North East Championship(Nec8) in Philly 12/1-2-07

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BigE_23, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. BigE_23

    BigE_23 Member

    North East Championship(NEC8) in Philly


    NorthEast Championship (NEC8) in Philly

    OK players here we go again this is the thread for NEC8 in Philadelphia Pa. America's Best INN(2015 Penrose Av.) (215-336-4516)--South Philadephia, 3 miles from the airport.) will be the location of NEC8.

    Room will be $60.00 per nite, plus tax at the hotel.--(When you call ask for NEC8 Discount, only for the 1st and 2nd of Dec.)

    (Four players $30.00 per player, will pay for the whole weekend.)

    I WILL POST MORE INFO ON THE HOTEL later this is an easy place to get to.


    The date of NEC8 will be December, 1st and 2nd in that 2 days there will be anywhere from 25-30 games.

    I have change a lot of entry fee so players can have some kind of money left over to do other things with like eat and party or do what ever. I think this will help the numbers in some of the smaller games to.

    There will be a Team Tournament's this year the Team games will be MVC2, GGXX--AC, and CVS2,SC3,Tk5, 3S, so get your team mates together before you get here please (you have 3 months to do this)

    All the rules will be the same as all the tournament Ive thrown (this will be treated like an arcade version tournament). (CVS2 you can change your players order)

    We will have anywhere between 2 MasSticks available for use. Other then that you can bring your own controllers. We will have between 25 - 30 TVs available for the tournament
    and there will be 5 games TVs & games open for casual play.

    You also can bring your own sytem and T.V. if you want something else to play thats not on the game list but let me know b4 hand.

    Player's i will be adding extra money and prize's, to all the games starting next month.

    Some games will get as much $250.00 in cash and prizes added to the pot.(Depend's on the number of player's)

    There will be a $15 Registration Fee per player.

    And to the players that come just to Watch(NON-Tournament Players) you will also have to pay the $5.00 Registration FEE.

    Tournament will be double elim 2-out-3, semi--3-out of-5-winner/loser-semi 2-out of-3, winner finals-4-out of 7/ loser finals-3out of-5
    List of games,dates, times, & entry fees:

    Saturday 12-1-2007

    We will start all the tournament game one after another sign up and entry fee will be collect between 9am and 1pm.

    Team Tournament: 12-1-2007

    2pm Start time

    MVC2 Team -- $10.00 per player

    CVS2 Team -- $10.00 per player

    GGXX(AC) Team--$10.00 per player-( before reg tournament)

    SC3 Team--$5.00 per player-(before reg tournament)

    3S Team-- $5.00 per player(Random teams)

    TK5 DR team--$10.00 per player

    MVC2--3 on 3
    CVS2''' 2 on 2
    GGXX AC- 3 on 3
    SC3- 3 on 3
    3S- 3 on 3
    TK5 DR-2 on 2 or 3 on 3 (i will leave it up to the players)

    SC3 -- start time will be 4pm entry fee will be $10.00--Ps2

    SC2--after or before SC3 i will leave it up to the players which game start first. entry fee $5.00

    TK5 DR--entry fee will be $10.00--ps3

    TTT--After Tk5 reg tournament.

    GGXX(AC)-entry fee $10.00--ps2

    CVS2--entry fee--$10.00 5pm start time--Ps2

    3S--entry fee--$10.00 5pm start time--Ps2

    DOA4--6pm--start time- Entry fee--$15.00

    MVC2 low Tier Entry fee--$5.00--DC--Start time 7pm

    VF5--entry fee--$7.00 6pm start time

    MVC1--entry fee--$2.00 8pm start time

    Sunday 12-2-2007

    MVC2--entry fee--$10.00 2pm start time--

    A2--entry fee--$3.00 6pm start time--ps2

    ST--entry fee--$7.00 3:30pm start time--ps2

    A3--entry fee--$5.00 3pm start time--ps2

    Hyper Fighting--entry fee $5.00 3:30pm start time--ps2

    MBAC--$5.00--(DG will run this tournament info below)

    UMK Entry fee-- $5.00--4pm start time--(Shock will run this tournament)

    KOF XI entry fee $5.00--5pm start time--ps2--(DG)

    Arcana Heart entry fee--$5.00--3:00pm start time

    Halo 3--entry fee $5.00--5pm start time.

    KI--entry fee $2.00--5pm start time--i will add $50.00 to the pot.

    NEC8 SNK 2007-2008! Philly, 12-1 to 12-2-07 SNK Season II Starts where it began!!
    All right..time is break is ending ..Time to start planning for NEC8!!!

    Hope you all have enjoyed your post EVO World break..its time now for some more SNK Madness!

    Since Eric has one KOF confirmed in the lineup I wont have that in there..I will assume its KOF MIRA unless noted otherwise..

    So now taking signups..start off the new SNK Year With a Clean Slate and a Bang!!

    Shall Triad Showdown IV happen in Philly again????


    Sit-back Saturday-
    1.King of Fighters NeoWave-$3: DG, Hyperhal, Rusheddown
    2.Waku Waku 7-$3: DG, Hyperhal, Rusheddown, Master Chibi
    3.Neo Geo Battle Coliseum-$5 : DG, Hyperhal,Rusheddown, SieClayton
    4.Kabuki Klash- $1 :DG, Hyperhal,Rusheddown

    SERIOUS Sunday-

    1.Real Bout Fatal Fury Special-$1 : DG, Hyperhal, Master Chibi, Rusheddown, caliagent,
    2.King of Fighters XI-$5: DG, Hyperhal, Rusheddown,Kayin,Rick_Son
    3.Samurai Showdown Tenka-$5 :DG, Hyperhal, Master Chibi, Rusheddown, caliagent,
    4.Breakers Revenge-$5 : DG, Hyperhal, Master Chibi, Rusheddown, caliagent,Rick_Son

    Sign up sign up!!
    -EVO World 2007 SST/NeoWave 2nd place!!
    -First Mago went down in NGBC, next is Keeroc!!!!!!!
    ***Member of Empire Arcadia***

    Attn: All Those who whill be attending NEC8:

    I will add more games to this list in the next few weeks.

