Necro76's thoughts and musings about games

Discussion in 'General' started by Necro76, Dec 25, 2007.

  1. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    In regards to tier C list....BIG THNKS to Sega for this balanced gem of a game. However, I acknowledge that tiers do affect wins. But when your skill overcomes abusable moves/situations/frames, the personal reward is a beauty to behold. Nothing satisfies me more than eating Lei-Fei for breakfast.
  2. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    In street fighter 3rd Strike tiers affected the game so much I stopped playing. It was unfair and retarded. It wasnt skill, rather, it was "abuse the developer's mistakes". Lei-Fei is strong, BUT the game gives you the chance to show off your SKILL and kill him. Try that in 3strke, you will see how frustrating it is to fight Yun with the low tiers. While in VF a good Lion will kill u and then say. FORGOT TO TRAIN EH?"
  3. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    I have encouraged Yun,UrienChunLi,Cable,Sentinel,etc players to try VF5 and they dont want to because "it is too hard". LOL!!! Cowards. No honor. They cant give up their seats of power because their big ego doesnt let them. So fed up with winning, like a drug for the heart. Winning while abusing a developer's mistake is not winning. It is weakness. And any mind that acknowledges that win is a power worshiper. A winner of such unfairly flawed games is a flawed winner. I wish for a "Virtual Fighting" game in the future were it as closer to real life as possible so that ur wins are based on your talent,skill and state of mind, rather than "frame data" or developer's mistakes.
  4. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    A shaman once said, arrow didn't kill buffalo. Indian did.
    I have seen a very skinny shy kid become an incredible boxer ( Tito Trinidad). I've seen a white belt win gold medal in open wu shu tournaments. ( J.Rivera). I have seen a local friend win a 3rdstrike tournament WITH TWELVE. (MarvinXII). People who I admire and respect for winning against all odds. True winners. They will be remembered. But Im sure I forgot who was the last guy who won a MrvlVSCapcom tourney with Cable,Sentinel...blaaaaah(boring). Folks, VF is more than a tier list. It is a game of chess. A mind game. Quick,Analysis,Thinking requires your neurons to work. Thats why it is not the preferred fighter in our western culture. This automaton,zombie society.Western folks dont want to think. They want to follow a PATTERN. A PATTERN to rely upon. Thats why they find VF so hard. When they get their patterns broken by others mind tricks. And find their patterns unreliable. They move on to Tekken where they can launch u over and over again.
  5. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    Its no wonder that VF was developed in Japan. Estern culture emphasises internal growth and balance as winning by overcoming yourself. Rather than winning by crushing your opponent by any means necessary even if you have to cheat or if it is an unfair battle.It doesn't matter u have to win. It doesn't matter how u won as long as u did. RAAAAAARGH!!! (Football players knockig heads). Yeahhhh bitch yeahhh!! ( Online scrub after winning with Lei using only PPP and mashing moves) -You have improved a lot and faced very skilled opponents Saito-san Im proud of you. ( Martial master praising student after placing #26 out of 45 in tournament). - I have faced/overcomed my greatest fear. ( VFDC member that posted recenly how he learned to win against Akira by "understanding" his moves and how people use them.) ..... Enough said, different tastes,different colors. But it is obvious what VF stands for.
  6. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Quintuple post, anybody? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  7. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    So...Go play easier,pattern abusive games if you want. I'd still be here playing VF5 to see how the heck my Shun can beat that Lion player with an incredible mind game and offense that I just cant seem to beat. How how HOW?? --- Friend visits me-....Oh that Lei-Fei guy u ask??? Yeah I beat him again last night. Yeah hes a cool guy but too predictable. Yeah...Oh you beat him too?? With Blaze? Good. me another soda......
  8. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, Jigohro forgot that some folks brains get tired from reading more than one page of a book or 5 consecutive posts. But dont sweat, remember, if its too much info. Put it all into the " too much long bs file" in your brain and then discard it. .Next time I will be politically correct and post "short versions for the reading impaired" I apologize for the inconvenience and/or brain damage. I was just contributing to the bad.
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    what the hell just happened in this thread
  10. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I think there's a bit of a giveaway in the site address.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I too enjoyed reading your posts but just put it all in one if nobody has responded to you yet. It's just proper vfdc manners, it's easy to hit the edit button. Prevents those of us that get e-mail updates with each post from getting spam.

