Poznan Game Arena 2007 VF5 XBOX360 [PL]

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Griever, Oct 28, 2007.

  1. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    W dniach 24 i 25 Listopada w Poznaniu organizowane jest Poznan Game Arena.
    Dotychczas mozna bylo na 100% liczyc na to, ze grupa Tej City Team, do ktorej swego czasu nalezalem (bycie tam to dosc skomplikowana sprawa, ktorej nie bede omawial :D), zorganizuje jakis turniej Tekkena. Tak jest tez i w tym roku, ale co zaskakuje, to mozliwosc zorganizowania turnieju VF5 na Xbox 360!!!

    Sponsorem turnieju jest firma Microsofta oraz CD Projekt. Tak oto dzieki ich uprzejmosci (i $$$) na imprezie Poznan Game Arena mamy turniej VF5. Platforma docelowa, co nie dziwi, jest Xbox 360.
    Organizatorami bezposrednimi imprezy sa: Griever(ja) oraz Taisho, przy wspolpracy z Tej City Team (posrednik w rozmowach ze sponsorem).

    Wstep na turniej Virtua Fighter 5 jest darmowy, jednak wstep na Poznan Game Arena juz nie /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    - udzial w imprezie przez jeden dzien (turniej rozpocznie i zakonczy sie 24 listopada) to koszt 13 zlotych

    - udzial w imprezie w oba dni to koszt 20 zlotych

    Jesli ktos jest zainteresowany, to w sprawie zapisow na turniej TEKKENA prosze sie kierowac do odpowiedniego tematu na FORUM PSX EXTREME. Tam ludzie z TcT beda odpowiadac na wasze pytania i przyjmowac zgloszenia.

    Ja osobiscie zajmowal sie bede zapisywaniem ludzi na wspomniany turniej VF5. Na razie nie znam za wielu szczegolow, jak przewidywana ilosc uczestnikow badz nagrody, ale bede na biezaco informowal.

    Na dzien dzisiejszy moge powiedziec ze zgloszenia zamkniete zostana dopiero w dzien turnieju, czyli 24 listopada o godzinie 13:00, moze 13:30, tak aby mozna bylo turniej rozpoczac przed godzina 15:00.
    Jak na razie zapewnione mamy jedynie dwa stanowiska (2 telewizory i 2 konsole, kazda z 2 padami i VF5).
    Jako ze nie mamy dostepu do wiekszej ilosci sprzetu, mozliwe ze ilosc uczestnikow bedzie ograniczona, ale niestety jak na razie nie mamy co sie martwic o taka popularnosc VF w Polsce :p

    Turniej odbedzie sie systemem pucharowym, lecz zaleznie od ilosci zgloszen, bedzie to do 2, lub 3 wygranych, przy standardowych ustawieniach, czyli:
    - 200 health
    - do 3 rund

    Jak na razie nie znamy dokladnych nagrod, ale wiemy ze prawdopodobnie bedzie to zestaw gier.... pytanie pozostaje, na jaka platforme?

    Update 2:
    For all the ppl who don't speak Polish, as well as all the others here is some overall info in English:

    Poznan Game Arena Virtua Fighter 5 Tournament on XBOX 360

    1. DATE 24th of November 2007 (PGA takes place also the day after, but the VF5 is only on 24th. )
    The hours for PGA are: 10:00 - 20:00
    The hours for VF5T are: 13:00 - 19:00 (may change during the process)
    2. PLACE Miedzynarodowe Targi Poznanskie, ul.Glogowska, 2 minutes walk from the main Poznan Train station. Pavillon 15C.
    3. COST There is no entry fee for the VF5 tournament, it's FREE. However there is an entry fee for PGA event, so you'll have to pay 13PLN for one day, and 20PLN for 2 days (for VF5 you need only 1 day pass).
    4. RULES We play on XBOX 360, using the XBOX360 controlers. It is allowed to use a converter for your own controller and/or using an arcade stick, however we won't provide you with them, so bring ones yourselves.
    This may still change, yet as for now we set the rules for tournament rules. 3 rounds, 200 health, custom buttons set before the fight are standard rules, we fight until one wins 2 or 3 fights (not sure yet, depends on the time available and the number of participants.... for now it's 3).
    In the semi-/finals we fight the same way, but there is going to be a change in the lengt of matches... somehow, we'll see about that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    5. PRIZES Well, we are going to get some games, and maybe something else, still don't know. More info coming soon.

    W jakiejkolwiek sprawie dotyczacej turnieju prosze pisac na moj numer gadu: 2912229.
    Mozna rowniez zglaszac sie tu w postach. Lista uczestnikow bedzie aktualizowana.

