Playstation Move

Discussion in 'General' started by White_Worm, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Anyone here picked up the Playstation Move system? Now that its officially out, I thought we could discuss actual facts and opinions, not just speculation.

    We've got 4 move controllers, one nav controller, Sports Champions, EyePet, and Start the Party.

    The move controllers are a very nice build. Feels solid, but lightweight. The bulb is MUCH brighter than I thought it would be. The responsiveness is on point as I suspected, but theres something to be desired from the calibration. It seems to lose proper calibration frequently. You'll be playing a game and all is well, then jump back to a menu and the pointing feels all screwy.

    Overall a nice experience so far. I've only really tried 'Champions though. Archery gives a supremely weird "virtual" feeling. The gladiator mode isnt as robust as I would like. Ping pong works great. Also, navigating the XMB with the move is really really cool. Futuristic, almost.

    Thoughts? Comments? Flames? Of course there's going to be flames. Its new tech and someone's always gotta hate [​IMG]
  2. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    Nope, there is usually flames for this stuff not cause its new, but because its copying the wii, which let everyone down a shitton [​IMG]...

    Honestly I think motion games are pretty silly and controls should be getting MORE concise not less concise. So I think the only game they are good for are shooters, since aiming with a pad stick always sucks, but aiming with a motion control works pretty damn good.

    The thing is most games just use gimmicks. LOOK NOW YOU HAVE TO DO A JACKING OFF MOTION STEAD OF PRESSING A [​IMG]! That is just not fun, not precise, and really annoying. Maybe they'll take the move more seriously than the wii and actually make games that use the technology in a way that IMPROVES controls, instead of degrades them.
  3. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    So... you haven't played the move?
  4. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    When I get back from my few days away, the rest of my Move pre-order should have arrived. So I will write a comment in this thread about my experience of the 6 Sports Champions events using two Move controllers sometime Monday or Tuesday.

    I'll also try any demos (Tigerwoods, Tumble, Heavy Rain, Resi 5?) that are on PSN/starter pack demo disc.

    But I suspect someone else here might have already given it a write up before then.
  5. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I could give a write up. I have 4 move controllers, sports champs, start the party, eyepet, tumble, hustle kings, and a bunch of demos. I'm just not sure its worth writing up my opinions.

    Here's the thing. The move costs money. It costs more money than a normal game. It cannot be rented. Thus, people have to decide if they really want it or not before they buy it. That would be the purpose of a write up/user opinion. But the way it works in reality is, people have already decided if they are going to hate or love the move, even if they haven't tried it. For some, its a financial thing; they cannot afford it (or don't want to spend the money for it), and thus they have decided its a "gimmick" or "throw-away" technology. Some were burned by the Wii (like me) and don't want to go through that disappointment again.

    But the real fact is, there are very few people out there who are on the fence about Move. You either like the idea or you don't. I could write my opinions about what I like or dislike about the move, but the only replies will be about how wrong I am. I just don't wanna. I've been on VFDC a long time, I know how the rest of this thread is gonna go if I voice myself.

  6. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    My view is that I am, in general, against motion controls. But am open to the idea of the innovation from it. I'm sure if it were 'free' I'd be less against it.

    Really though, my bias and all aside, if it has proper games that I would enjoy, I don't care what the platform is, I'd try it.

    Like the spiritual successor to Rez, that Silent Hill game, those have me wanting to try Move out. So I'd def be one of those 'on the fence' types. I own a Wii, and have nothing against it, except the library of games. It really has become a dumping ground for shovel-ware. I hope the Move doesn't follow suit.

    Lot of words I put up but nothing really to contribute to the Move, but that's my take from someone who doesn't have it yet.
  7. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    KrsJin, I'm living back in A-Town again, so if you ever wanted to try Move, just hit me up with a PM. We have gaming parties nearly every friday night.

    Start the Party is a really great party game by the way. It randomly takes pics of you while playing, then shows them after the game is over. Hilarity. Really one of the best "party" games I've played. Fun, simple (and I mean VERY simple), and has lots of clever ideas for mischief. Well done.

    Sports champions is also good for parties. Bocce (which is awesome) can be played in two teams of two. Very intense.

    What I'm really waiting for is the updates to Heavy Rain and MAG. Or maybe I'll pick up a copy of RE5:Gold. I want to try the games which were not built for Move, but support it after the fact as an option. I think that will decide the future of this hardware. Can its integration into hardcore games be a benefit? Or will it be an option that only makes your games more difficult (than with playing on a Sixaxis)? That I'll do a write-up about.
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Don't expect too much if u have tried WII RE4. I mean it was fresh about first 30 mins but after that, I still prefer regular pad. Good thing is now we have 1 more choice to play with PM~
  9. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    Well I've played a fair few hours of Move now and I'd like to echoing white_worms comments about it being really good fun. I've played a combination of events from Sports champions and the starter pack demos; across the board I feel like the £100 investment was money well spent on Move.

    I'd actually rather be playing on Move now, than writing this, but the back wall in our lounge is a sun trap at this time of day; where the camera is pointing at, and so Move gets a little flaking for Sports champions archery and table tennis between 17:00 – 18:30 at my house. I have tried lowering the brightness of my TV and I have removed the wall mirror long term (on the wall the camera points at) but I think we need to just give it a rest in that time.

    The other reason why I've taken a break, is that it has been used non-stop since I got back, and I haven't had a chance to charge the controllers properly and they've been low on juice throughout the time I've played.

