new costume ideas

Discussion in 'General' started by aoi ameindei, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    vfdc is slow .....AGAIN
    so im just gonna post another thread ummmmm yeah
    what if each character had a type X
    costume or just some item you want to add ex.a yakuza tatto for jean

    any yeah what costume or item would you add

    now this may just be me but im obessed with my culture ( im indian ) im always trying to get the women in the house ( my sister and mom ) to wear traditional indian sari's they just look so good
    with that said all girls imo should get sari's ( sarah all ready has japanese kimonos and shes american vannessa will wear anything aoi needs a break from kimonos and pai and eillen will look cute )
    FaethonsNemesis likes this.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    I would like to have an indian character in the game. It's like AM2 just think about japan or america when they add people... I mean we have like Akira, Jean, Taka arashi who are from japan; Lau, Pai, Shun, Eillen, Lei-Fei from China and Jacky, Sarah from USA. the others are just 1 character for some countries, like Brad Italy (anyway nobody in italy is named Brad, and if they are they are not 100% italian), Lion from France, Vanessa from Brazil, Jeffry from Australia, Wolf from Canada and El Blaze from Mexico. Where are the other big countries? They considered just italy and france as european countries, where is germany? spain? even the UK? How about Russia? Middle East? there are a tons of countries where people can come from. Also i would prefer to see brad substituted by a thay guy doing muay thay or at least somehow explain why brad is so good in muay thay. They should just tell us that after a defeat he went to thailand to learn muay thay from a great master (i hate brad altought i use him because he's not a true italian).
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  3. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    What about Greece? Normally Jeffry should be from Greece caused he does pancratium( παγκράτιον), ancient greek martial art. Dont forget Greece AM2 :p
    FaethonsNemesis and Mister like this.
  4. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    yeah now that i think of it most english chars look american anyway
  5. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    I would like to see Aoi with more casual wear. Maybe some shorts or regular jeans. And of course more stuff with designs. Alot of her clothing are kind of on the plain side. Also a yakuza tattoo would be nice. Especially for the off the shoulder kimono top.
  6. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Parts to make Wolf more like the Terminator
    More parts to make Shun look like a drunken bum (though I think my version is pretty good)
    More Ogre parts for Taka
  7. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Jean is apparently French, Aoi is supposed to be japanese (akira's childhood friend etc.) and Vanessa has "origin unknown".

    Who knows, she might be from Russia, seeing how she recently obtained bunch of suspiciously Dragunov-looking moves ;)

    I don't care for new costumes, i got my wish fulfillment when they gave vanessa a tie :D

    Although, if you insist, a space marine outfit would be cool. I mean, why not, Kage got a space suit :mad:
  8. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    The fuck, Vanessa is from Brazil!? Since when...?

    Plus if this game needs new characters, why not a Korean? A Tae Kwon Do practitioner would be very welcome...
  9. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    since vf4? :p I read clearly that she's from brasil or at least she uses vale tudo which is from brazil. Anyway i may be wrong but that's how i remember it.

    The problem with the taekwondo practiotioner is a conflict with Sarah Bryant.
  10. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Sarah is technically "Martial Arts" as she uses a mix of TKD, Savate, and something else I can't remember. Though I do see your point. Two characters standing on one leg the entire match might get confusing.
    Mister likes this.
  11. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    I strongly agree with these sentiments, and would love to see a genuine Indian, or any South Asian female fighter appear in VF! Equipping a saree and related accessories (giant naan bread!? :p) would be great fun, and no doubt look amazing.
    With that in mind then, I went ahead and tinkered around with a few outfit options for Vanessa and Pai:

    van1.jpg van2.jpg vane3.jpg pai1.jpg pai2.jpg

    The top one, she is meant to be a Tamil Tiger :eek: Note the henna facepaint. Not pictured is the grenade belt.
    Bottom one (Pai), well, it's sort of Arabian meets West India I suppose. She could even be one of those Kurdish lady fighters they have.

    I'm sure you can do some with the blokes as well, if you play around!
    Sozos and FaethonsNemesis like this.
  12. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    i love the second one which fighting style should the indian fighter have and boy or girl
  13. FaethonsNemesis

    FaethonsNemesis Well-Known Member

    Loved the first 6 pictures of Ameindei and the last 3 of Pai Chun.I have made a more oriental costume of Pai though;)

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