OMs, DMs and Fuzzy Guarding?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Haven, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. Haven

    Haven Member

    I noticed that although I think I already know a decent amount of moveset, my brother always encourages me to rely more on the basic stuffs as opposed to throwing a barrage of different moves which, although it made me murder people in SOul Calibur IV, just doesn't work in the Virtua Fighter 5 laws of physics.

    Two things that caught my interest are Offensive Moves, Defensive Moves, and Fuzzy Guarding - term I never heard before until now.

    I know how to do them, thanks to the detailed guide you guys got here. My problem is how to use them effectively.

    Right now, I'm at a point where I'm also yet to distinguish the differences between DM and OM (besides having to press /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif for the latter). I just use them blindly, hoping it would do me good, and it rarely works because I couldn't entirely grasp their purpose.

    Same goes for fuzzy guarding. Right now, I just see it as blocking low and standing up quickly.

    How to use ' em, when, where, and why.

    Any advice? Thanks.
  2. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

  3. Haven

    Haven Member

    Like dos and don'ts.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    It's all in the links KoD posted, i'm not sure what you mean by do's and dont's but my answer to that would be... there isn't any.

    If you got any specific problems or you're not sure what some of the stuff means in the links KoD posted, then try to explain/ask and we should be able to help you.
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah but as far as Fuzzy guarding goes it can help you protect against the throws and mids on mix ups.
    Fuzzy guarding = Fuzzy Logic.

    This is the Key to a good defense. If its done properly it will open your opponents eyes to the fact that one false one can leave him open (Atleast in My opinion because it feels worst to Whiff.)
  6. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Yeah sorry dude your question is pretty vague as in we don't really know what your asking.

    DO you mean when to use it because that is really well layed out in the wiki links KoD has there.

    IF you mean you don't understand what those articles are describing what is confusing you because it can be intimidating with all that lingo in there if you're not familar with it.

    In that do you know what frames are, do you understand what it means to be -5/--6, Do you know how to use the command list to find these moves out that put you at that on guard/NH?
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    In order to utilize DM, OM and fuzzy guarding fully, you must understand the concept of frame advantage. And know at least few moves and situations after which you can utilize these techniques.

    These techniques fail or succeed depending on the frame advantage or disadvantage you try to perform them at. Most obvious this is with OM and DM. DM is meant to be performed from disadvantage or it will fail, and OM is supposed to be performed from advantage or it will fail. (failure means that it doesnt evade and opponent hits you out of it).

    Fuzzy guarding is meant as a defense technique from "small disadvantage" (0 ~ -5 frames). In order to utilize fuzzy guarding well, you have to know the frame disadvantage youre at after for example blocked move. This info is visible from command lists. Obviously you cant remember it all, but pick the what you perceive as most useful moves and study the frame situations after them. How much are they disadvantage on block, or advantage on hit etc.

    You will gain more understanding of your characters moves and game system slowly.

    DM = allows you to succesfully defend (evade) an opponents attack and gain advantage, usually enough for guaranteed counterattack

    OM = same but from different situation. Also great positional tool.

    fuzzy guard = technique to defend your self from two types of attacks at once, mid strike OR a throw. Normal block doesnt do this for example. Not possible in heavy disadvantage.
  8. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

  9. Haven

    Haven Member

    I highly apologize for being unclear.
    I did read the Wiki links before I posted, and what was unclear to me is how, when, and why I would be at an advantage or disadvantage so that I'll know whether to use a DM or OM.

    Fortunately, Manjimaru kinda gave the answer I was looking for.

    Looks like I need to study this frame advantage/disadvantage thing.

    Plus the fuzzy guard thing is a fuzzy idea to me ATM that I really need to try it out more AND right to use it to my advantage instead of duck-blocking-standing like a lunatic XD

    Thanks a lot guys!
  10. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I am really getting to appreciate OM more and more. It is great to stop keep away shenanigans. My Jeff was and still is weak against keep away tactics and turtling, but I am finding that OM is really useful in these situations. Either with punch at the end or followed by a throw or a delayed move... it is pretty sweet.

    Yeah I know that this is old news, but sometimes I am slow to change me ways.
  11. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Yo Happy_Friend,

    Funny - I was thinking exactly the same thing the other day, and was even planning on making a post about it. I totally agree with you - adding in OM to your movement plan provides you with one more facet that your opponent has to deal with. It also allows you to cover a lot of ground quickly, and the follow-up punch can provide some good counter-hit opportunities if your opponents start to get reckless attempting to attack whenever they see the movement.

    To be fair, I find Jeffrey can remain pretty terrifying even when he's at a distance. I also seem to eat his 3K. Why even bother to give Jeffrey any other moves, he can win with that frickin' thing by itself!

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