Off the wall tricks...

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by LtTitan, Oct 25, 2002.

  1. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    Moves that are performed off the wall (i.e. [4][P]+[K]+[G]) that do the kick. Are there any combos or follow-ups for these moves? I heard that they werent useful at all, and just used to show off, but I was messing around in Traning mode and did that and comboed for about 70 damage. And it would seem, that since most people find these moves useless, it might be surprising to have them used in a match.

    I am not saying that there is absolute proof or anything that these would be useful, as they seem to take a while to actually hit in most cases. But if it did work, it might be effective.

    Just wondering... Post your thoughts on this, or any combos that you do have following these moves.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Each one is different, some just stagger, some knock down, some crumple...

    I tried out some combos and came up with the following -
    Akira: crumples, follow with dodge - bodycheck for ~85ish .. just like his QCB+P combo.
    Kage: f+K+G -> df+K for about 80.
    Lau: crumples, follow with df+PPPd+K.
    Pai: sucks, no followups (it creates heavy stun like a sidekick MC, it might be worth trying a throw)
    Wolf: crumples, follow with b+P -> pounce .. or d+P, QCF+P .. or f+P,P.
    The b+P, pounce is 90, the rest are 80ish.
    Jeffry: K,K,P for 99.
    Vanessa: bleah - vs aoi I got her to hit the opposite wall and landed PPPK for 81. Without the wall... maybe f+P,K,K?
    Lei: no followup seems possible (it's like pai's)
    Sarah: hers sucks surprisingly, best I can get is dragon cannon or kickflip for 69 pts. Floats with spinny animation.
    Jacky: Sucks just as bad, I got puntkick in the corner for 69.
    Lion: Sucks like pai's, no followup.
    Shun: no wall attack?
    Aoi: no wall attack?

    Anyway, fun to fool around with... but as mentioned in the other thread, lethal if you screw it up - you're backturned already, and now you're backturned, airborne, AND near a wall? Aieeee. It might work but you'd have to be wily and weird using it, like when you "happen" to be near a wall...if you go out of your way to back up to a wall and turn around they'll avoid you like a hooker at a wedding reception.

    PS: It was fun setting these up with the PS2 training dummy. In the case of akira and jeffry I had to resort to letting the CPU escape some of my throws to set up a situation where I faced the wall. With that in mind, it might be a good trick if you think fast to let yourself get escaped when the opponent is against the wall, then set up the wall kick. Like with jeffry, do a predictable XPD near the wall, and when they escape do the wall kick. If they turned around with a sweep or something it might connect. Of course I dunno if there's ever a completely predictable XPD-near-the-wall situation... but anyway.
  3. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Ive posted about this before for Wolf. Its practical to perform the off the wall knee after youve knocked your opponent down. As the opp goes down you can perform a [3][K]+[G] and do the OTW knee to catch your opp. as he's rising ( follow up with Creed's aforementioned combos ). More often you'll have a good setup after you've succesfully landed a clothesline ( [6][6][P] ) to perform the OTW knee ( it interrupts rising attacks frequently enough ).

    Also situations in which a throw has been escaped can set you up for a OTW knee ( i.e. [3][P][K][G] )
  4. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Lion. Back to wall. Connect with his [2],[6]+[P]+[G] throw, which is best done by threatening with a FC [6]+[P] float..... then [4][6]+[K]+[G], and now you can either use the wall kick or flip over them, but be wary of the wall kick unless you delay it enough to track the tech roll. Also if your opponent's back is to the wall, you can use [4][6]+[P]+[G] to set up a similar situation....
    Chibita used one of these tricks in a video I believe, but a Mantis Catch Throw is quite nice after a wall kick stagger.... Speaking of Chibita, on the PS2 replay disc you can see him use Vanessa's charge move to run to a wall and then use a wall kick to turn back around....
  5. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I found a few tricks with Jacky and Wolf. WIth Wolf I didnt find that much though, just KK and ->PP, etc. With Jacky I didnt find much, just Knee, and Kicks and stuff. I guess its not really useful.

    But that black flip ([9][P]+[K]+[G]) I think is totally useless. It is too slow to get off, and your better off just doing a behind move.
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Ohh, maybe I can find something in this to piss you off :p
  7. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    Kage has 2 doesn't he?
    the b+P+K+G and B+P+K?
    you can combo pretty nicely off the second one!
  8. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    Wouldnt it be forward? Well, since your facing the wall, your motioning forward. But I guess its the way to say it so its more easily understood.
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    the b+P+K+G and B+P+K
    you can combo pretty nicely off the second one!

    Perhaps you can share some b+P+K combos?
    It looks like kage wants to drop on them with his heel, but anytime the opponent is close enough to hit with the heel, he flies over them and lands with a chop to their back instead.
  10. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    does anyone use the "running up the wall trick" i think its great, when im playing with lion i use [4]+[K] then with my back turned i run up the wall. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    it works quite well against the computer , and i even caught a few of my mates with it, does any body know any other effective ways to set it up you know, so it doesnt look so deliberate
  11. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I know a few ways with my two guys, Jacky and Wolf. But I dont know Lion too well. With Jacky you can do the [4][4][K] when your back is to the wall, so the opponent might think you'll do one of Jacky's back moves. Since he has a few that are advantageous to him. Then you can do the wall moves which work quite well after that.

    But for Lion, I dont know. Try messing around in Free Training.

    On that note, I find that the flip ([7][P]+[K]+[G]) sometimes doesnt reach and he ends up landing in front of the opponent with his back turned. But, oh well.
  12. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    sure, here's a good one.
    though Idon't know if you cna struggle out of it.
  13. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    I usually setup Kage's OTW [6][P]+[K] with a [4][K] when my back is near the wall. The back chop will often stagger and allow for a [4][P][K] into another wall stagger and allow for a [6][K]+[G]/knee/DP combo. I think UK-Guy should clear this up though.
  14. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    setup for Akira's wall attack:

    do the inverted bodycheck(df+P+G) near a wall, w/Akira's back to it, but not the wall version, now do a FC,f+P to cross over them, and you can do the move to (hopefully) beat out their rising attack

    i got this from uk-guy, and also put this in my (now unupdated) Akira FAQ.

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