[Pai] Custom combos

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Bronze Parrot, Nov 15, 2001.

  1. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    The following are some Pai custom combos that I've added to the next revision of the VF4 Pai FAQ. I'll let you preview them, try them at the arcade, and add your comments, if any.


    db+P -> K,K
    12 + 40 = 52

    Close stance only, because db+P changes footing. Both
    attacks decrease Shun's drink points.
    Against a light-weight enemy, can cheap in one or more

    K -> f+K,K
    20 + 36 = 56
    K -> f,f+P,K
    20 + 40 = 60

    Against a heavy-weight enemy, plus Akira and Jerky,
    when the first K hits as normal.
    Against a light-weight enemy, can substitute with:
    K -> P -> d+P -> f,f+P,K
    20 + 10 + 12 + 40 = 82
    f+K,K does less damage than f,f+P,K, but f+K,K has
    shorter recovery time, and is easier to deal with an enemy
    who quick recovers, or when the enemy hits the wall and Pai
    follows with another combo.

    b+P -> f,f+P,K
    20 + 40 = 60

    b+P must hit as counter.The most damaging combo after a
    b+P. If the enemy quick recovers and rolls left or right,
    can try the Special Combo (see below).

    K -> K,K
    20 + 40 = 60
    K -> K,P,K
    20 + 57 = 77
    K -> K,P,(hold K)
    20 + 77 = 97

    Open stance and the enemy is floated. After the K,K, a
    df+P is guaranteed. Or, when the enemy doesn't quick
    recover, can follow with a u+P.
    Against a light-weight enemy, can cheap in one or more

    db+P -> P,P,K,K
    12 + 55 = 67
    db+P -> P,P,P,d+K
    12 + 62 = 74

    Against all enemies, when the first db+P hits as

    f+K+G -> K,K
    32 + 40 = 72

    Even applicable against a heavy-weight enemy, when the
    f+K+G hits as counter. Easy to see whether the f+K+G hits as
    counter because when it doesn't hit as counter, it doesn't
    knock down.
    Reportedly less or not effective against Lion.

    (while Bokutai) P+K -> d+P -> f,f+P,K
    20 + 12 + 40 = 72

    Even applicable against a heavy-weight enemy, when the
    P+K hits as counter.

    K -> P,P,K,K
    20 + 55 = 75
    K -> P,P,P,d+K
    20 + 62 = 82

    Against a light- or medium-weight enemy, except Akira
    or Jerky, when the first K hits as normal. Not limited by
    P,P,K,K does less damage than P,P,P,d+K, but P,P,K,K
    moves Pai forwards, and is easier to deal with an enemy who
    quick recovers.

    K -> P -> D,f+P -> f,f+P,K
    20 + 10 + 20 + 40 = 90

    Against a light-weight enemy, not guaranteed when the
    first K hits as normal. Against a medium- or heavy-weight
    enemy, the first K must hit as counter. Not applicable
    against a heavy-weight enemy.

    (while rising) middle K -> P,P,P,d+K
    30 + 62 = 92

    When the while-rising middle-level K hits an enemy
    who's in mid-air, such as when he's pouncing, and spins him.
    Probably not applicable against a heavy-weight enemy.

    Note: Combos that begins with K can follow any of the
    following hits under the specified conditions:

    D,f+P [Counter hit] = 20+
    uf+K+G [Normal hit] = 30
    (while rising) middle K [Mid-air enemy] = 30
    f,f+K+G [Counter hit] = 40+
    (while Meishouho) K+G,P [Counter hit] = 42+
    df+P,P,f+P [Counter hit] = 45+


    df+P+G -> uf+K,K
    0 + 35 = 35

    Buffer in the uf+K,K while Pai's landing. Or, can input
    as: while Pai's throwing the enemy, hold UF and repeatedly
    tap K.

    f+P+K+G -> uf+K,K
    0 + 35 = 35

    If the enemy quick recovers and rolls left or right,
    can follow with an u+P+K or d+P+K.

