Ok so new announcement I am kind of excited about.

Discussion in 'General' started by Gear Wolfen, Feb 25, 2013.


Would you be interested in this as either a trainer or trainee?

Poll closed Mar 11, 2013.
  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  1. Gear Wolfen

    Gear Wolfen Well-Known Member

    Gear Wolfen
    So before I say anything I do not know if I am even posting this in the right place since I have only ever posted like one other thread. Regardless of that, I have decided to do my best to help this community grow in a positive way. I'm not really good at this game yet I still have a long way to go, but, I am going to start trying to get more decent people into this community and I am also going to start hosting rooms next week for new players to get some good online training and real-time fight experience in. Again I'm no pro so if there are any pro's who would like to help me in welcoming and training people with ANY chars at all especially the ones I play (so I can also learn a thing or two :D ) you are absolutley more than welcome to attend. Im still squaring away all the details like times for different states and even countries but I do know that I want to do it every Sat. or Sun. I'm not working right now so once I start getting some call backs from places I have been applying for the date may change but anyone in regular attendance at that time will be notified in advance. I may even make it two days in a row if I can manage that. I want VF to grow and I want it to grow well. I love this series too much not to do whatever I can to help it. So, instead of being frustrated that I can't attend events and tourneys I will instead do my best to help those who can. GGs To all and I'll see you in the lobbies
    Stl_Tim likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    You might wanna talk with STL Tm. He's a VF4 vet, and he's working on something similar
  3. Gear Wolfen

    Gear Wolfen Well-Known Member

    Gear Wolfen
    Then I'm gonna have to make sure I catch him. Is we can see what his. Plans are and whether or not we can work somethings you. Thx for the heads but blackstar I appreciate it
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  4. Gear Wolfen

    Gear Wolfen Well-Known Member

    Gear Wolfen
    Sigh. Stupid bankrupt ass tablet i meant to say work somethings out
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  5. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    A good way of doing this is to register accounts at places like tekkenzaibatsu.com, 8wayrun.com and shoryuken.com, and take the message to them direct. You can use some of the artwork and videos from here. The more polite and subtle you are about it, the more you may tempt some curious players in. Some of these guys are mad as hell at how their fave franchises have panned out in recent times, so that's an angle you can work, but don't over-do it. Just a few minutes posting every few days in some of these places can really help raise internet awareness of our lovely game.
  6. Gear Wolfen

    Gear Wolfen Well-Known Member

    Gear Wolfen
    Thanks for the advice Lishao.I actually went to Tekken Zaibatsu a few days ago but I didnt see a place to register (since I play tekken), I guess I just missed it. But I will definitley try that I think I will grab some of the art work for this game, like some of the really good stuff and use it as a profile pic and just keep changing them out maybe weekly or something. I just have to find a way to actually get the pictures onto my console since I dont have a computer anymore, stupid laptop died on me.
  7. Gear Wolfen

    Gear Wolfen Well-Known Member

    Gear Wolfen

    Sorry I mean Paichun I saw ur XBL tag on the bottom as I was writing this.

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