Ninja Gaiden

Discussion in 'General' started by SummAh, Mar 6, 2004.

  1. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Ok..I got it...n there are my PERSONAL opinions.

    A) gfx are good, but I still think cream goes to PDO...more complex etc etc etc

    B)IZUNA DROP...cannot go wrong with it

    C)grenade kunai XD good fun to blow things up

    D)cool moves, fuma shuriken....cannot go wrong with that

    E) ninja gaiden 1 ,2 and 3 for free...KICK ASS!


    A) hello devil may cry orbs (collecting them is a pain)

    B) hello onimusha gaiden!

    C) yippe! another ninja clan gone down the drain!

    D) hmmm, where's my cat?

    E) A tad on the easy walk in the park..but definitely not as hard as gamescrub(spy) made it sound out to be.

    F)Hayabusa's costume...>.<

    G)camera is possibly worse then shinobi..I hardly need to centre camera view...thanks to the niffy lock on...this auto lock in NG is plain...dumb at times...I aim at boss, but hayabusa goes after the lackies..wasting my charge attack >.<

    It's vastly differently from shinobi or the old gaiden games.

    This time, there's lotsa exploring...backtracking...lotsa see see look look 'ooooh' moments...

    No kasumi is a bonus, I hate her tits like no tomorrow.

    quite simple learning curve..once U are at stage 3... you should be able to figure out how to use walls to roll..what is good, what is bad....

    Because I've played the wall run aspects in ninja gaiden were pretty basic to me...just a matter of knowing which wall to use to own advantage..

    Controlling hayabusa is a hit or a slight miss.
    Controls beautifully during combat.

    Yet, it is when there are absolutely no enemies...that I absolutely hate hayabusa.

    This is what u get for mistaking a bullet proof vest as ninja get up..

    SO FAT, SO HUGE ASS(Itakagi, I knew u am a pervert! u wouldn't even spare a bloke's bum!), SO SLOW!

    Overall, it's been two good yrs for action sword swinging games.

    Onimusha 3, shinobi, kunoichi, NG...

    Get em all.

    Note : my biggest fucking pissed off gripe is reading reviews saying ' u die alot..but it's's fun!'....

    now compared to shinobi or kunoichi..u get 'u die too easily...making it fun...if u idea of fun is to get killed by boss more than 20 times, then shinobi is ur game'...

    So tecmo make gamers feel better when they die?

    oh btw, did u guys know...since NG got released, lotsa ppl are saying shinobi is EASY XD.

    Wonder why they were complaining it was hard in the first place then...

  2. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

  3. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    The game is pretty badass but I dind't find it nearly as hard as Devil May Cry, they can kill you easily but its because of that fucking camera, you see Shurikens coming out of nowhere, they still don't do that much damage but is anoyng.
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Seriously, I was surprised when people were telling me how hard the game is. The game doesn't offer any sort of challenge unless you play the hard mode. Even then it's still a basic "block and counter" system. The only challenge is the bosses, but you can exploit the rolling to avoid throws. Onimusha 3 is tons more harder since blocking in that game is not so overpowering like in NG. I question many of the good reviews that NG have gotten if the reviewer thinks the game is hard. They obviously have not played NG or action games in general enough. Regardless, it's still a decent game, and top of the class when it comes to the graphics.
  5. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    It's an action game that they can win..thus it is fun!

    I am still trying to find depth in the game..unsuccessful so far.

    For a game that 'copied' tons from other's not improving on anything.

    Camera is the worst...I rather take DMC or Onimusha camera anyday...

    So much for itakagi's comment on how camera will never be a problem in NG.

    IMO, Onimusha 3 is the superior game.
  6. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Camera does suck.

    Other than that, I think it's a fun game. The wide variety of moves and combos you can do make the game more entertaining. It's length is also refreshing. I think is more action games provided a wider variety of combos, and lengthened the game, then a lot of their shortcomings would be fixed. Onimusha 1 & 2 are excellent games, but they are pretty short, and you do have only one or 2 combos per weapon. Still good games though.