    Unless your next post is VASTLY different so much so that it warrants it's own post.

    good story though.
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Man and I thought a convo was going on here and not a sermon, blah.
  13. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    OMG. Is that all you have to say. Sermon??,quintuple???Whatever happened??, Not related??? Incredible. OK, when I said "what VF stands for" it was in the context of.......ahhhh whatever. Thats why I never post in this site. My mistake then. I thought a little substance might inspire some good discusssion by connecting certain aspects of the video gaming/VF experience, VF's unpopularity in our culture,and the C tier list. I misjudged. I learned a lot from this. I wont post again, feel free to debunk it all you want.Have fun. My sincere apologies people....U did not understood but I respect u all anyways. Bye.
  14. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I don't think you should stop posting because someone nagged you about this. What you had to say wasn't out of context, it just doesn't work well with today's forum etiquette where it's expected to post one post rather than many successive ones. Don't get discouraged homie, I liked and agreed with some of what you had to say.

    Forums are for discussions after all. Many times it's just opinion based stuff, and in the end of the day we're discussing a video game, so it's just not that serious. If what Necro did was wrong, let's let the mods handle it appropriately , not make'em feel so bad.
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    sall good dude, don't worry. but like otheres said, use the edit button instead of making a seperate post.
  16. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    darn. Im using my PS3's browser since my PC is dead. For a unknown reason it just doesnt let me add more lines to a single post.Ah well shouldnt have posted so much anyways. My humble apologies. THNKS Jin and Fuulani I knew your post would be different. Anyways it seems attitudes (due to misunderstanding) from others would show even if it were a single post. So, no more posting for me. My apologies again.And here I thought it would help. Seems I got the wrong site for discussing certain things even if they are VF related. Well, enjoy the matrix folks!!! Bye.
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I want to stress We really did like what you had to say

    Nobody was saying your posts were dumb though so keep it up. theyT were very well written. I'm sure if you told us you couldn't use the edit button for w/e reason we wouldn't have been on top of you for it but don't mistake that for us not appreciating your comments.

    We saw someone new so we assumed you just didn't know the protocol no big deal but don't blow it out've proportion we did like what you said and I agreed with a lot of it, just do it in one post that's not really a big deal. Nobody is personally attacking you, just giving you some forum etiquette advice.
  18. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    OT/ (though I can't remember when this thread was on topic)

    Based on my reading: it was repetitive and irrelevant. I sense a semblance of masterproism.

    But, w/e.

    To each his own.

    On Topic:

    Is there anything else that can be said about the topic?

    Any updates?
  19. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Necro76, good read dude. You told it like it is, and I couldn't have said it better. I too am frustrated with the western attitude and preference towards gaming in general. I loved your philosophy on what separates a real winner (who actually has to work for it and earn it) from one that takes advantage of development flaws and general system or character specific BS to win matches.

    In terms of western gamers on a much larger scale, I resent the whole FPS/Guitar Hero (and the like) craze going on right now. If you're an older gamer, and/or a fan of VF; games like this hurt us the most IMO. These types of games are what's making the money right now; just as the GTA clones came out by the dozens to cash in on that era. And unfortunately, they are what shapes what is to come of the industry in general; which means less of the games that I love to play will be made (such as a good Zelda-like action RPG for PS3 or 360).

    The fact that VF sold poorly on both systems also disgusts me. Blame Sega, blame Sony, blame everyone but the consumers who say the game is too hard because they rather their games shallow, or more flashy, or only play online FPS or games with musical instrument peripherals. How can anyone blame Sega for not supporting a fanbase that hardly exists. I blame the typical US gamer who looks at you like your from another planet when you tell him/her that you have no interest in playing Halo 3 online. At any rate, most of the info in my post is flat out obvious, and most members on here are aware of why VF hasn't and (hopefully I'm wrong on this one), may never come close to being a decent selling game here in the states anyhow.

    I know, way off topic; but Necro's inspirational posts inspired a venting session. Not too mention his posts were on topic. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tired.gif
  20. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Looking foward to the next list from akai about the tournament results for dec.

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