OM frame stats / what do you use OM for?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by KoD, Mar 20, 2007.

  1. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    I'd mostly been ignoring offensive movement, since it didn't make much sense to me.

    When noodals posted the Pai black book strats (basically use OM P after normal hit), I thought I'd check it out.

    This is what I got:

    (using cpu to do om p)
    side dependent - om towards back (ie p2 rff, p1 om away from screen), more likely to beat. It's inconsistent at best if the opponent is mashing P.

    at -1, (block pai p+k) om P loses to immediate P, will beat lowp towards back only
    at +2, (block pai bf p+k) om P will beat immediate P and lowp either direction;
    this is probably distance dependent, since bf p+k pushes on G
    at +3 (block pai OM p), om p will beat immed p, beat lowp towards back only
    at +4 (block pai bf p), om p will beat immed p and lowp either direction.
    at +5 (block pai f+p) om P beats immediate P, beat lowp towards back only
    at +9 (block pai D,f+p) om P beats immediate P, loses to lowp either direction
    at +11 (block pai fK+G) om P inconsistent against immed P, loses to lowp either direction
    at +13 (block pai om K) om P loses to immediate P and lowp either direction
    at +20 (block pai ufkk) om p beats immed P and lowp either direction, can still be guarded
    at +23 (block pai D,b+K) om P beats immed P and lowp either direction, but can still be guarded

    at fuzzy guardable disadv, OM P seems like it will naturally be guarded with normal fuzzy motion.
    OM P gets OWNED at smaller advantages by e.g. D,fP, fk+g, cbd ~ wsk. normal combos are doable even if the float looks weird. ubk+g will beat it even at -11. It may be 13 frames exe, but there are at least 11 frames of dodge before that, so its basically never guaranteed.

    This leaves me thinking, WTF is the point?
    So its useless at large advantage (if they RN, it'll be with a big move anyway). Edit - I notice now that it can cause an evade to fail at large advantage

    At small advantage (less than +4, otherwise just swallow kick), it will beat P IF they don't mash and lowp IF you go towards the back, but you'll get owned by a big attack? So it's basically a riskier lowpunch that can net you a small stagger if they're still crouching?

    Does OM ~ throw have good timing to beat fuzzy or something?
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Oops, sorry! Did not see this posted here....

    I think OM gives possibly higher award but also means you take more risk against opponents that attack at small disadvantage....(think Pai standing P in small disadvantage situations). If I have time I can try to translate the Black Book's OM system stuff (my Japanese is horrible though!)

    Awards / Advantages - If you get a side hit I think you get an additional +3 frames? If you get a side crumple, damage potential much higher.

    Risks / Disadvantages -
    Easily punishable and riskier compare to attacking with your own standing P,low P, or elbow type of attack.
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    OM is not an exact science as the way you tested it.

    There can be variable delays from the time you start evading to the time where you input /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif to make it into OM. It even matters when the evade is executed whether it's towards the beginning of the exe frames or towards the end of the exe frames.

    There is also alot of variables involving using OM at distance. I've seen OM going through full circulars in some instances that can't be referred to exactly.

    I think there are places where OM can be used consistently such as during a stagger/rising/sideturned. Other than those things, as far as I know, it's pretty pointless to try to formulate an exact breakdown of how OM works like you did.

    I'm not saying don't try to figure it out, but the approach you've taken with the test procedures will not yield anything useful. You would get a much better understanding of how OM works by focusing on very specific situations after certain moves.
  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Being only -3 on guard, +5 normalhit (and on top of that sideturned situation often), giving stagger against crouchers on top of everything said so far is pretty sweet. As a Pai player try using it after PK for instance.
  5. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    OK, so to summarize (yes I'm being unfair on purpose)

    Srider: It's less consistent than Tekken 5 sidestep; only use it in specific places.

    KiwE: It's a riskier lowpunch with slightly better reward.
  6. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    People in Tekken sidestep when they have advantage after a hit? This is news to me.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I think you're the only one saying this. KoD[/size] just said the Tekken5 sidestep was consistent as compared to OM which varies depending on if/when you push /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif or /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif. I see no mention of when to use the Tekken5 sidestep.
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Don't think of OM as a sidestep, think of it as a fairly long range mid attack with evasive properties.
  9. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Eh, actually, it was a feeble attempt at insulting game mechanics that sorta kinda work in some ill-defined situations but not in others, aka tekken sidestep.


    Death > Taxes > traditional VF nitaku > Tekken sidestep > OM
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Like I mentioned in the other thread, DM (successful) -> OM K seems to be the most consistent way of getting a back crumple against a canned string. This was done over and over again in the PS3 replays.

    (You guys should definitely watch it if you have 7 hours to gives a great overview of how each character is meant to played except for Lau. The players move so fast and their ability to use the OM is eye opening).

