PS3 tips and tricks FAQ

Discussion in 'General' started by PhoenixDth, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Updated 3/22/2007

    latest firmware 1.60[/size]

    Tips and tricks for ps3, also already somethings mentioned by other members. Surprisingly sonys been very anti proprietary for this console. Removing these boundaries actually makes the PS3 a very very versatile system. I will try to keep this updated.

    If you by any chance had your ps3 configured to the wrong setup for audio and video, and you can not get your ps3 to display on your setup anymore, there is a way to safeboot. If you hold down your power button (not the switch) until you hear a 2nd beep, the ps3 will boot up in a safe search mode, where it will try to find the proper display and audio connections. This is useful if you take your ps3 to a meet and configured your ps3 to someone elses setup.

    most bluetooth headsets work for ps3, if you needed a mic for gaming, just read your manual on how to pair it with a new device.

    PS/2 -> USB converters dont work, seems like the PS3 is only able to detect USB compliant devices and has no driver support for older non USB hardware. Save yourself some money and skip the converter and go straight for the USB keyboard.

    Sixaxis and other Peripherals to PC

    drivers to get your six axis controller working on Windows XP, doesnt support wireless blutooth yet. So you gotta stay wired.

    I just tested this and couple of things to note
    dpad inputs are now considered buttons instead of directional inputs.
    The sticks are your main source of directional movement, so you have to remap directional keys to joy buttons.

    This is probably due to the lack of an analog button on the sixaxis, ill update if a blutooth version is ready too.

    Ill test joysticks once they come.

    Memory Management
    PS3 allows any device that connects via USB to be read on the system. This includes usb thumbdrives, usb external, or usb microdrives. For the 60gb owners options expand to compact flash, SD memory format and pro duo.

    This is useful because you can backup the PS3 with the backup option (system settings -> backup utility), in the console in case you want to upgrade your harddrive or install linux. Upgrading your PS3 harddrive is legal and fully detailed within your PS3 manual.

    Probably one of the greatest feature that PS3 offers is the opportunity to Install Linux (system settings -> install other OS). The premier Linux for the PS3 is Yellow Dog Linux 5.0.
    Dont let the site confuse you with its purchase package, thats just for the hard material, the iso can be found here.

    another alternative is Fedora core linux

    To install this, you might want to backup your ps3 data first. Also when installing this linux will create a separate partition for itself, so you might want to get a larger harddrive.

    + Can be used like a personal computer for the casual user, plug in any usb keyboard and mouse, usb printer and you have a personal office. for a free great office program for linux or any other system. Ill update this homebrew section later.
    + Full PC usb connectivity, if its USB itll work on linux
    + Homebrew support
    + A better media center than the native ps3, it may not be slicker but it supports for file formats.
    + Emulators - relive your classics.

    - linux learning curve
    - eats harddrive space fast

    Video Support
    Probably the greatest weakness of all current "next-gen" systems is the weakness of multiple file support. PS3 video support is limited but you can use this to convert it into MP4

    just go into your ps3.xml file and change all .mp4 bitrates from 768 to 10000 or 11000 to maintain high quality, no commas. If anyone is having trouble with this, I'll expand this section of the FAQ later.

    Home Monitor Gaming
    as shown by here

    If you have a widescreen monitor with a scaler, you can run 1080p even on 1680x1050 resolutions. If not, you're limited to 720p unless you have a monitor capable of higher resolutions. If your monitor doesnt have HDMI or Composite IN, you can buy HDMI -> DVI cables for really cheap, $6 each, at . All their cabling is really cheap if you needed hdmi-hdmi or composite cabling.

    For audio,CRID=2177,CONTENTID=10036
    should do the trick with your computer speakers. Although logitech says it 5.1 sound, its actually overglorified stereo. Remember the source you're working with is component Red and White. Theres also some cheap splitters ive heard you can find if you dont have more than 2 speakers.

    How to connect the rest of your systems.
    has proven great reviews, but you gotta keep messing with the switches.
    i cant find reviews on this product though =/ I might get one soon, so i'll post a mini review if it happens.
    new version in stock now!

    *These transcoder boxes dont work with 480i mode, which is the only resolution a majority of the last gen games supports. You might want to keep that SDTV still around if you want to play these older games.

    [HDMI vs Component]
    If you got an HDMI cable use it and dont be fooled by marketing. Since HDMI is a digital signal, the quality of cable wont make any difference. So dont go wasting money on a $100 monster hdmi cable. Ive linked earlier to buy cables at monoprice for an extremely cheap price ($6). More can be explained here

    -Will I get 1080p content over component?
    From my knowledge games can display 1080p over component. Bluray because of the new industry standard "HDCP" requires a HDMI connection to output at 1080p. The problem lies where if your TV does not support 1080p resolution, your movies will be downscaled to 480p or 1080i (not 720p) on the ps3. Most likely a firmware is in the works to unlock 720p upscaling. Hollywood DRM sucks /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    General Tips and Tricks
    + triangle button brings up a lot of options in everything, for people too lazy to read the manual.

