Online Stream of 12th Beat Tribe Cup - Oct. 9th

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Oct 8, 2011.

By akai on Oct 8, 2011 at 8:41 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] A large VF5:FS team tournament is to be held in Japan on 9th October 2011. The tournament will also be streamed on Ustream. For those wanting to watch it while using VFDC shout box, we will have the event embedded on VFDC home page.

    VF R (Beat Tribe) Webpage.

    Team List (141 5-man teams!)

    12th Beat Tribe Cup Event Schedule - Link

    October 9, 2011 Update: Tournament stream has ended! VF R (Beat Tribe) has archived the entire 13 plus hours of the event on Ustream. Check this thread for additional information.

    <span style="font-size: 20pt">五虎将</span> - the special title given to winners of the event by AM2. Pronounced in Japanese as Gokoshou - The Five Tiger Generals


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Oct 8, 2011.

    1. akai
      This was posted by Srider in 2004 with edits to match with this year's Beat Tribe Cup.

      <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Code:</div><div class="ubbcode-body ubbcode-pre" ><pre>
      Preliminary Selection (White ID): 11 teams
      Seeded teams (Red ID): 10 teams
      Recommended teams (Orange ID): 06 teams
      General entry teams (Yellow ID): 33 teams

      Here are the explanation for each teams (total of 60 to participate in the "leagues").

      Preliminary Selection Teams: These are the top 11 teams from the preliminary blocks. (It will be explained later who will play in the prelims)

      Seeded Teams: These are the top ranking teams from VFR team tournaments.

      Recommended Teams: These are teams recommended to play.

      General Entry Teams: These are teams composed of ranked players. The points each player earned so far will be added towards his teams total. The top 38 teams with the highest total will be in this category.

      Since the preliminaries have not taken place, we don't know who the 11 teams there will be. So as of now 49 teams have secured a spot in the Preliminary League. (This will be explained) All other teams not in those 49 teams (92 teams) will play in the Preliminary Selection Block.

      Here is the order of events of Beat Tribe Cup
      Preliminary Selection (Block) [6] Preliminary League [6] Wild Card Selection [6] Playoffs [6] Finals

      1st Stage: Preliminary Selection
      All the preliminary teams will be split up into 11 blocks, as evenly as possible. They will play single elimination to decide the winner of each block, of whom will advance into Preliminary League.

      2nd Stage: Preliminary League
      Now the 60 teams will be gradually finalized and placed into the Preliminary League (divided in 3 time sections as Preliminary selection matches are ongoing still). The League will be divided into 20 blocks of 3 teams. The "seeded" teams and "recommended" teams will be placed in separate blocks while everyone else will be randomly placed. In each block, each team plays the two other teams to determine who have the best overall results.

      The 10 winners of each of the blocks with seeded teams will advance to the finals unconditionally. The 10 winners of each blocks with non-seeded teams will advance to the playoffs.

      The teams that finished 2nd place in the 20 league blocks will advance to the wildcard selection stage.

      The teams that finished in 3rd place are eliminated.

      Thus, the preliminary league stage will effectively eliminate 20 of the 60 teams. 10 (from seeded blocks) of the 40 teams remaining will advance to the finals, another 10 (from non-seeded blocks) will advance to the playoffs, and 20 other teams (2nd place finisher) will go to the wild card selection.

      3rd Stage: Wild Card Selection
      The 20 teams will be split up into two groups and single elimination to leave 2 teams remaining, who will advance to the playoffs.

      4th Stage: Playoffs
      The 12 teams, 10 from the preliminary league plus 2 from wild card selection, will play each other by random drawing. There are no brackets in this stage. They will draw two teams to play. Winner of each match will advance. So 6 teams will be eliminated in this stage and 6 will advance to the finals.

      Last Stage: Finals
      The 16 teams in the finals will play single elimination tournament battle to decide the winner of 12th Beat Tribe Cup!
    2. akai
      13+ hours of non-stop VF has ended! Links to the entire archived video is listed in order of the event below. If you just want the actual results, scroll to the very last spoiler.

      <span style="font-size: 20pt">Guide to watching the videos</span>
      Up to four matches are simultaneously recorded at the same time. The stream switches between them occasionally - labeled 1,2,3 etc. on the lower right side of video (to determine which match you are watching). Team names are displayed below health meter and the current member position of the 5 on 5 match is based on Kendo/Judo terms (Senpou being the first member to fight and Taishou being the last member to fight). In the videos, you will see these characters below the team name. These should somewhat helped with figuring out what you are watching and how many players are left in a match to compete. Each team match takes ~ 30 minutes or so. Note: Some of the matches are poorly labeled, so hopefully below notes will be helpful to those watching the videos.

