Play VF in SoCal with Myke!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Plague, May 17, 2004.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    It's time to play at Plague's house with <font color="00AA00">Myke!</font>

    Yes, I'm talking about the administrator of VFDC. Yes, I'm talking about the world famous Kage player featured on the EVO2K4 website.

    Date: Friday, June the 4th, 2004.

    Time: 7:30 pm till...

    Place: Plague's House - 8538 Wild Pony Drive Riverside, CA 92509

    Directions from Los Angeles:

    60 East, past the 57 and 15 freeways
    Exit Pedley
    Right turn on Pedley
    Left turn on Mission (first traffic light)
    Right turn on Agate (first right, no stop sign)
    Left turn on Wild Pony Drive (first left)

    Directions from San Diego:

    15 North, 60 East
    Exit Pedley
    Right turn on Pedley
    Left turn on Mission (first traffic light)
    Right turn on Agate (first right, no stop sign)
    Left turn on Wild Pony Drive (first left)

    Address numbers on house and mailbox post. Silver Honda Odyssey in driveway.

    PM for phone numbers if you need them.

    Will you hit traffic? Oh, yeah. Lots of it. Don't let that sway you! It's not all that often that an International competitor visits SoCal, this trip is worth every minute of it.

    What we provide: Three TVs, US PS2 with Evo, Japanese PS2 with Evo, two evo sticks, two ASCII sticks, fridge full of soda, couple or three bags of chips, places to sit, room for five or six (maybe seven?) VF setups.

    What you all need to bring: Biggest TVs you can come up with and fit in your car (remember, it's better to have too many), POWER STRIPS, your PS2s, your sticks, and your evo discs.

    What about food? Everyone usually chips in for food. Lots of fast food in the area plus we found a new, less expensive pizza that tastes good! Last time we had Pizza Hut cause it was the only place open after 10. Maybe Domino's is open later - but hey, it Domino's.

    Who's gonna be there? GUEST OF HONOR: <font color="00AA00">Myke!</font>
    Don't forget that in the past we've had the best that Southern California and the West Coast has to offer - and any one of them could make a return visit: <font color="white">Spotlite, Andy, Joey, Shou, Mike90210, vf4akira, LPC73, Team Tokyo Mafia (PhoenixDth, Sean, GoatCheeseBlues), Ken_I, SillyWilly, Catherine, KTallguy, Type Tenchi, Banes, Mindscan, Gribbly and Team Pandemic (Austin, Forrester, Jimmy), sgtsmurf, Joon, Weslyzm, Rikyu, Adam, Amir, Mike, Jake, Harlock, </font>and many more!

    Sometimes 14 people at once with five set ups running!

    Maybe this time we'll get six setups going! Maybe even seven!

    What's gonna happen? Lots of VF4Evo. Everyone in the mood for a double elimination tournament? We can do it!

    Please post your intent to show up right here on this thread - makes it more exciting for all the fence sitters out there - and it's easier for us to plan the beverage purchase.

    <font color="yellow">SoCal players: bring your skills and equipment to show <font color="00AA00">Myke<font color="yellow"> a good time.</font>
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Wow, I'm speechless!

    Plague, thankyou so much for organising this gathering for lil' ol me /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm really looking forward to playing with you LA guys (and gals) again! This should be a great warm-up for EVO2K4!
  3. Mindscan

    Mindscan Active Member

    hahaha there
  4. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    gaw damn Crocodile Hunter /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    w00t, I'm down!
  6. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member


    urrrrrrrr your not my father!!
  7. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    hey myke, can you bring me a kangaroo from your backyard or something?
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    It's 80% unlikely.... But I'll try to sneak down there... Probably won't happen though, I'm kind of out with a herniated disc right now... VF playing is probably the last thing I want to do (sitting down all night, almost no sleep).

    But for the most part, it's worth seeing Myke again and playing with the crew down there (and of course MYKE).

    Sigh... decisions, decisions.... But I could probably finance one trip to LA (or San Diego where I actually have a vehicle to drive down with). Staying in LA at the mercy of a host is probably what would actually work out for me though... especially since I shouldn't be driving such long trips...

    Again, there's only a 20% chance I could do this... but anyone wanna help a troll out?

  9. Ken_I

    Ken_I Well-Known Member

    hey myke, teach me how to play brad...!!
  10. IronJUNKIE

    IronJUNKIE Well-Known Member

    His brad got owned by my brad rite myke?..tell em

    Me n Dobi mite be in LAaround that weekend....hopefully we can make it!...we mite have to work there over the summer
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Things are looking good for June 4th.