    I don't know about Ninja Gaiden being easy though. Maybe I just haven't gotten the feel for the game, but I found it to be pretty difficult. Hard mode is especially difficult. This is considering that I (almost) beat Shinobi in about 2 playthroughs (can't remember exactly how long). The only thing I couldn't beat was the last boss... and I would have if I wouldn't have had to return the game. The difficulty in Ninja Gaiden primarily comes with the amount of damage enemies can do, and their reactions to you. Once you're in about 4-5 chapters, it gets pretty hard. Enemies react pretty realistically, especially those black ninjas (ouch).

    In conclusion, as much as I HATE Itagaki, I think that team ninja put together a pretty well made game, even if it is just a polished copy of Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, and Onimusha all thrown into one.
  7. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    Man one thing that sucked is the Tournament, I tough It was a tournament between players fighting in an Arena but it was just a race who finished the game first, no Co-op or Multyplayer.
  8. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    yea i agree it's a combination of many different games thrown together. But it was thrown together quite well. There is just tons of shit that hyabusa can do. Fuck I haven't even used all of his moves yet.

    As for depth well maybe there is not much. But i haven't had this much fun running / jumping off walls trying to get to that treasure chest sitting on a ledge in the sky. The game is great!

    Just 3 complaints on my end. THE FUCKING CAMERA SUCKS BALLZ! MY GOD AFTER ALL THESE DELAYS YOU WOULD THINK THEY WOULD HAVE FIXED THIS. In wide open areas it's not so bad. But in narrow spaces or if your close to a wall, *sigh* just forget about it. It's quite painfully. My other complaint is, although the game is not to difficult. Being surround can really get you pissed off quick. I remember I was surround by 5 of those black spider ninjas and I just could not get an attack in, unless it was a counter attack. So I found myself using a healing item just about every 5 seconds because I was trying to fighting without counter attacking, because if you use just that it kind of takes the fun out of the game. Last, just like the camera, in narrow places the controls can just make you want to fling the pad sometimes. You can't line up correctly because the camera is pissing on you so you just take a gamble and then the controls fuck you cause it can be kind of sluggish.

    well im done, back to playing. I am going to try and beat it tonight so I can check out hard mode and see if presents a worthy challenge like Devil May Cry.

    btw my english sucks. i don't even know if what i typed makes sense. I'm half drunk. Later
  9. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    my only gripe can fucking ign n gamespy etc etc etc all overlook the camera n gave the game close to full marks?

    I see the recent thread by gamespy as extremely disturbing..

    As long as it's a sega game..very harsh

    When it's a tecmo game...they put on their 'can i suck ur dick' mask n go all out.

    Oh what am I saying..these guys are PROFESSIONALS!

    It's their job! They know what they like to suck.

  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    If the enemies or the bosses are hard to you, you are not using counter, wall attack, shruikens, or the ultimate attack well enough. When enemies show up, block and roll to a wall, then do the wall attack and take out one or two guys. When they drop essences, roll away from the remaining enemies and throw shruikens at the end of your roll to slow the enemies down. Then hold Y to suck in the essence, it takes less then a second to do this, when the enemies recover from the shruiken hits and run at you, release your ultimate attack. In between this set of attacks, if you ever find your self overwhelmed, either just roll away to a wall, or use the counter attack to ease up the situation.

    On the bosses, try to take out the minions as quickly as possible, and use the ultimate attack on them. You can take out 1/4 of health if you do the stronger version of the attack. Some bosses don't have minions, if that's the case, they have a really easy pattern. Such as the lightning dude on top of the blimp, roll towards him until he tries for melee attack. Block the first hit, hit him 3 times. Time your roll to avoid the throw, then hit 3 times. Repeat. He won't even be able to touch you.

    If you do the things I say, the game is really simple even on hard. It'll minimize the damage you take, maximize the damage you deal, and give you the highest amount of combo and essence.