    (behind enemy) P+G -> K,P,K
    10 + 57 = 67
    (behind enemy) P+G -> K,P,(hold K)
    10 + 77 = 87

    The P+G causes a footing change to open stance.

    b,d+P+G -> K -> df+P,P,K,K
    10 + 20 + 55 = 85

    Against an enemy who isn't Akira, Jeffry, or Wolf. Can
    input as: after the K, hold DF and tap P,P,K,K.
    Against Akira, Jeffry, and Wolf, substitute in a
    f,f+P,K. Or, a K,K -> U+P when the enemy slow recovers.

    b,d+P+G -> K -> P,P,K,K
    10 + 20 + 5 = 85
    b,d+P+G -> K -> P,P,P,d+K
    10 + 20 + 60 = 92

    Against a light-weight enemy. The K can be blocked by
    an enemy who quick recovers. The K can also miss Aoi, Pai,
    Vanessa, Jeffry, and Lei Fang when they don't recover.
    Against such enemies, can substitute in an uf+K,K.

    b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> f+K+G -> df+P,P,K
    10 + 30 + 32 + 30 = 102
    b,d+P+G -> f,f+K -> f+K+G -> K,K
    10 + 30 + 32 + 40 = 112

    The f,f+K can be blocked by an enemy who quick recovers,
    but reportedly effective against a CPU enemy. Can follow the
    K,K with a df+P.
    The K,K is reportedly less or not effective against


    Note: Combos against an enemy who doesn't quick recover.

    df+P,K -> db+K+G
    37 + 25 = 62

    The df+P,K spins the enemy, which can be hard to quick

    f,f+P,K -> uf+K,K
    40 + 35 = 75
    f,f+P,K -> f,f+P,K
    40 + 40 = 80

    The f,f+P,K must hit as counter.

    d+K+G -> d+K -> d+K -> D+K,K
    30 + 10 + 10 + 30 = 80

    Can also follow a (while dodging) P+K+G.
    Sometime after the d+K+G, can substitute in a

    f+K,K -> f+K,K -> D+K,K
    36 + 36 + 30 = 102


    K -> P -> f,f+P,K -> df+P,P,f+P
    20 + 10 + 40 + 45 = 115

    Against an enemy who doesn't quick recover after the

    df+P,P,f+P -> df+P,P,f+P -> df+P,P,f+P
    45 + 45 + 45 = 135

    Against an enemy who doesn't quick recover.


    D,f+P+G -> wall -> D+K,K
    60 + 30 = 90


    K -> P,P,K,K -> break wall -> f+K,K
    20 + 55 + 36 = 111

    To try to Ring Out the enemy in a stage with breakable
    walls. After the P,P,K,K hits the enemy, and he hits and
    breaks the wall at the highest point of his float, the f+K,K
    tries to Ring Out him.

    K -> P,P,K,K -> wall -> P,P,K,K
    20 + 55 + 55 = 130

    Against a light-weight enemy, can hit as normal.
    Against a medium- or heavy-weight enemy, must hit as
    Against a light-weight enemy, can also cheap in one or
    more P.


    K -> P -> d+P+K
    20 + 10 + 30 = 60

    When open stance, substitute with an u+P+K.

    K -> P -> ub+K
    20 + 10 + 30 = 60

    Open stance only.

    b+P -> b+K -> d+K,K
    20 + 19 + 29 = 68

    The b+P must hit as counter.


    b+P -> f,f+P,K -> enemy rolls left/right -> df+K -> D,f+P -> P,P,P,d+K
    b+P -> f,f+P,K -> enemy rolls left/right -> df+K -> K -> P,P,P,d+K

    Only when the b+P hits as counter, the f,f+P,K knocks
    down the enemy, and the enemy quick recovers and rolls left
    or right. When the df+K hits the enemy while he's quick
    recovering and rolling left or right, it staggers him while
    he's turned away from Pai. Crouch-dash towards him to
    execute the D,f+P.
    If the enemy can quick recover and block the D,f+P,
    substitute in a uf+K,K after the df+K.
  2. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    Cool post, are these correct damage values? Did you take these combo's from another site, or did you come up with them yourself?

    From the video of aopai vs chibita i've seen, d/b+p, p(g), p(g), k, p takes like 1/4 damage from your life bar on a light weight, very fancy.

  3. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I think the damages are all correct, but don't factor in the float modifiers (which nobody knows till Sega releases the info)...
  4. Bronze Parrot

    Bronze Parrot Well-Known Member

    Except one typo, the damage values are basic normal-hit values, unmodified by counter, float, whatever.
    The combos are from VF4 Pai fan pages. I don't have much of what one would call "creativity".
    At 200 HP per chara, a 1/4 or 25% combo for 50 points is relatively below-average, IMO. The general-purpose P,P,P,d+K (HHHL) already does 62 points or 31%.
  5. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    I dunno on float about 1/3 is the most I can get at one time with pai on average, I think anymore and it would be unfair.

    For instance, k, ppkk or k, pppd+k. seems to get about 1/4 damage and no more than 1/3 if I can tack on like an extra p or two. On the wall I can do between 40-50% at a time on a light-mid weight opponent.


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