    If you get a chance to try Move, I would thoroughly recommend it, seeing the depth of field FX in the Archery while you aim; simulating tunnel vision of an Archer really illustrates why the Wii was going to struggle to follow up on the Wii Sports success without better hardware.
  10. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    Thought I do a quick update to my on going experience with Move, as I am still really enjoying it and noticed other than (White_worm and) myself no one else here seems to have tried it.

    One thing my friend informed me of, that I didn't know from the start, was that the Move controllers can navigate the XMB menus if you hold down the trigger button and move the controller; even if the camera is unplugged. it'll be in the manuals, but thought is was worth mentioning.

    I also managed to fix all my configuration issues; it was as simple as aiming the camera correctly by using the XMB accessories menu, so that it mapped the playing area that my arms would reach, and tilting it so that the view aimed below ceiling lights and included as little of the windowsill as possible.

    I've racked up quite a lot of hours on Sports Champions now, particularly on the table tennis, archery, disc golf, bocce and am happy that the illusion/experience isn't diminishing, like it did with Wii sports after a short while.

    For a start, the table tennis is a real calorie burner, as the exertion, movement and accuracy required (particularly on gold skill mode with all the assists off) is so subtle that the shear amount of energy used feels about 2/3 of that required to play the real game.

    The archery is also strangely physically strenuous; the act of putting your right arm over your shoulder to grab a virtual arrow from a virtual quiver and then threading through a virtual bow in your outstretched left arm is exercise enough. But as you draw the virtual arrow in your right arm taught and then adjust your frame to aim, the game intentionally adjusts the aim accuracy inversely proportional to arrow tension, which causes subtle muscle strains in your arms, shoulders, neck and waist, even though there is no physical resistance.

    When you are competing against another cpu/human archer for the same targets, doing this at speed will leave most people fatigued and with aching muscles the following day. But it has all been good fun, and been enjoyed by family and friends I've shown it to recently.
  11. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I really appreciate you guys writing about your experience with Move. I'd rather listen to two VFDC users than ANY (un)official site.

    My only issue at the moment is the price. It's not really expensive, but it's not cheap either and I'm still on the fence.

    Will I buy it? I woul like to. From what you guys said, it seems that it's a great piece of media/hardware, and boy, do I love gadgets [​IMG]

    What I would like to know now is how the Move fares in games like RE5. Could you guys test it and write just a few sentences?
    How do you move your characters, how is the aiming precision, how many times did you die before managing to move as well as on the pad ? [​IMG]
  12. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    I tried downloading the demo of RE5 today, hoping there was a patch for Move support, like some other games. But it looks like you need to own RE5 to try it with Move, and at present, I'm playing through the little know game; 3D dot game heroes in between playing Sports Champions.

    I'm also going to need the new PES 2011, after the demo showed it is back to its very best. And after seeing my friends copy of Demon's Souls, I've realised that was one I shouldn't have missed. So buying RE5 and getting MAG to try move with more traditional games has slipped down my list a bit, maybe until Socom or Killzone 3 arrive in a few months.

    I did try the Tigerwoods demo, and was very disappointed how badly EA tacked the Move support on. It made Wii sports golf feel like game of the year for me, and I think this is going to be a hit or miss situation from 3rd parties patching in support.

    Depending on how quick I get through 3D dot game heroes; and the price I pay for PES 2011, I might still take a punt on RE5 @ £10, as I'm bound to find time over Christmas for an extra game.

    Hopefully, some one else here might try it before then, just by buying the starter pack and using the DS3 for the left analogue stick; in place of a navigator.
  13. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    So I've tried out Heavy Rain and MAG with the move, here's my thoughts:

    Heavy Rain with move is really nice. I can see it making the game more intense. They really put a lot of work in to this patch, and I'm interested to watch my roommate play through the game for the first time using the move.

    MAG: So I bought the Precision Shot 3 (look at the 2nd pic) Precision Shot 3 at gamestop just to play MAG. I was so excited to have a "light gun" style peripheral with a movement stick built in, but MAG has a serious flaw; you cannot reassign the buttons whatsoever. MAG with the move uses every button on the move controller itself, but not much on the navigation controller. So to switch weapons you use the Move button. To crouch you use triangle. This means that when the move controller is in a gun peripheral you only really have access to the trigger, and thus you're really limited on what you can do. Its pretty much unplayable with a gun controller.

    This can be fixed, however, just not with current hardware. The move controllers have both a mini USB port and micro (?) usb port on the bottom. The mini is for charging, the micro says "EXT." next to it, assuming "extension", or some kind of future add-on. So why can't they make a gun that puts all the buttons (triangle, move, etc.) somewhere on the gun that you can reach with your thumb/forefinger, then the move controller plugs into the gun via mini/micro USB and passes control of the buttons to the buttons hardwired into the gun. Anyway, thats just my idea.

    MAG without a gun peripheral is pretty good though, but takes some tweaking. None of the default settings worked very well for me, but they do allow a lot of tweaking when it comes to the tracking, aiming, moving, etc. I've heard that once you get used to it, you'll simply destroy DS3 users, but that seems to be speculation at this point. I did find significant advantages to using the move, however, mostly in the tracking of moving targets. Sniping is a lot more difficult, but assault feels good. It will take a significant amount of time to get used to the move controls, but I think it could be worth it.

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