NYC Top Gun Tournament / Gathering Footage

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, Jun 4, 2003.

  1. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Terminator said:
    The tournament didn't show how good we all really are.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean tournament didn't show how good you really are. Imf, kazu, nelson, rodney, namflow all did great in the tournament. Don't discredit them because you got owned.
    And it's lame to see a gaming figure like yourself dissing your partner in public.
  2. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    Don't discredit them because you got owned.
    And it's lame to see a gaming figure like yourself dissing your partner in public.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  3. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Shang i think that's a compliment more than anything. I don't see the need for getting angry. Meaning that the best play wasn't in a tourney. You could use the same analogy for chibita.
    Don't sound bitter my friend lets all play vf and have fun
  4. Zakuta

    Zakuta Well-Known Member

    Ryan was dissing who again? You must be on some unknown hunt for something here, brother! /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  5. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    You mean tournament didn't show how good you really are. Imf, kazu, nelson, rodney, namflow all did great in the tournament. Don't discredit them because you got owned.
    And it's lame to see a gaming figure like yourself dissing your partner in public.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    reputation has a nasty after-taste, even though it's pretty clear that he was not trying to diss anyone in your tone. from my point of view, it simply seems as though he has witnessed better play comming from the same group of people.

    even if he DID get owned.. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  6. Tsuujin

    Tsuujin Well-Known Member

    Oi Shang, why bother opening your mouth if you've got nothing good to say, do you really think people are interested in reading your slander? Who do you think you are anyway? I never cussed you, I thought you were a decent guy when I met you at the gathering. The net changes people for the worst I say. If you had something to say why say it now? You could have just said it to my face in NY.

    Partner? What partner? I didn't choose to be partnered with Mark, he didn't choose to be partnered with me, how are we partners then?

    Dissing my Partner? I don't even think I dissed him but anyway even if I did, so what? he doesn't even play VF that much or that seriously, and I play vf only to be the very best I can be and try to compete with the world's strongest players so wouldn't it be quite normal if I commented (in public) about being forced to play in a 2 on 2 tourney with a non serious vf player? About saying things in public, Im not ashamed of what I think so why do I need to hide behind closed doors and whisper? If I've got something to say, I say it, just like you've said what you've said on this forum, it's totally normal. Or I guess you would rather someone was nice to someone's face and then snorted bad things about them behind their back. Guess that tells us what kind of person you must be. he he. Anyway who the hell can say I got owned, you lot are all crazy if thats what you think, I taught IMF those tactics that he used at the gathering and I taught Kazu and A.Yuki some things too, I improved almost everyone's game there. I taught most people there, go ahead and ask them yourselves, anyone at all. I owned everyone at the gathering. A couple of matches in a tourney doesn't mean anything. The tournament means nothing, my opponents only had to beat me twice but I had to beat them four times to win so whatever, thats not exactly fair is it. Also cos I had to get up in between matches to let Mark play I couldn't even get into a flow either. Why do you think I was automatically paired off with Mark without any questions anyway? Cos it was obvious I would win if I played alone thats why. The tourney was a handicap match for me, but I had fun anyway though, I don't know why your trying to cause trouble Shang.

    In your post you said that everyone else did well in the tourney but have you actually asked them that personally? NO YOU HAVE NOT and I have so stop muttering words from facts you don't have!!

    Anyway I'm happy for IMF/Blonde 1/Kazu/Adam, good on them, I hope they become very strong one day, I think they all have great potential, I've helped them on their road to success.

    Mark is a really nice guy and I like him, I hope he practices and becomes sick at evo too. So what if he isn't that good at vf, at least he's a nice person and doesn't paste jealousy all over forums about people he'll never be better than.
  7. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Terminator said:
    The tournament didn't show how good we all really are.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You mean tournament didn't show how good you really are. Imf, kazu, nelson, rodney, namflow all did great in the tournament. Don't discredit them because you got owned.
    And it's lame to see a gaming figure like yourself dissing your partner in public.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn Shang, this is really strong language, and I have to agree for the most part with Terminator. All he was saying was that, all of the fighters were even better than the play that they exhibited in the tournament, and they played better during the practice type matches, which is why they were posted.

    Saying he got owned, is probably exaggeration, and even if it is not, no VF player should ever rub it in someone's face EVER. Posts like these are the kind that give VF players a bad name.

    Yes we all know that the game (VF) is difficult to be consistently good at, and it takes alot of practice and understanding. He even hopes that one of the players keeps practicing and gets better. Saying someone got "owned" is not going to make them want to play VF at all, negative criticism is a huge deterent from activities. Instead of always criticizing each other, lending suggestions is much more helpful.

    Whenever I beat my friends, I don't get up and scream things like, "oh you suck, loser! Ha ha!" and , "omg you got owned, why don't you go play Mario newb!"

