Mystery opponents in Quest mode?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by SiliconHero, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. SiliconHero

    SiliconHero Member

    I've recently started writing a Quest Mode FAQ, and I'm trying to determine when some of those higher-than-normal skill level opponents come to challenge you. So far, at the Club Sega Bay Area, I've run into "e" (1st dan Aoi with Green Orb) and "Bigfoot" (2nd dan Jeffry with Crimson Orb). From my estimation, it looks like "e" comes to fight before my 50th match, and "Bigfoot" before my 60th win. Could somebody confirm this for me, please?
  2. Kapu

    Kapu Well-Known Member

    i think its random thing...
  3. SiliconHero

    SiliconHero Member

    I'd like to believe that, but then that would mean that one of these guys could attack a 7th kyu player before he/she could get a chance to beat the first arcade. Anyone have any concrete information? It would help me greatly.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The Aoi player "e" frequents three arcades:

    20% Arcade B (Club Sega Bay Area)
    30% Arcade C (Sega World South)
    50% Arcade D (Club Sega Plant Area)

    All the roaming players have a similar pattern across three or four different arcades.

    This information comes from the complete guide.
  5. SiliconHero

    SiliconHero Member

    That makes a bit more sense. Thanks, myke.

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