next week in So Cal

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by akiralove, Feb 23, 2002.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Hey, do people from last week want to get together this week again for another session?

    I know plague is busy, and I think chandlerz is too, but how about brisal, grib and vf4akira?

    I'll offer my place, since it's somewhat central.

    Monday or Thursday is best for me (but I think those days are problematic for others...). It could be any night, really.

    Who's game?

    Bryan (Spotlite)
  2. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Im starting my new job this week so I can't get together unless its Saturday Night. If thats ok with you I can either meet at AI or your house. Whatever is better. I know you work but I was thinking a late night session 11pm or so. If not saturday the first week of March I will be much better. To VfAkira if ever interested in going to Bryan's house just meet up at my house and I'll drive you the rest of the way. Anyways let me know what everyone wants to do. Brisal73(Brian w/ a.. I )
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Catherine and I would like to meet up again at AI during the week starting March 3. Monday night through Saturday will work out as long as we have a day or two advance notice.
  4. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    monday is always best for me, and it's much easier for me to get to your place than AI.

  5. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    well, that's one for tommorow... I'm gonna PM vf4akira to see if he can make it. If he can, let's go ahead with tommorow.

  6. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    hate to do this to you, but actually monday night (for this week) has become bad for me =] As usual, the culprit is crazy deadline evilness... there's really nothing I can do about it. Still, at least I'm getting some kumite in while I compile (5th dan now... progress... so... slow!)

  7. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    I've been offline for a few days. Damn computer kept crashing. Anyway, I should be able to meet up on Sat or Sun (3/2,3/3) at AI or at spotlite's place if he still wants to host. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Sunday night (3-3) would be good for Catherine and I to meet everyone at AI, especially since vf4akira is willing to make the trek from San Diego. If not Sunday, then Catherine and I are definitely going on Tuesday.
  9. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Sunday is good for me to, but we can we meet around 5 or 6pm. I can't stay out to late.Let me know.- brian
  10. Curify

    Curify Member

    Wow, I haven't been on these boards in forever. And I haven't played VF4 in a long time, either. People actually play here, now? I think spotlite was the only one for the longest time. And you guys meet at AI these days? :meh: Ah well, that's too bad. I guess I know where to find people if I feel like trekking out to AI.
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    6 pm, Sunday actually sounds pretty good.
  12. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Actually, Sunday around 5 or 6p sounds good to me. I don't like to be out too late since I have to make that long drive back home.
  13. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure if I can make it on sunday or not, but I'll try.

    Just curious, but it seems like no one's interested in playing the on PS2 for get-togethers. Any particular reason everyone's so attached to AI? I like AI too, it's a really nice machine in a nice arcade.

    But the PS2 version is the lastest version of the game, and we can enjoy all the extra features, using the same sticks etc. In less than 2 weeks, the US version will be available as well. I know plague and brisal live near AI, but since gribbly doesn't have a car, I usually end up giving him a ride. By the time I get to AI, to grib's in Santa Monica, and back home again, it usually ends up being about 75 miles of driving for me. I know that vf4Akira has to come far, and that if people come to my house, they have to drive a good ways in some cases as well.

    I guess I just feel like if we're going to go out of the way, shouldn't we at least get to play ver. C, for free /versus/images/icons/wink.gif?

    Anyway, hope I can make it sunday.

  14. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    nice to see you again. do you still go to shgl? everyone goes to AI because they have a really nice cabinet. Maybe when people meet in LA, you could join in sometime.

  15. Curify

    Curify Member

    No, I haven't been going to either place since the drives to both places are on the time+gas consuming side. Yes, I should, but we'll see. Did they throw the cabinet into the back with all of the other sit-down japanese cabinets?
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Where the VF4 is

    Last time I was there, they had the machine at the right end of the row of Megalo 410 cabinets. There's a machine up against its left side, but there is breathing room on the right.
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    driving distance

    Vf4Akira and Chandlerz (I believe he is in San Diego area as well) win the distance award as far as I'm concerned (their round trips to AI are probably more than 200 miles). PS2 VF4 at Spotlite's place would be a 100 to 110 mile round trip for Catherine and I. This is certainly possible for us and we'll consider it once we have US PS2 VF4 in our home and get used to our controllers. Also, I imagine we'll open our home to fight nights as well.

    For now, we're looking forward to Sunday night. See you all about 6:00 pm.

  18. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah, distance is the biggest factor for me. Although I don't mind the drive once in a while, I'd rather not have to drive more than necessary. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif Still, I would like to get together and play ver C, since playing ver B anymore doesn't make much sense to me.

    Probably the only reason I'd rather play at AI is that there are other games there I like to play. San Diego doesn't have a decent arcade anywhere as far as I'm concerned.

    See everybody on Sunday.
  19. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    I agree about ver. B... it would be cool to play ver. C, since it's the better balanced game. Personally I'm keen to start meeting up and playing PS2 VF4 regularly -- that way we can use custom characters, etc.

  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Great games tonight

    Thank you to everyone who made the trip. We had quite a turnout.

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