NeoGAF restarts PC ports push, Virtua Fighter 5 included.

Discussion in 'General' started by TaroYamada, Jan 23, 2014.

By TaroYamada on Jan 23, 2014 at 4:10 PM
  1. TaroYamada

    TaroYamada New Member

    Here to gather support for our petition for SEGA PC ports, we just started it this morning and as of this writing have surpassed 1000 signatures. SEGA recognized our previous twitter push and suggested we move forward with a petition, we are now doing so.

    Virtua Fighter 5, Vanquish and Bayonetta are the initially requested software but there's a host of other recommendations to SEGA and the petition is equally about altering their perception of what their PC audience may be interested in.

    You can read more about this on NeoGAF.

    Or you can read even more about it via the petition statement and then sign it if you'd like to see virtua fighter 5 show up on a windows machine outside the arcades ;)

    edit on jan 25: Kotaku reported on this and it's probably the cleanest/nicest summary around, read it if you'd like to
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
    Unicorn, ShinobiFist, Ylyon and 2 others like this.


Discussion in 'General' started by TaroYamada, Jan 23, 2014.

    1. IcKY99
      Already signed!
      daRockReaper likes this.
    2. def
      Even though i don't play PC i still signed to show my support.
    3. YOMI
      When will people learn that these don't work and is a joke?
    4. nou
      Still signing. I was part of the original effort, and we ended up getting FS.

      Besides, the butt-hurt about including VF is fun, lol!
    5. TaroYamada
      @YOMI, Somebody didn't pay much attention to Dark Souls :|
      Hououin_Kyouma and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    6. Kamais_Ookin
      Don't worry about him, he's always bitter.
      BeastEG and IcKY99 like this.
    7. Myke
      Signed. Good luck with the petition!
    8. Sudden_Death
      VF5FS on PC? NO....just NO (and im a "PC master race" / steam 4 life, kinda guy!)

      We're asking sega for the trouble of porting this just because a VERY VERY VERY small part of the community wants this??. Do you guys think its worth all the trouble just so 400 people or so can have a PC port?

      Dont do this to sega, its a waste of their time and money. Why do we want it on pc anyway? are we asking them to give us better textures? (unlikely), even higher resolution? (nope). so all we want is a bare bones port then? whats wrong with the console ports?

      There's only one thing that i can think of and that is IF they deliver an even better netcode. that would be a nice sell point, but then again, most likely they want to make a quick and dirty port and not waste time researching and adding new features.

      But fuck it! petition signed. if this becoems a reality, I will be paying $15 JUST for the convenience of starting the game right from my desktop.


      yours truly,

      The Grinch :p

      update: I thought about another reason: preservation? If that is the reason we want this port then...well played, THAT is a good reason and makes my whole post null. Still, its a very poor bullet point to ask sega to make it just for preservation's sake.
      Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    9. nou
      Being able to mod the aesthetics in the game might help. It'd be an easy port job, which is one of the reasons it was chosen. That 400 number is more than the people who bought the game in the U.S.
    10. Myke
      Well, @Sudden_Death, if you bothered to read the petition you'd see that it isn't just for VF5FS :)

      The petition is for a few, initially suggested SEGA titles which they feel could make an easy (or easier) transition to PC:

      But I think the main point, and the reason I signed, was:

      I don't even consider myself a PC gamer, but I would certainly like to see more people play some the great games that I enjoy. I fucking loved Vanquish, and that Virtual Fighting something-something wasn't too shabby the few times I dabbled with it! ;)
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    11. ShinobiFist
      I'm one of the supporters from the original twiiter campaign at NeoGaf. Saying is a waste a time without knowing the facts is funny. It is heavily stated and know that Bayonetta HAS a PC build of the game(displaying the 3D vision tech), and also it uses an early build of the Metal Gear Rising engine as well, the same one they use for Vanquish. VF5FS uses a custom WinsOS that some already manage to hack to get it running on PC's. Steam has proven that niche games make money on their service. XSEED has stated that Y's series has been a success releasing the series on Steam. Look at Skullgirls, MK, Injustice, KOFXIII and SFIV have done on Steam. All those developers say great things on how their games perform financially on Steam. And with Steam sales, the games will have longer success.
      bruciethebeast and Kamais_Ookin like this.
      Having a VF game built for PC will make it much much much easier to play years later (VF4 EVO anyone?). Plus, like how you mention about preservation, it may also open SEGA up to port other non-PC VF games (FT anyone?).
      VFhayato and Kamais_Ookin like this.
    13. Sudden_Death
      I didnt mention any other games, i was only talkign about VF5FS. When I made this post I was merely curious on why exacly do we want a PC port since hardly anybody asked for one.

      If the port is easy to do then yeah, I dont see why not.
    14. Myke
      I guess the "we" you're referring to is us, here on VFDC? We represent a dedicated minority who already have the game, so there's little reason for us to be demanding about another port. We got what we wanted (finally!) and I like to think that our small petition played a part.

      Yep, and I think this is the main point behind the petition. If it's easy and economical to do so, then they're asking SEGA the same question: why not?
    15. TaroYamada
      Hey guys, love the support you're giving us and enthusiasm! Makes me feel goooood.

      Kotaku did a write up a bit ago, it's a good one. Sig count is outdated though, we just passed 4,800 sigs!

      edit: forgot to mention, SEGA has re-recognized us. First recognition of the petition, they previously just recognized our twitter campaign. Platinum has also come onto the neogaf thread and spoken to us. They support us too!

      @Sudden_Death Lots of fighting games do well on PC :) I think we need a 3D fighter in the space and it's a perfect opportunity for sega to expand VF's audience. They'd have a literal monopoly, unless Namco can beat them to it; Harada hinted at a Tekken PC port a few months back IIRC.

      - Taro
      Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
    16. nou
      Actually Tekken is already on the PC via Tekken Revolution.

      Still more VF the better. I'll be building a PC to get acurate ports of older VF games (among other Sega Arcade games), and the series biggest crutch is lack of availability.
      Kamais_Ookin likes this.
    17. TaroYamada
    18. DurViener
      Signed, but not hopeful. If it does, then it will be my incentive to practice more, plus I don't have to use my Xbox or XBL, another plus
    19. MadeManG74
      I would love to have VF on PC, just because PC is quickly becoming my main gaming platform of choice. I really love the convenience and would be amazing to have my favourite fighter on the platform (Especially now as I don't have access to any consoles).

      The other games would be a bonus as well, I'd buy Bayonetta all over again.
      Coroo likes this.

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