    Regardless, the camera is useless..... I find myself constantly resetting it. It would have been much better if they just used the fixed camera system in the capcom games.
  11. BLooDBLaZe

    BLooDBLaZe Well-Known Member

    This game is great, you guys are nit-picking way too much. You get used to the camera after playing for 20 hours or so, hehe.
  12. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

  13. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Well, I kinda have to agree with the comment on old gamers growing up and not having time really to dedicate to a game.
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    This past weekend I sat down with some of my friends to play ninja gaiden. They had previously believed the game to be hard, and then I showed them how to play, now they are getting master ninjas on hard mode. I don't even consider the way they play to be that technical compared to what I do or what I've seen possible in the game, and now they share the same view that the game is too easy. Ryu simply have way too much overpowering moves that makes him next to invincible.
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Well I finally beat it on Tuesday. My final thoughts! I really liked it. I think I was being a little hard on it. I will admit the camera can be a pain. But after about 10 hours of playing the problem was non existant. I only realized there was a camera problem when I was close to a wall. As for the difficulty. I'll toss that up in the air. Ryu does have a lot of over powering moves. But even with them I still toss it up in the air. Some times depending on the enemy or boss these over power moves were useless. You are forced to go back to using tactics and not just hitting X+A then [6]+Y. I would definitely play it again. I like the way all the different levels stream together. Even though most of his abilities are nothing new. I find that Team Ninja has done the best job with those abilities, such as wall climbing. I did wish he could cling to walls a little bit longer though.
    I take back all the bad stuff I said about the game in my previous post. I will say it's not what I expected after waiting 15 years for a sequel. But still it was a nice experience.

    Wait I guess I do have a complaint. I really, really really hate games that have under water scenes /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif. hahaha that's only because I have a fear of water. Yea I know I am a pussy. But everyone is afraid of something and mines is being in deep waters. So it took me forever to get through that scene only cause I would be scared to swim to the next room. hahahahahaha The other thing, I really hate the fact that when you beat the game you can not keep any of the stuff you collected previously. I think for all the trouble you go through it would be nice to at least keep your currency so you can level up the wood sword or something. I only got it to level 3 and I hear it's a pretty powerful. Being able to keep the stuff you collected and change the difficulty level would have made my experience way more enjoyable. *SIGH* I guess this is why I still play Devil May Cry every once in a while. I will never erase that game save. Being able to tackle Dante Must Die mode when ever I choose without having to recollect everything. Now that's a bonus. Sure Ninja Gaiden 1, 2, and 3 are great. But I would rather keep the stuff I collected and play through the game again.

    Ok I'm done repeating myself. Honestly I think I am going to go play it again right now.
  16. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    while i honestly feel that the camera is fucking crap at boss fights...i still believe in this in any 3d game that i play.

    ' the camera can be manipulated to ur advantage'...that is, if the camera was robustly designed!

    So far NG camera imo, suck balls most during boss fights...but can be overcomed with 'feel' n knowledge of how camera works.

    I just find the game simple...which is my gripe considering he made EXTRA EFFORT TO SAY IT OUT LOUD that NG is supposed to be very hard.

    I mean, shit, aside from damage dealt to Ryu being ridiculously stupidly high...the game isn't hard at all.
    So to overcome it, the answer is really simple.

    Don't get hit.

    n When the AI repeats in such brain dead's not that hard at all.

    I just don't feel the rush when I play NG. It's a very slow pace game..slow fighting...

    Yet I will give Itakagi this..

    The game is not bad at all...polished...keeps u going each time because you are interested in seeing new areas...and now it's all connected n stuff...GFX wise, it is good..but certainly not the best. See PDO n FEEL THE REAL POWER!
  17. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    hmmm ... well from what I'm hearing I need to try Onimusha 3 now =).

    I am enjoying playing Ninja Gaiden but it still gets difficult sometimes. Srider, how do you deal with the machinegun/rocket guys effectively. Usually I dash in with the really fast forward jumping slash and then jump on a wall and use the jumping blue slash =P Don't know the names of the moves, sorry. I find it fun to take them on with regular attacks because it's more fun going toe to toe, but if I'm dying I'll use that above tactic.
  18. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    plz do...onimusha 3 kicks serious ass...

    has just enuff kick ass moments n 'WTF' moments to keep u going n going n going.

    Plus the spoilers allowed ^^
  19. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    How do they both compare combat wise to DMC though since thats the main element in all these games.

    Both Onimusha 1 and 2's combat were good by normal standards but not so good after playing alot of DMC but I guess they were hindered by pre rendered backgrounds and a fixed camera.

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