      <span style="font-size: 20pt">先鋒</span> - senpou
      <span style="font-size: 20pt">次鋒</span> - jihou
      <span style="font-size: 20pt">中堅</span> - chuuken
      <span style="font-size: 20pt">副将</span> - fukushou
      <span style="font-size: 20pt">大将</span> - taishou

      <span style="font-size: 20pt">1st Stage - Preliminary Selection</span>
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Preliminary Selection Block 1In this portion of the Beat Tribe Cup event, at least 4 preliminary selection block single elimination tournaments are being played simultaneously. There are a total of 11 blocks with ~8-9 teams in each one.

      0h00m00s - The matches shown in the video is mostly from Block 1, 2nd round of team matches. Unfortunately, the archived video does not start at the very beginning of the tournament. Approximately 30 minutes of the tournament have progressed and the first round of team matches has ended (I watched the matches when it was streamed live). What you are seeing is the beginning of the second round of team matches with the first game between the Senpou’s just ended. In the spoiler are the team’s playing.
      0h37m00s – The Final (3rd) Round for Preliminary Selection Block 1. Winner goes to the 2nd Stage - Preliminary League.
      <span style="font-size: 20pt">2nd Stage - Preliminary League</span>
      Early Section (21 teams) - 4 Seeded Team Blocks / 2 Recommended Team Blocks / 1 General Team Block
      Middle Section (21 teams) – 3 Seeded Team Blocks / 2 Recommended Team Blocks / 2 General Team Block
      Late Section (18 teams) – 3 Seeded Team Blocks / 2 Recommended Team Blocks / 1 General Team Block
      Qualified for Preliminary League (4 teams from Block 5-8)

      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Preliminary League (Early Section)
      Teams Shown in this Video Section
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Preliminary League (Middle Section)
      Teams Shown in this Video Section
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Preliminary League (Late Section, Part 1)
      Teams Shown in this Section (2 videos)
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Preliminary League (Late Section, Part 2)

      <span style="font-size: 20pt">3rd Stage - Wild Card</span>
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Wild Card
      Teams Shown in this Video Section
      <span style="font-size: 20pt">4th Stage - Playoff</span>
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Playoff
      Teams Shown in this Video Section
      <span style="font-size: 20pt">5th Stage - Finals</span>
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Finals - 16 teams No matches were played in this 25 minute video. Preparation of the 16 team bracket. The spoiler below lists the 16 teams and the members in them.
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Finals #1. ~2 hours 50 minutes.
      0h06m30s - Video of past events leading to an introduction of the final 16 teams as they walk down a red carpet. Ohsu Akira taking pictures of each team. The order they entered is the same as that listed in the above spoiler.

      0h30m00s - 16 teams Round, part 1: 4 team matches are simultaneously played.
      1h05m00s - 16 teams Round, part 2: 4 team matches are simultaneously played.
      1h40m00s - Quarterfinals Round: 4 team matches are simultaneously played.
      2h15m00s - Semifinals Round
      12th Beat Tribe Cup - Finals #2
      0h25m00s - Finals
      0h56m45s - Celebration
      1h03m00s - 2nd Place Award
      1h06m00s - 1st Place Award

      <span style="font-size: 20pt">Spoiler: Semifinalists/finalists results.</span>
      Thanks to ChiefGutti for the translations and explanations in the shoutbox! More information and summary to follow when I have time.
    3. Dennis0201
      thx for organizing this!
      check out Final#1 at 01:52:00, it's crazy~
    4. Myke
      Woah, that was awesome! Great reads by Full Swing!
    5. Dennis0201
      Are these attacks guaranteed? It looks like Jacky stick with side turn situation because of wall influence? The only thing I know is Lion's PKP is guaranteed.
    6. Myke
      The whole thing wasn't guaranteed. Even though they were close, the wall didn't play a part until the very end with the wall splat.

      The entire sequence was:

      1. Lion does [P][K][P] (guaranteed) against Jacky's side -> Jacky remains side turned.
      2. Lion does [6][P] (not guaranteed) against Jacky's side -> Jacky remains side turned.
      3. Lion does [3][K] (not guaranteed) against Jacky's side and gets a counter hit -> Jacky remains side turned.
      4. Lion does [P][K][P] (guaranteed) against Jacky's side -> Jacky remains side turned.
      5. Lion does the stagger throw (not guaranteed) against Jacky
      6. Lion follows up with [4][6][K] (not guaranteed) and gets a counter hit
      7. Lion finishes with guaranteed wall and bounce combo

