Newbie Question--How do you hold the stick?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by leoPirate, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. leoPirate

    leoPirate Member

    Hey guys. I'm new to this forum and have a question. I bought VF5, for 360, the day it came out and love it. Yesterday I picked up Hori's Arcade Fighting Stick; I'm now in a world of pain. XD

    I don't seem to have a problem with button input. I've programmed them to be the same as the arcade. I actually find it easier. The real kicker for me seems to be movement with that darn clicky stick. For those of you who are seasoned arcade veterans or own a Hori stick, I ask, how do you hold it?

    I one time saw a pro player hold the ball part of the stick like a wine glass. Ever since then, I've copied that style. However, from recent online and offline play sessions, I don't think that's the most effective hold. Can anyone assist an upcoming Akira player in need?
  2. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    It's really all up to you. Whatever makes it he easiest to perorm all the moves. Just go through dojo mode using different grips
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    What Fulaani said, the style is free. There is really no 'pro' way of holding the stick. Just use what feels most comfotable. Personally I usually try to hold the stick as lightly as possible and move it with combination of fingers and wrist.
  4. leoPirate

    leoPirate Member

    Thanks guys. I've been playing more and it seems that all I really needed to do was get used to playing with the darn thing. XD I'm pulling off moves more consistently now. ^_^

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