    So for example if fighting against Eileen's multiple strings, if you successfully DM one attack and she continues on with the string, an OM K should get you around to her back for a crumple. For characters like Kage the damage potential is limited, but for characters like Wolf, Jeffry, or Pai you're talking about >50% damage.
  11. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    You think that for the vf-tv replays that Lau wasn't played right??? That Lau vs. Lei-Fei had some great uses of OM... although he did get his ass kicked when he fought Pai.
    3-0 round sweep /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I don't. Nor did I when I made that post. I was only talking about consistency.
  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I wasn't replying to you explicitly, just trying to keep the train of thought/thread consistent.
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I didn't think the Lau in the replays was played all that well. Did you see my PS3 Replay Ranking post? Lau performed the worst out of all the characters. I think the player is good, but for whatever reason he/she kept trying to do /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d_.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/df.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif a lot in situations where it doesn't seem to make asu much sense, which makes me think the player may not be dedicated to Lau.
  15. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I think with time, OM properties would be better understood and defined. It won't surprise me if new strategy guides will come out with a section listing direction for successful OM against differenet moves. It appears to be stance dependent and attack dependent.

    Atm, if I have a small advantage (+2 frames), and I correctly landed a OM K with Pai against opponents doing a mid attack, I have the opportunity to get a back crumple or a side crumple (dependent on opponent's move) leading to a ~70-90 point of combo damage. Which is comparably higher to Pai' combo potential from her other regular attacks.
  16. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Ok, I finally got some time to test out OM K at +2 against opponents doing a mid.

    Ability to beat the mid seems pretty character / stance / distance dependent, e.g. against a swallowkick you may get a back crumple or completely whiff, against sarah you'll get a side crumple most of the time, against goh the elbow will hit you unless you OM to the correct side (which happens to be opposite the side necesary to avoid dp), etc.

    Max damage I was able to get out of a side crumple against non-lightweights was 66 points (P+K slam, p, ffpk), against lightweight 72 points (p+k slam, p, p+k slam, ufk+g). When backcrumbled, a lot of normal stuff doeesnt work right because it doesn't bounce. Best I was able to do was back throw, ffkp combos for around 92. If you've got higher damage combos I'd love to see them.

    Simply doing a K at +2 beats any mid, without consideration of direction, stance, etc. Following up with p, ffpk nets 61 points of damage against almost everyone.

    K is -9 on guard so barely safe, OM K is -13 on guard . . . doesn't seem like its worth 5 points of damage to risk guaranteed 30pts+ counterattack. Against a lightweight that has mids you're likely to get a backcrumble against, maybe.

    Yeah, OM K can occasionally avoid dp unlike K, but it doesn't seem reliable, wont get you the crumble, and in some cases will only work if you're OMing the wrong way to beat a fast mid.

    What am I missing?
  17. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Non-lightweights, such as Akira you can get the 72 point damage Pai side crumble combo. I am not sure if he is the only non-lightweight exception though.

    For the most part, I would agree standing K seems the safer option than OM K, but everything have its risk/rewards.

    First, when you do OM you have the choice between the P version and K version. OM to your front side takes 13 frames and OM to your back side takes 12 frames (tested in practice mode). If the opponent is playing it safe, you can always enter the OM wait to see if your opponent is attacking after he guarded your standing P or defending. Decide which attack to use.

    At +2 opponent can beat your standing K with their own standing P and with low attacks. Opponent standing P will also beat most of your mid attacks.

    At +2, it seems that correct OM will avoid the standing P, low P, and certain mid attacks (14 frames) with potential for higher damage.

    Again reward versus risks. It seems to me that OM works mostly at small advantage (+1 to +5) and is used mostly against opponents attacking at small disadvantage with relatively fast safe poke moves. At +7 or higher, it seems that OM is a pretty bad option (most of the attacks that you can get sucessful OM at small advantage seem to be able to beat OM now). However at that high of an advantage, the opponent cannot fuzzy guard.

    Finally, succesful OM against low punch appears to be in entering the direction away from the arm that is doing the low punch.

    Disclaimer - This is mostly in theory, so whatever I wrote in this post could be entirely wrong.
  18. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    There are also many instances where OM can be very effective at small DISadvantages.

    Don't ignore that fact in your research.
  19. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    If you know how effective it can be at small disadvantage, please share, I don't want to do the research :D.

    Nevermind, read some of it in the earlier OF thread
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I have no systematic knowledge of how OM works except what I've seen done.

    Also, based on what people in Japan talk about which I don't have written down because they are about characters that I dont' play, so I don't really remember.

    In any case, it's generally true that OM is useful in situations like what you guys have discovered. Even your research shows that it's not consistent and highly dependent on character/stance/frames.

    There is no way for me to provide systematic knowledge aside from what I said, that OM can also be used in disadvantaged situations.

    I've already said this before, it's much more useful to give specific examples of what works and what doesn't instead of trying to find a general formula to how OM works.

    Whatever knowledge the top jp players have they found through experimentation, and they keep it secret as their edge until people see it done and they copy it until it becomes common. There is no possible way I can just magically know how OM works from knowledge that people are not sharing with me in the first place.

    Anyways, I posted what I know already. That it is possible to use OM in disadvantage as well, and that it's much easier to understand OM by experimenting with very specific situations. For example, black book says Eileen can try OM after PP6P hits, a situation that's very common for Eileen. OM experimentation should take this direction, as in test out OM in common situations that your character faces.

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