance.
    8 of evasion and the performance of 2 became high.
    ? 44 K+G (???) stopped downing by the normal hit.
    ? 6 K+G becomes down work and can determine a bound combo.
    ? The blow of the elbow class from 6 P+G is decided.

    ? The lower left P comes out and it can judge from the start.
    ? Also belly-collapse-induce 44 K+G by the normal hit.
    ? The portion which became weak is 2KPP.
    Bottom ??? of a damage
    It is [ three step ] the upper row.
    ? Belly-collapse-induce by 3PP.
    ? 3K squat down and possible also from a state
    << MUETAI style >>
    It follows on 2KPP weakening and is [ 2 or 4 steps of damage fall / of KKPP ] the upper row.
    Being strengthened came to require 46PPPK delay.

    ? For a changed part, a flamingo relation is a center.
    ? The work which shifts to a flamingo is strong briefly.
    ? It will be thrown, if the spare time of 8K becomes large and is guarded.
    ? 3K stagger among a flamingo, time becomes long, and 3PK(s) are decided certainly!

    ? The damage of P+G fell sharply.
    ? P+K is a straight line attack.
    ? It is connected with K if 6PP is a counter.
    ? Registration time extension of a BAGUSAO knuckle
    ? Slide shuffle strengthening 4 P+K+G
    The timing which can be taken out became quick.
    Take out, immediately after short slide SHAFURU which shifts after work moves.

    ? Adjustment of weakening is main anyhow.
    ? The lower-berth watermark performance of 8K is lost.
    ? KK PP2 which was 16 or more cups is from 26 cups. *
    ? A strengthening portion is 6K. Even if it makes it guard, P and K are no longer interrupted.
    ? A back throw damage-rises.
    ? A command is to 4 P+G keep throwing to 1 rotation P+G.
    * Which is [ the mistake of KK2PK, or / whether they are 26 cups and ] probably it?

    - there is no changed part which has a bad influence on tactics -- alike and equal
    ? It sells, and stiffness of work of 214P (&214PP) becomes long, and is counterattacked.
    ? The derivation throw (????, ????) from catch work damage-rises sharply.
    ? ??? is on the special upper row. It squats down and P can be crushed.

    - There are many changed parts [ minutely ].
    ? Both ? (43P)
    The counterattack by the guarded post-throw is certainly.
    special -- the middle
    The appearance of work and the collateral after a counter hit do not change.
    ? Even when 46K are normal, induce ????.
    ? The spare time of 2for the backs P changes. It turned by 44P and an attack called 2 ? from 2P became impossible.

    Lei FEI
    ? 236 P+K
    Collapse is induced (it is the same as 46 P+K).
    A pursuit is possible at 4PP(s) etc.
    ? An attack judging to P+K in a Nirvana formula the middle where P+KPP from there is perfect -- an attack
    ? The speed which an independent formula usually makes a ? type henceforth from a style became quick.
    ? Weak portion
    66 P+K half-rotates.
    9K and 2 P+K are a straight line attack.
    ? If the derivation work from 2 P+K is guarded, become disadvantageous.
    Instead, it adjusts so that delay may hear.
    ? Induce 2 P+KP belly collapse.
  12. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Ver.C Sarah Bryant..

    Not [FL] u+K, just her normal u+K. Since when is a blocked kickflip a safe scenario!@??!?
  13. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Well, he can't drink all he wants...but he can get P+K+G (1), lie down P+K+G (3) for a round which ends in KO - guaranteed. And, if you win the round by ring out, you get P+K+G, lie down P+K+Gx2 for 6 points - guaranteed.

  14. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: Ver.C Sarah Bryant..

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Belly collapse is induced although 6 P+K became a straight line attack.

    Sweet God, NO!!! Rodney was already a bitch, now he has a chance to land long range low throws *shudder*


    This is actually a good thing. f+P+K always KDed opponents on MC - this is not new - and now it's just that it does not track.
  15. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    I'm rather happy about the "non-tracking" moves as we could actually incorporate alot more dodge play into the game aswell as being able of pulling off some low side throws ( and you know you want to see Jeff's low side throw more often ).
  16. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    Re: Ver.C Sarah Bryant..

    I know it did it on the MC before, but by reading this it looks like they removed it's tracking to make it KD on normal hits now. Getting nailed for an MC, I could dee the KD, but on a normal hit? Rewards seem a bit high for a mid-long range poking tool, if their looking for the low throws, and Rodney always is up for low throws.

    Of course, if I'm wrong and all they did was make it not track anymore, then it's all good. :p
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    for some reason I have trouble thinking of shun as powerful/overpowered, no matter how many different ways sega improves him. Probably because old men are not popular character choices. It's rare to play a good shun.
    Let him be dominating, what the heck.

    Actually, I don't like the concept of PPd/b+K,K being a true combo if the PP is blocked. If you know what they're going to do and block, you should be able to escape damage. The fix should have been to correct the damage of the second punch rather than increase the number of drinks shun needs.
  18. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: Ver.C Sarah Bryant..

    well, think of it this way. Because it KD'd on major counter before, the damage for this move was made pathetic. Like literally less than 15%. And it's not the quickest move, although it beats a lot of attacks. Now KD on normal hit makes up for the fact that a normal hit before got you nothing at all except 30 dinky points.
  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    But a big change is 236 P+K. Induce collapse (it is the same as 46 P+K).

    >> That's great! QCF+P+K was a high risk low reward move that not worth using at all in ver.B. At least with KD, it's a worthwhile gamble.

    A pursuit is possible at 4PP etc.

    >> Pounce possible after b+PP? Huh? Does that mean the opponent can no longer tech roll, so you can pounce for followup damage, but can't do Lei's 90% combo? Or maybe this is something else... I dunno.


    I think CreeD's post is losing a bit of information because of the formatting. If you look at the <a target="_blank" href=>list on Pryrexia</a> then you'll see that the beginning of Lei Fei's section looks something like:

    <ul type="square">[*] QCB+P+K
    - Crumbles the same as b,f+P+K
    - Can follow up with b+PP

    So, my interpreation of pursuit was 'follow up'. Pounces are usually referred to as "Down" attacks. I don't play Lei so I can't make any further comment on this change.

    Anyway, check out the original site and run it through <a target="_blank" href=>Cafeglobe</a>.
  20. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: Ver.C Sarah Bryant..

    Sarah lands back a bit after FL:u+K and her recovery from it is decent. Though it doesn't track it's super fast and I've never been out prioritised. If longer recovery isn't the case then I'm not complaining.

    u+K is the Full Spin Dive. I don't see why they want to make the recovery longer for that. Against anything but low attacks She will be knocked out of it and land on her rear. It's already a very risky move, but it floats so it's a worthy gamble.

    ? 3K stagger among a flamingo, time becomes long, and 3PK(s) are decided certainly!

    Does this mean you're guaranteed a Chop-Kick from a successful FL:Sidekick?!

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