Most Damaging Training Mode Series

Discussion in 'Console' started by mindelixir, Oct 25, 2002.

  1. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    How high can you rack up the hit points in training mode? Post your highest damage (unless it's lower than what's already been posted) and how you got it. So far there's a few 140+ options with Akira, Wolf and Kage I believe.
    (Obviously these series aren't the best options for playing against humans, but hey, get as much play out of the ps2 version as possible, view this like a side quest or something.....)
  2. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Jeff, 168 damage, wall to left
    [6][K]+[G], [4] +[P]+[G],[K],[K],[P]
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Hey you discovered something interesting that I've been trying to figure out for a while though... namely how to tell the difference between a guaranteed attack -> throw sequence
    an attack -> throw sequence that often works, but isn't guaranteed.

    For example jeffry's f+K+G -> throw is truly guaranteed in the sense that the opponent cannot get out of it by mashing punch or trying an attack. They must input a correct throw escape. This is the same as vanessa's b+P -> throw mentioned a while ago. I guess I can add it to the list of throw-followable attacks. So far that list is like, 3 whole moves long.
    I'd like to find the others though.

    Anyway the trick to telling whether the move is 'throw-followable' or not is to watch the PS2 damage meter. Neat.
  4. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Jeff's [1]+[P]+[K] seems to guarantee a low throw.... The [2]+[P]+[K] version works sometimes, but I think that the db version may be for sure.
  5. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    You can't beat 168? Come on Creed I know you play with the training mode more than you probably even play versus..... (location, location.....)
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    A few that I have that also happen to be true combos:

    f+K -> f+P,P -> (wall) -> b+P -> b+K+G -> u+P [125 pts]

    charge P+K -> f+K -> P (Wall) -> f+K -> b+P -> u+P [147 pts]

    Sarah: f+K -> df+P,K -> P -> FC,f+K,K -> u+P [121 pts]

    In the spirit of what you originally suggested - max damage on the combometer - some adjustments.
    For Wolf you can end in another knee instead of b+P, pounce. That's .. I forget... 126?
    For Sarah instead of pounce do a df+K+G for 102.

    Also, I forget the damage, but aoi's max damage combo appears to be ff+P (wall hit) -> b,f+P+K (crumples) -> f+K,K (wall) -> ground throw. It's over 100 anyway.

    If anyone's good with vanessa, maybe they can find a decent wall combo by stringing together b+P (MC) -> db+P+G (throw into wall) -> something.
    I dunno what to do with her, but b+P -> throw will probably register for a lot of damage to start.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I actually looked to try to beat 168 and came up short. You can't squeeze an extra punch in there.
    The only thing stronger than KKP might be P -> b,f+P+K -> pounce.
    I tried it and the cpu rolled out of the pounce, but you know how the CPU is godly at doing that. Actually I just did the math and that's only 167. I think 168 is it.
  8. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I got 165 damage with Wolf in Free Training, but on a counter. The sequence was...
    |(Max charge) P+K --> b+p --> Giant Swing (100 damage)|
    I also do the KS but for 20 less damage.

    This can also be useful in Kumite for 90 damage (max charged P+K blocked --> KS).
  9. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    In the latest ShinZ combo video with shun, his oppening combo does 168. I believe it goes like this:
    [3]+[P]+[K] (hold max), (wall hit) [P], [P], [2]+[K], [K], [8]+[P] I just noticed though that shun has 40 drinks while doing this, which would definiately give it some added damage.
  10. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    I hate to say it, but you can beat that, as long as you're that drunk by using his K, K, d+p, K in place of the p,p, d+k, k, I'm not sure of the damage, but I actually think it might beat my original 168....
  11. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah your right, i posted that wrong, he actualy did do [K], [K], [2]+[P], [K]. My bad! /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  12. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    It looks pretty damn sick if you add a b, f +p,p,p before those kicks, tough range though.......

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