PS2 Arcade Perfect, Oh yeah, what u need 2 know

Discussion in 'Console' started by marcel, Jan 1, 2002.

  1. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    Recently @ a press conference Yu Suzuki himself gave a few details of the PS2 version of VF4. First, he confirmed that there will be none of the qualms that people had about preveous conversions. VF1- Reduced graphics, VF2- Reduced graphics/slower gameplay, VF3tb- reduced graphics/ levels changed/ changed costumes, you all may know more but I don't. He said that the home version may have several hidden characters (could Taka-A.....I don't know the rest of his name, anyway the sumo from VF3 and VF3tb be one of them?) A new level, and the rest will be arcade perfect. Although there were rumors that the snow and sand molding would be changed but he said "No, it will alll remain the same." But my opinion is that if you put the arcade next to the home, it just still seems different. I don't know mabey I need my glasses perscripstion changed. The Japanese release is still January 31st and the U.S either late Feb. or early March. Game on!
    Max a. Million
  2. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    And guess what, the VF1 mode that was in the arcade version will be in the home version. The modes will be Arcade, Character Edit, Training, Vs, Team Battle (actually I'm not sure about this mode) and I think that's it. And the U.S version (sigh) has been pushed back to late or mid March.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    laff, you even reply to yourself.

    Try to contain your excitement, we know about the modes and stuff...

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