November Issue of Arcadia: Translation Help?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by sixtwo, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    A co-worker of mine picked up the lastest issue of Arcadia Magazine while in Japan, and while browsing it I noticed an intervew with my favorite Japanese VF player, Tsuchikumo. There's also some vs. strategy for Wolf, Jeff, Kage, Shun, and Lion, as well as some Evo2k3 coverage with Oshu and Chibita, and a mini strategy section for Lei-Fei. But by far and away, my curiosity lies in the Tsuchikumo interview. My Japanese is mediocre and getting worse without practice, so personally deciphering is virtually out of the question. Any chance anyone out there with a copy could lend a little translation help? I'm sure there's some general goodness in the whole section that could use some translation too.

    Thanks in advance.

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