    This is gonna be the UMK3 *Universal Championship* people, so start practicing so you can represent come Dec 2nd.
    Ok, here's the rule set for Soul Calibur 3:

    Double Elimination
    3 out of 5 rounds
    60 seconds
    2 out of 3 games - Early rounds
    3 out of 5 games - Grand Finals

    Soul Calibur 3

    Zasalamel re-throw 46B+G banned (single cancel + follow-up allowed)
    Custom (Create-A-Soul) Characters Banned

    Post GI VC
    All Stages
    Custom Colors (provided memory card)
    Bonus Characters

    Other than that, enjoy yourselves.

    Anything else is fair game. Anything I missed?
    Players i will be updating this thread damn near every day so don't flip out if you don't see something that i forgot.

    More info to come soon...



    I want this to be the BEST NEC ever but i can only do it with the players help. There will be food and drinks available to purchase for cheap.

    So that's it for now so for more info are to sign up just post or e-mail me I need your first and last name, the state your from and game(s) you will be in.

    This tournament is not to make a profit but to bring the street fighter community together. The money made will go toward buying cabinets. So anybody that wants to help out with the tournament just pm or email me. We can alays use extra help, TVs, and things.

    Yo players here is some area hotel info give them an call all Hotels are around the airport area and within an Mile of the tournament hotel)

    Hotel deals: I'm trying to get the same deal i had last year for the rooms.

    I will post more info, on this friday.

    Embassy Sites Hotel-- 9000 Bartram Ave--215-863-0567

    Extended Stay America--9000 Tinicm Blvd--215-492-6766

    Fairfield Inn--8800 Bartram Ave--215-365-2254

    Hampton Inn--8660 Bartram Ave--215-966-1300

    Microtel Inn & Suites--8840 Bartram Ave--215-492-0700

    Four Points-- 4101 Island Ave--215-492-0400

    Holiday Inn-- 10 & Packer Ave--215-755-9500 or 215-755-1621

    Westin Hotels & Resorts---1-800-937-8461

    Players call NOW don't wait and call them all. and will post Bus routes Thurs.

    Also you can catch an Cab from any of these locations for cheap to and from the Tournament Hotel


    I stay have to update this page with more stuff so stay tune.


  2. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    DENKAI YOURE SCREWED!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    The default controls have mapped buttons though. I kinda got use to them but i really don't neeed them to play correctly.
  4. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    I dont need to map buttons to place High and take you out flash!!
  5. BigE_23

    BigE_23 Member

    The players can decide what kind of button mapping will be allowed. Sorry about that i will correct post.
  6. FightClubHuBBs

    FightClubHuBBs Well-Known Member

    damn lotsa games I am looking forward to playing.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    sounds like I might actually be able to make this one!
  8. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    I'll be there.
  9. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    anyone know how much it will be for VF yet?
  10. HerkDawgIII

    HerkDawgIII Member

    I'll be there. Gotta Friend who SHOULD be there. Hope he's ready. He's the THIRD guy in the Herk/Tricky vids!!!! He plays a DAMN good El Blaze!
  11. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. I think I might have the means to go to this but no button mapping is a big problem. I play pad so I map my throw button since I can't button buffer like
    Tekken. This rule is not real right because in the NVGA, Evo or any other tournament that I go to you can map your buttons on a pad.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Not trying to flame but, why do you introduce yourself every post? we can see your tag
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: North East Championship(Nec8) in Philly 12/1-2

    <span style='font-size: 14pt'>The introduction exists, among other reasons, to elicit what you just wrote above</span> <span style='font-size: 8pt'>(I asked him about it when he was at my house /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif)</span>
  14. EscapingJail

    EscapingJail Active Member

    Re: North East Championship(Nec8) in Philly 12/1-2

    Will this tourney be run on Xbox 360 or PS3?
  15. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Re: North East Championship(Nec8) in Philly 12/1-2

    yo this is DancingFighter_F. u just can't hate on DFG son...u just cant. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  16. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Re: North East Championship(Nec8) in Philly 12/1-2

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. LOL!!
  17. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: North East Championship(Nec8) in Philly 12/1-2

    consider my question answered o_0
  18. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    Re: North East Championship(Nec8) in Philly 12/1-2

  19. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    can someone pleae update the first post and display the TRUE schedule? thanx! i just wanna know what day/time VF is being played..
  20. BigE_23

    BigE_23 Member

    Sorry players about the delay.

    VF5 will be on Ps3.

    Button mapping will be allowed.

    And i will post a real tournament time by next weekend.


    Player's here is some early numbers for you guys:

    MVC2--41 players

    CVS2--39 players

    3S--66 players

    TK5-DR--85 players

    GGXX-AC--55 players

    SC3 26 players

    AH--26 players(lets go players)

    DOA4--22 players

    ST--32 players

    A3--10 players

    Halo3--9 players

    MBAC--10 players(lets go players)

    Kof--21 players.

    So let's go players if your sure you will be able to make it pre-reg.

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