More VF4 details from Yu Suzuki

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Feb 28, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I don't think this has been posted elsewhere here, sorry if it is.

    Anyway a little addenum to the earlier Suzuki discussion with Core magazine.

    "The stages will be far more complex and interactive this time. Depending upon how hard you hit your opponents, walls can collapse. Outside you can leave trails in the snow, and some stages will change altogether in realtime. Moreover the visuals will be presented differently through better use of the camera."

    "We're planning to take advantage of the Naomi2 to fully express characters. Not only are the costumes and backgrounds being refined, but the character models themselves. Everything from hair movement to the way muscles constrict and throb during battle."

    Still wondering whether the stages will be flat like in the video. Plus it looks like the stage design is drawing inspiration from Powerstone 2 and DOA2.
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    but the character models themselves. Everything from hair movement to the way muscles constrict and throb during battle."

    U can see this in the demo clip already, most obvious on Jacky and Sarah.

    <font color=red>SummErs' 'mibu's lone wolf'
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Depending upon how hard you hit your opponents, walls can collapse.

    Does this imply DOA2-like multi-level stages? I took a close look at the videos, and unless the 3D movement is really generous the stages doesn't really seem to accommodate such a feature.

  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I quess when the wall is broken up, maybe we can push the opponent out of the ring through there and the game will be over..
    Personally I don't think Suzuki will adopt the multi-level stage concept just like DOA2 but who knows?

    rionsucks!!<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by SuzukiAdvocate on 3/1/01 03:23 AM.</FONT></P>
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Maybe it's less like DOA2, and more like SC, where you need a strong hit to RO someone. Personally, I'd like to see knocking someone out of the initial plane end a round, and the next round picks up on the outside (dammit, I just wanna fight in that colesium!).
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Muscle flexing

    the most obvious part I noticed in the demo video

    ( )

    with respect to muscle flexing was the scene with wolf and lion. Right after Wolf executes the big swing, it cuts to one of his winning poses and you can see his right bicep flex clearly when he raises his hand and shouts. I'd like to add that I was amazed by the detail and size of the environments, not to mention the quality of the characters' models and clothing. Some of the stages have half a dozen or so buildings, all meticulously detailed. Anyone who downplays the graphics in this 30% complete game is completely crazy, because this is the closest thing to a CG quality fighting game we've seen thusfar. Long Live VF!

  7. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    DoA2... 'elp!

    Yes I agree.. however.. I'm worried about that DoA2 approach... The stage in which Aoi Umenokouji and Kage-Maru is fighting does indeed resemble those in DoA2.. Never liked DoA2 stages.

    The interactive terrain is cool though.. I hope they make a blowing leaves effect on one of the stages when Akira performs his SPoD.. Would have been cool =)

    "I'm faster than lightning!"

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