    GUEST OF HONOR: <font color="00AA00">Myke!</font>

    Plus it looks like we have confirmations from:

    <font color="white">

    Surprising News...

    It's possible we'll see:
    <font color="FFC000">

    Now, if anyone can contact <font color="white">soL_FizZ, weslyzm, joon, AI Thomas,</font> and <font color="white">Tomhilfiger,</font> that would be great. I imagine they still live around here, but they're not active on the board right now.

    I'm going to give <font color="white">Gribbly</font> a call today.

    I suppose if someone goes to San Diego and forcibly obtains <font color="white">Mike90210</font> we can: 1) Possibly determine he's still alive, and (2) See if he still knows what VF is.

    EVO2k4 is on the horizon - don't miss the opportunity to test your skills against some heavy competition.
  12. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:
    Yes, I'm talking about the administrator of VFDC. Yes, I'm talking about the world famous Kage player

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ease on the cock there buddy.
  13. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    dont be jealous of mykes cock

    i think we should treat myke to some more claim jumpers!!
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    NOoOOOOOoOoooOOOOoooOOO!O!!!!!!!!!! Anything but Claim Jumpers! I'd rather eat kookaburra wings at the Outback Steakhouse than go there! As for my pants.. they're destined to return to me! Resistance is futile.


    Sorry man, but there are no Kangaroos in Montreal! That's where I've been for the past two months. How about a hot french canadian chick instead?

    Way to troll! It'd be cool to see you again if you can make it down.

    Didn't you do pretty well with Brad at a recent tourney? Maybe it's me who needs to learn from you! Actually, maybe you should get IronJUNKIE to teach you instead, since he owned me and all! /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    Yeah, you owned me pretty bad man.. you showed me things with Brad that I never EVER do! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Don't be jealous of Plague, I'll save some cock for you /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Best way to troll is to randomly make "contributions" to the General thread (and hardly anything else) I guess. Don't know if I set a small record for barf responses in a post on VFDC with that last thread I popped up.

    However, I did randomly appear in San Diego and LA in December /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    The troll wants to know... Did you bring any Vegemite?! I figure we could make a game of it and every time a person loses a match in Evo, they gotta eat about two tablespoons of pure vegemite. For you, since you were probably raised on that stuff, we'd have to find an alternative (sorry, not alchohol).... Tablespoons of American Mustard? Dates with Angel? Cups of Saurkraut? --WOULD BE FUN /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif--

    All that aside, if I hit that 20% and make it over there, it'd be wonderful seeing you again. Don't think I'll do a fatboy SPOD on camera again though. Only looks more embarassing that you're still standing after it /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    ease on the cock there buddy. </div></div>

    The following is lifted from this thread...

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Shang said:

    Yes Myke, I had a great time and great games. (mmmph)[/size] It goes without saying your Kage is excellent. (lick)[/size] I wish we have players like yourself in boston (mmphrgh)[/size], it really drives a person to improve when even one misplaced low punch could lose the game for you. (lick)[/size] Just want to say thanks for driving down. (suck)[/size] I hope you enjoyed Boston, (uuullp... hmmmphg)[/size] which it seems you did, (swallow)[/size] which is great. (ahhh)[/size] </div></div>
  17. Mindscan

    Mindscan Active Member

    oh also I'll be bringin a good friend of mine w/ me. He's been trainin hard w/ Brad so maybe Ken I could show him a thing or two.
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Cool that you're bringing someone with you. Always good to expand the group.

    I did put in a call to <font color="white">Gribbly</font>. I hope to hear from him soon.
  19. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    how about dinner with myke couple hours before

    i dont know the riverside area, but just an idea for thought
  20. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Works for me. Does it work for Myke? I haven't talked to him about anything like that. I don't know where he's coming from on Friday night. In order to get to my place by 5:30 - people in Los Angeles or San Diego might need to head out as early as 3:30 - 4:00.

    There are good restaurants in the area. One of my favorites is a Southwest/Mexican place called Ancho's. Excellent food. It's about 15 minutes from my house. If we get there by 6:00 pm, there won't be much wait. It gets crowded soon after that, though.

    Also, there's a great Italian place around 5 minutes from my house.

    As long as I'm back to my place by 7:30 to meet the people who aren't going to this dinner, I'm OK with it.

    So, if there is a dinner event in Riverside, all those wishing to attend should show up at my place by 5:20-5:30 at the latest.

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