New HongKong Evo version 2 clips

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by longhair, Jan 15, 2003.

  1. longhair

    longhair Member

  2. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Longhair, you should put your website on you bio too. I only see a blank page there. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif As for the file format, for the best result is .wmv codec using 500kbs setting. I think the encoder is free from MS's website, not too sure tho. Let us know of new media whenever it's up on this very same thread. Thanks for the new clips.
  3. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    And make sure you DON'T use the version 9 codec.
  4. longhair

    longhair Member

    thx for advice
  5. Jui

    Jui Well-Known Member

    Longhair... are you that Shun user who's the first to get 10th dan in HK? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Longhair, there are some chinese speaking people on this board like me. Feel free to ask people to translate anything for you if you need to. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  7. longhair

    longhair Member

    "Longhair... are you that Shun user who's the first to get 10th dan in HK? "

    - Yep I am that lucky guy, but it's meaningless now coz we can't get any new "title" above "10th dan" because of the /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  8. longhair

    longhair Member

  9. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Member

    Hi there !
    I'll be going to Hong Kong in a couple of days and I was wondering if i'd able to find VFEvo easily (only a couple of places in France... /versus/images/icons/mad.gif ).
    Know any good places LongHair ?
  10. longhair

    longhair Member

    Well, there are some good places to play VF4 Evo, roughly about 10 Evo verB in Hongkong. If you want to play with the "best" players in HK, you should go to "prince edward arcade center" in "allied plaza", which located on the Prince Edward. This is the best and the only place that I suggest the tourist should go. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  11. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Member

    Thx a lot longhair... maybe i'll meet u there /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  12. longhair

    longhair Member

    feel free to contact us in "prince edward game center", visit our forum here to asking for help in HK (if u get lose) /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  13. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    TEAM Black Gals the Tri-stars vs TEAM Liquid Metal

    TEAM Year 3 Class-B vs TEAM Shaolin

    TEAM Year 3 Class-B vs TEAM Liquid Metal

    TEAM Black Gals the Tri-stars vs TEAM Shaolin
    Outstanding Vanessa vs Lei-Fei match at the end of this one. /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif

    Excellent matches longhair!!
  14. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    All of the links in this thread so far seem to have atrocious download rates. Any hope of someone hosting them with a faster connection. My DSL rarely has problems, but these all are showing to take around 1 hour for a 4 meg clip.
  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I noticed downloads can be slow from there.
    I mirror the clips on irc :/
    And my max upload is 15Kb/s.
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Exciting matches!

    Somebody please tell the Lion player to go for backstaggers! I lost count of the number of times his opponents would QR when face down feet towards with Lion doing nothing about it! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif [3][K]!!!
  17. longhair

    longhair Member

  18. reggaemonk

    reggaemonk Member

    Yo, Longhair, it's "flower monk" here...
    good to see you here too..push push.. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  19. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  20. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member


    slow is an understatement..
    after multiple took me a good 10 hrs to DL the clip n usually I can dl a 20 meg clip in under 2 mins lol



    For those who were interested in what they were saying,

    Basically the start of the clip had interviews...asking the players who they think would be the first person to rank up to 10tn dan...names that were tossed around were captain, wrx, etc etc etc n some other funny bits.

    Of coz, long hair (thanks for posting all those vids...look forward to seeing u in HK when SARS is over) won...

    n the first thing he said was
    ' I think it's a total fluke that I won, shun is too strong, i look forward to ver B'

    Alas, Shun actually became stronger in ver B ^0^

    Awesome clip...well done Hans
    Well done PKG~

    MORE !

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