    Instead we both usually laugh a little, and say things like, "your high guard needs work man," or " YOU RELEASE GAURD AFTER ONE FRAME HOW HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif"

    Let's keep the posts at a moderate level, and not attack each other please. No one wants to see other members attacking each other. And I like the clips on this thread and would like to see more.

  8. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    I'm not getting involved in this but:

    "All he was saying was that, all of the fighters were even better than the play that they exhibited in the tournament, and they played better during the practice type matches, which is why they were posted."

    Those clips were posted because they were the only ones available at the time and hopefully soon we will get the tournament footage up.
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    fuck off, catsammich

    Shang's reply has been around long enough that if you had a real opinion and were not just a "look at me" poster you would have had something to say before Ryan came back online.

    <font color="green">come on and let me shout shout </font>
  10. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GodEater said:

    fuck off, catsammich

    Shang's reply has been around long enough that if you had a real opinion and were not just a "look at me" poster you would have had something to say before Ryan came back online.

    <font color="green">come on and let me shout shout </font>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have life outside this board (do you?), and can't check every damn message here. When I get around to it, I post messages, if I don't reply the moment after someone posts who cares, as long as I reply.

    I work, go out, hang with friends, and have other activites that "interfere" with making posts here. And STFU about saying I have "look at me" posts, you are a hypocrite.

    The first words of your post are "fuck off", that is a 'look at me' post.
  11. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I have life outside this board (do you?),

    [/ QUOTE ]

    heh. dude. you own, like every third post on this site right now. don't delude yourself.

    and if you think my post was anything besides telling you to fuck off then I'm going to have to review my mental image of you: now i'm considering the possiblity that your avatar might be a self-portrait.

    worst part of the resurrgence of this thread is that I actually thought there were going to be videos released. bummer.
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cat Sandwich said:

    I have life outside this board (do you?), I spend the rest of it spamming other message boards. I can't check every damn message here... actually, I'm kidding about this, it just takes me a while to formulate my ramblings. When I get around to it, I post messages all of the time. If I don't reply the moment after someone posts, it means I'm slacking.

    I'm unemployable, stay home, wish I had friends, and have other activites that "interfere" with making posts here (like posting on other boards). I like little graphics, too.

    The first words of your post are "fuck off" - I know this because I can read - that is a 'look at me' post, see, my posting etiquette roXors - I know everything

    [/ QUOTE ]
  13. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    lol you guys are pretty insecure with your lives..... talk about NO self esteem.....

    You remind me of the kids in old health videos, who needed extra attention due to a lack of self esteem, stop trying to boost yourselves, geez...........

    Both of you will most likely post flame/troll messages after this.......predictable....
  14. DanniBoySmith

    DanniBoySmith Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    empnova said:

    I have life outside this board (do you?), and can't check every damn message here. When I get around to it, I post messages, if I don't reply the moment after someone posts who cares, as long as I reply.

    I work, go out, hang with friends, and have other activites that "interfere" with making posts here. And STFU about saying I have "look at me" posts, you are a hypocrite.

    The first words of your post are "fuck off", that is a 'look at me' post.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    i think the reason everyone's pissed off at you is because around here, you're not exactly considered the poster boy for telling others to stop being rude and making inappropriate posts.

    given your recent history it would be better if you spent some time solidifying your rep before handing out advice similar to the stuff u just told shang again.

    take what i said as friendly advice and without offense if possible 'cause right now i get the impression that you're not really on anybody's buddy list, including the admin's.
    p.s for gods sake would someone please post some more vids of this tourney! i want to see more of ryan harts gameplay /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif.
  15. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    I like him, he is funny and provides me with comic relief on an otherwise depressing day.
  16. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie said:

    I like him, he is funny and provides me with comic relief on an otherwise depressing day.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not surprising to me that your days are depressing.

    PS: I don't care how many "friends" I make on this board, I came to discuss VF gameplay, and watch movies. I am never going to see any of these people in real life, not that I want to, so who cares what they think of me, or what I think of them.

    If you want to make friends, join a club, play a sport, certainly don't make friends with strangers on the internet.
  17. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    STFU empnova /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  18. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cappo said:

    STFU empnova /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very mature, I can tell that when people make "friends" on this board, this is how they are received. I am not flaming or trolling anyone, so again I will ask nicely, try stopping these posts, and rid the boards of the unrest they are causing, thanks.
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cat Sandwich said:

    Very mature, I can tell that when people make "friends" on this board, this is how they are received. I don't really understand what I just typed, but this is what usually happens to me in real life, I mean the "friends" part... I mean everyone I know walks around surrounded by quote marks

    [/ QUOTE ]
  20. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    Again you need some self control when you post, this is getting really off topic, I really don't want to clutter this topic with posts about me, so start another topic, or stop posting on this thread please.

    My name, sig, etc. have nothing to do with the NYC Top Gun footage. I am asking you nicely to stop posting irrelevant information here, so please be courteous to the creator of this topic and let this be the last post that has nothing to do with the topic.



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