New fightinggame by Sega and Arc System Works (2d)

Discussion in 'General' started by KiwE, May 24, 2005.

  1. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    The company that brought you VF and the company that brought you GGX working together on a fighter? Yup.



    Some info;

    [ QUOTE ]
    The loke test of the arcade game Hokuto no Ken alias Ken The Survivor, developed by SEGA, takes place today! And behold, the arcade game is... a 2D fighting game! The game is played with five buttons: Light Punch, Light Kick, Heavy Punch, Heavy Kick and a "Special Button". Each round lasts 75 seconds. Apparently the game uses several gauges, the "Dipper Gauge", the "Boost Gauge" and the "Aura Gauge". It's possible to create a barrier to protect yourself, the "Aura Guard", although it consumes meter from the Aura Gauge. Seven characters are playable in this build of the game, but the final version should have more. More info and images of the game will be posted when they are revealed.

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    [ QUOTE ]
    - There are 5 buttons: Strong/Weak Punches and Kickes and the special button
    - 1 Round lasts 75 secs
    - Characters at the test were: Kenshirou, Raou, Toki, Jagi, Shin, Rei and Yuda. There were 3 more unselectable.
    - Under the life gauge there is a "Hokuto Shichisei Gauge". You erase a star of the opponent's gauge by hitting him with a "Heavy Strike" or Hissatsu. When the 7 Stars disappear, the Shikessei (Certain Death Star) shines and then the "Ichigeki Hissatsu Ougi" becomes available (like Kenshirou's Hokuto Hyakurestuken).
    - There's a Boost Guage and an Aura Gauge, that fills up when you land a hit or gets hit. When they fill up, you can enter Boost Mode or perform Aura Guards, Hit Cancel or the Kyuukyoku Ougi.

    - The Fifth button does all the cool stuff like the Heavy Strikes, Aura Guards, Rolls, and stuff.

    That's pretty much what's written there.

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    Characters are high res like Guilty Gear
    -Original Anime voices used
    -It?s not known whether it will use the card or not, it didn?t work at the loc test
    Here are the playable characters at the test:
    Kenshirou, Raou, Toki, Jaki, Rei, Shin, Yuda

    There were three more characters that couldnt be used, making it a total of 10 default characters.
    (Maybe they will include Shu, Sauza or Amiba???)

    Game System
    -Button setup is like KOF, plus a boost button
    -Life damage is similiar to Vampire savior. (How it goes down, but if you wait a while some of it comes back.)
    -There is a Boost gauge (Perfect Gaurd, Boost Cancel) and an Oora Gauage (Im guessing thats ORA!ORA!ORA!) that can hold up to 2 stocks, to be used for special moves.
    -The game has gattling combos just like guilty gear, Double Jumps, Air Dashing, Air Guard,
    - You can do an Ariel attack (I?m guessing this is like a knock up, or an air combo or something, ???&#12523 but can?t hit opponents on the ground
    -Weak Punch+Weak Kick gaurd crush ?? (not sure)
    -Strong Punch+Strong Kick, knock up, follow up by pressing up after
    -While Guarding press boost button for perfect guard
    -Press any button when you get knocked down to spring back up
    -During normal attacks you can push the boost button to cancel them (sounds a lot like the roman cancel system)
    -For each character 2 3 6 + strong punch and strong kick gets you a FINISHING MOVE
    -Boost + 66 while gaurding does some sort of dash (author inserts a question mark)
    Kenshiro has a bunch of regonizable moves from the comic
    Rau can?t dash backwards, he jumps back like a kof 94 character
    (A bunch of character discusion, moves and stuff from the comics)

    Summary of the bottom: The game rocks. It feels like a guilty gear-like Hokuto no ken game.

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  2. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Looks very very intresting to me, looking for it!
  3. Pushku

    Pushku Well-Known Member

    Is that "Fist of The Northstar" ?
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


  5. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know what arcade the test is at? , hopefully I can go and get a report for you guys.
  6. neo_knight

    neo_knight Member

    DAT LOOKS SWEET, tbh, then again it is similar to GGX (i love dat game too btw). What site did u get dis info from plz.
  7. neo_knight

    neo_knight Member

    GOOD SUGGESTION OPTIMUS M8, or anyone else there in japan for dat matter. it sure sounds interesting but i cant find any info anywhere /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  8. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    _optimus_ said:

    Does anyone know what arcade the test is at? , hopefully I can go and get a report for you guys.

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    Here is the infomation about the localtest
    from the link it said its at ikebukuroGIGO.

    good luck
  9. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

  10. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Considering this is going to play like GG I'm kinda bummed out.
  11. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:


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    That works too well with your avatar. I can't stop watching it, fuck!
  12. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Femto said:

    Considering this is going to play like GG I'm kinda bummed out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    just because it's made by the same people, implies nothing about the gameplay style, trust that. That's like saying "oh man, darkstalkers totally plays like ST because they are both made by capcom". and besides, FIST OF THE FUCKING NORTH STAR!!!! "You don't know it, but your already dead" /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  13. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Time_Stop from SRK posted the gameplay details and from the looks of that, it's going to play like GG...which is a cool game and all but I was hoping for something different.

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