      So most of Full Swing's actions were not guaranteed, and just a result of his good decision making while attacking the opponent's side. He knew when to keep attacking, and when to mix in the throw, all the while Mask's life was slowly draining away!
    7. akai
      Yup, if people want to highlight certain things about the archived videos post them up. I am hoping to update the above posts with detailed information on each section to make it easier for people to watch the videos. I will update with some more stuff that ChiefGutti helped translate/explain later tonight.
    8. Dennis0201
      The key was step 2 and 3, which surprised me a lot. After Lion's side turn PKP guaranteed, shouldn't Jacky just use TEG to block mid attack? Well, considering Jacky player's level, I have no idea how come he got straight hits like this.
    9. Dennis0201
      I randomly watched this clip and it's really amazing! To be honest I don't think people can actually finish all of them, and it's good if everyone can highlight for all of us~
    10. erdraug
      Akai, thanks for the video links<span style="text-decoration: line-through"> - i'm having some trouble with the 2nd link though</span> [​IMG]
    11. akai
      Erdraug it should be fixed now. For some reason it keeps thinking it should be a link to VFDC instead of Ustream.
      Thanks for posting this. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that Goh player "Gorgeous Irene/Eileen" play.
    13. ChiefGutti
      Akai: Damn, you've done an amazing job putting all this together!

      Noticed you translated the team names too! Brilliant, I say.

      In case you wonder:

      "Nigekire wa sen zo" is an abbreviation of Nigekire wa "shinai zo", meaning something like "We WON'T run away" or perhaps "won't bail" etc.

      "Boshuuchuu dawa" (noticed I mispelt it, lol. It's with boshuu, not boushuu like I previously wrote in the heat of the moment). It basically means "recruiting" or "collecting", so the team name is close to "Currently recruiting". "Dawa" is another way of saying "Desu yo".

      "Daibutsu Punch" is probably along the line of "Punch of the Great Buddha" or "Great Buddha's Punch". But I'm guessing you already knew that.

      "Gekirin" is some type of godly dragon monster with 81 scales and with one of them sticking out in the opposite direction below his cheek. The term "Gekirin ni fureru" means to "awaken the wrath of your superior/pissing your superior off" in business settings, or something close to that, lol. Gekirin alone may translate to "imperial wrath" too.

      "Chihou no hoshi" means something along the lines of "Local star".

      "Kanchigai" usually means misunderstanding, mistake or guess/believe wrongly. Don't know if they are implying their the Club of Mistaking or something, lol.

      "Gatakure" is something I have to admit I'm not sure what it means. It was written in Katakana, so had no idea if it was referring to something, something "ga takureru". Like "Oni ga takurete bakuhatsu suru". Going to have to ask Sekaijin or Chibita himself for this. Problem about asking the latter is that he doesn't know how to read or write, so he needs a friend to read it for him, then reply for him by writing, lol. He does reply but it takes longer.

      Anyhow, learning Japanese properly without living there is one hell of a task, man, lol. I'm still questioning what the hell I'm doing in Norway still.
    14. akai
      Chiefgutti - again, thanks for the translations. It makes it a lot easier to remember names when you actually understand the meaning of the name [​IMG].

      Update to third post - Added all the teams in which the videos at least show a portion or the entire team match. I think what I enjoyed the most from the videos is seeing a lot of familiar players that I have not heard too much about in recent years. Almost finished summarizing the videos, just need to copy and paste exact time of the matches.
    15. El_Twelve
      Wow. Funny feeling when Gorgeous Eileen isn't playing Eileen and Ohsu Akira isn't playing Akira.

      Is Mask De the same Mask do Hijitetsu who used to play Jacky in VF4?

      Only had time to watch a few matches, but they were pretty awesome. Also, I always tear up when Akira's VF2 music comes on.
    16. Myke
      Yep, the one and the same!
    17. akai
      Maybe this deserves its own thread...anyways

      Beat Tribe Cup Archives brought to you by Chihou no Hoshi(Local Star?). They have uploaded better quality videos from the October 2011, 12th Beat-Tribe Cup. Unlike the live stream, these videos do not switch back and forth between different team matches. So there are new footage from these videos that is not seen in the live feed.

      Individual player names for each team can be found in the third post of this thread.

      I plan to update the post with links as Local Star upload more videos.

      2nd Stage - Preliminary League
      Majin Ikka vs Kusshin Generation: Preliminary League (Early Section)

      Majin Ikka vs Kusshin Generation vs Sekainopan Yamazaki: Preliminary League Tiebreaker

      5th Stage - Finals
      Majin Ikka vs Gatakure

      Beikoku Byouin vs Team Shinagawa

      Kagoshima vs Kawasaki A

      Itabashi Newton vs Orange Line

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