Old post response- CrewNYC

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Mason, Mar 21, 2002.

  1. Mason

    Mason Member

    For a lark I decided to see if my name had been posted here before, and surprisingly it had. One of the posts talks about my visit to NYC and playing with some of the locals. Here is my take.

    Adam was the Akira player right? I remember him well, he was very good. At the time we played, my thought was that all he needed was some more competition and he'd be up there in the top VF2 eschlon. He just didn't have the benefit of exposure to different styles of play. All that aside, his Akira was very precise and tough to beat.

    Honestly, I have no idea who won more matches that night. Adam probably did, if people that were keeping track payed attention. I remember playing all different characters to try and show the people there some of the cool things in VF that you wouldn't know unless you were part of the usenet groups.

    All I remember was having fun, except for when Hyun got his wallet lifted. That sucked.
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member


    my name is bryan, and back in the vf2 days you came to nyc a different time to play with me and my friends at the 52nd street arcade in times square. most of my pals were japanese guys, and back then I used jeffry and akira.

    you also brought a friend along: a kind of big, heavy-set guy with blonde hair, a beard and pony tail (kind of looked like your typical US anime otaku) who used Lau. we had fun. Then I saw you once more in... connecticut, like bridgeport or something? there was a small tourney at a mall, rich was there too, I think. he called it "rumble in trumbull" or something. I lost to you, then hiro. yupa went on to beat hiro in the final.

    anyway, nice to see an old face, hope you like VF4.

    Bryan (spotlite)

    p.s. I'm sympathetic to the gf situations, I'm having people over tonight and I just got a hearty "fuck you" through the phone..
  3. Mason

    Mason Member

    Yep, I remember you well Bryan. That was a very well run tournament we went to, probably the best I've ever seen in terms of organization. I still can't believe that ass-backward Sarah came in first place. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    I'm liking VF4 so far, although I really need some competition to wipe off the scrubiness. There is jack and squat where I live, although I suppose I could drive the hour and a half to Boston. That isn't exactly local, sadly.

    Anyway, nice to talk to you again Bryan. Tell the rest of the guys I said hi.


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