    Na ta chwile lista wyglada nastepujaco:

    01) Griever
    02) Taisho
    03) Jigohro
    04) 40i4
    05) Di
    06) Wacho (VHO)
    07) Villain
    08) Dante
    09) Qtrix
    10) Suchy10
    11) Sallen
    12) Matt
    13) Wacha
    14) Kuras

    After the tournament there is going to be an afterparty for some people. Right now we are talking with the managment of a place where we want it and we are 95% sure about the following thing:

    It's going to be held at Dragon pub, ul.Zamkowa. We will have a video room for ourselves, which means a projector on a wall or smth like that (the way they use to watch footbal matches in pubs /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif ). We will try to bring a TV with us (should be no problem), so we can use 2 PS3's.
    Now the case is that I own a PS3 and VF5, and there is going to be one more needed. As far as I know one of you Czech ppl can bring one (ZSS, Unicorn?). Contact me via gg plz.
    As you probably suspect, not all the tournament's participants will be allowed to come (sorry, I don't know some of you), so here is the list of ppl I'd like to see at afterparty:


    If you are not on the list, but would like to be (we know each other in person, or from VFDC), then talk to me on gadu gadu. If you are on the list, but won't make it, tell me as well plz, though nothing will happen if you don't.

    We will have a friend bartending for us, so there is going to be lots of beer, 0,5l for about 5PLN i think (not cheap, but you don't plan on getting drunk... or do you?). There are 24h shops nearby, so no worries about that either.
    Plz, notify me if you want to bring a console or whatever else, so we can at least TRY to get more TV's, cause now the plan is to have 2 tv+ps3 sets overall for 8 ppl.
    Afterparty is for free of course /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    More info soon.
  2. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Jośśśś /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ! Super sprawa, najlepsze jest to, że w takim składzie właśnie gramy na co dzień, hehehe. Osobiście - nie mogę się doczekać!
  3. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

    moze dopisz mnie (Panie, strzez mnie przed moimi decyzjami o_O). co prawda gralem w VF5 tylko raz, ale jak inaczej mam zwiekszac ta wstydliwie niska liczbe jak nie wlasnie dzieki takim spotkaniom ? XD
  4. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Dzieki /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Oto mamy 4 osoby, a ja mam problem z tym jak skontaktowac sie z kims jeszcze.... smiesznie bedzie jak bedzie tylko kilka osob /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif Chyba pora zalozyc tematy na forum VFPL i na Psx extreme /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Co jest grane? Wiem ze nie bylo zbyt aktywne, ale VFPL siadlo? Damnit....
  5. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    I haven't played VF5 much, let alone on Box, but if things worked out in terms of time and health, I'd show up for some good lulz.
  6. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    No problem ZSS, just tell me when you are gonna be sure:)
    What about Unicorn, and other ppl? If you have gadu gadu, then talk to me if you have any additional questions /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. lotrzyna

    lotrzyna Well-Known Member

    ZSS are other CZ guys coming too ?
  8. vho666

    vho666 New Member

    Wacho będzie i zagra rzecz jasna /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  9. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    I dunno, perhaps Unicorn. So has this been turned into a VF5 PS3 event, or is it planned afterwards, or are both going to happen at the same time, at the same place? Just checking : )
  10. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Well, I am still not sure if it's possible to change the tournament into a one for ps3, though there is going to be after party for some ppl, and then we can play on PS3.... just have to find a place for it first /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  11. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

    Fuck the ps3 and the crappy conversion XD
    VF5 on PS3 is definition of neglect...
    if anyone likes VF5 for PS3, the one indirectly is against gaming /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    beside the ps3 version is old and the consol is expensive ;p
    enough? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  12. Di_PL

    Di_PL Member

    Jeśli turniej VF nie będzie kolidował z turniejem Tekkena, to wezmę udział. Dopiszcie mnie do listy.

    Villain, jak będziesz jechał? Bo my (ja, Mariusz, może Sway, Reset i jeszcze kilka osób) wybieramy się do Poznania nocnym PKS-em.

    How are you going to get to Poznań? I'm asking because there are some Tekken players from Czech Republic coming for the TTT5. Try to contact VR-fist.
  13. lotrzyna

    lotrzyna Well-Known Member

    So here is the thing.
    I will have to work on that weekend however right after work I get into the train and arrive to Poznan at 22.24 - there is little chance that my coworker will work instead of me - than I could even be in Poznan at 9.52 AM
    I hope that after party will last till 11PM ?:p
    CZ people (ZSS and Unicorn) I hope that those facts will not stop you from coming ?
    Wacha ? 40i4? Byczy?
  14. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I hope that after party could last a WHILE longer.... than till 2300. I plan on having the after party till AT LEAST a very early morining the day after /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  15. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    o RLY?
  16. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

    YEA, RLY!
  17. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Anyways, ZSS can you confirm that Unicorn will come?
  18. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    I´ll have to follow up with Unicorn about a thing or two and let you know during the next week, ok?
  19. lotrzyna

    lotrzyna Well-Known Member

    Di wsomniales, ze nie da sie bez przesiadki - a sa jakies srodki lokomocji - pociagi, PKSy itp. do Poznania z przesiadka ale rudszajace kolo 15~~16 z wawy a nie o 19 ?

    So it is now definite - I will have to work 24.11.2007 but only from 9AM till about 2PM so I could arrive to Poznan somwhere between 7PM and 10.24PM.
    I hope you guys will come.

    So 40i4 is that certain that you will come ?
  20. Di_PL

    Di_PL Member

    Nie ma pociągów pospiesznych, ale sa Intercity i TLK. Jeżdżą stosunkowo często. Sprawdź na http://www.pkp.pl

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