    + While playing music or watching photo slideshows, press the PS button to get back into XMB so you can basically have background music for your photos, or do other XMB stuff while listening to music, except playstation store, that really bugs.

    + If you setup your PS3 at someone elses house that had HDTV and you went back to your crappy SDTV like i did. The first thing you notice is that you get sound, but the screen is blank. Theres two ways around this, change your settings back before you go home or when you boot up the console hold the power button untill you hear a 2nd beep, at that moment let go of the power button and PS3 will try to autodetect your native video format.

    + Most PS2->PC usb controller adapters work if you press the analog button, if you're reluctant to buy a new adapter, time to hardwire a button to the analog connectors on the PCB.
    -I have yet to get this to work on a PS2 game. No guarentee the new adapters will either.

    + Newer Elecom brand adapters seem to work flawlessly for joysticks right now.

    + You can assign an animated icon to movie clips, by pressing triangle during playback and select capture icon. PS3 will then record 15 seconds of video to create the icon. Nice fun feature.

    + To bypass Autoboot into game or bluray movie, hold down your PS button on bootup, and move around the XMB accordingly.

    thats it for now
    sorry for any glaring grammar mistakes.
  2. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    One feature that I thought was cool, is the ability to create video icons for movies.

    Here's what this is. In some earlier vids for the PS3 Cross Media Bar, you could see that in the Video section, videos had an actual moving preview icon that showed contents of the movie. Well, you can actually make your own preview icon for any video in your library!! Here's how you do it:

    Open any video.

    Navigate to the point in the video where you want your video preview icon to start.

    Press Triangle.

    Find the option marked "Video Icon" or something like that. It has some dots in a cross shape.

    Hit X.

    The PS3 will work a bit and spit out an icon.

    Then, hit O to exit the movie.

    You should see a moving icon for the video!

    I thought this feature was really slick, although superficial. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

  4. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    I was also considering that monitor, but considering the amount of PC games i still play, anything short of a SLI configuration would be system killer to play games in their native resolution (1920x1200 res). Its too expensive graphics cards wise to upkeep with that high of a resolution. Unless you dont really PC game, or have the money to upkeep, it might be wiser to go with the 22" screens at 1680x1050. Just a suggestion.

    to answer your question - yes. and buy from monoprice.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Nice post, sir. Thanks for all the info.
  6. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    I just want to be clear on something, Linux is free? You just need to get the iso, burn it, then install it?

  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    linux is legally free and so is open office
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    The information on how to homebrew the PS3 is awesome -- thanks for posting it and future thanks for updating it!
  9. raoul

    raoul Well-Known Member

    My old elecom converter does not actually work correctly, make sure you get one of the newer ones... (it's like 3+ years old though)
  10. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    a note on those convertors, they can only display these resolutions


    note that there isnt 480i which is the majority of the last generation systems output resolutions. So you might want to keep that SDTV around if you ever want to boot up some last gen games.

    thanks for the elecom tip
  11. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    So i tried to cheap myself out of a situation and tried to use a PS/2 convertor to USB for my old pc keyboard, (the round purple plug into USB) and it doesnt work. The instant i plug in the keyboard blinks for a second, so i know power is running through it. Its probably a firmware situation where the PS3's arent required to detect older non USB hardware.

    So anyone thinking the same thing, save yourself some cash and go straight for the USB keyboard.
  12. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Firmware 1.50 hit 5 days early, update if you want too, fixes that nasty progressive problem with PS2 backwards compat among other things.

    also you can change your user icon to any picture you want it to be, transparent gifs are also supported.

    note on encoding with red kawa
    PS3 is picky about mpeg4 encoding from that program so always choose the AVC encode. Also for audio encode at 24000 or 48000, it seems to get weird sound buffer problems at 41000.
  13. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    If you want to access content exclusive on the Japanese PS store, simply make a Japanese account to gain access to it! Just choose your country as "Japan" when you make your account. You can still have your U.S. account on the same PS3 (i.e. you'll have multiple accounts).

    You can also make a Hong Kong account to access most of the content on the Japanese store (there is some that is apparently unavailable). Why do this then? Cause you can change the language of the Hong Kong PS store to English! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif In the end, you can have a ton of multiple accounts, like Japanese, Hong Kong, U.S. and "guest" accounts all on the same PS3.

    Maybe PheonixDth can take some pics of the registration process (cause the language would be in Japanese) and post a quick translation of each element so that we know where to put our name and stuff. He can also do the same for the Japanese PS store so that we can be able to navigate it a little easier.

    I would do it myself...but I don't own a PS3 yet. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Edit: If Pheonix could get info on Japanese area codes, cities, etc... for registering, that would be awesome. Also, if you can find out about buying from the Japanese store and if US credit would work, or if one would have to get Japanese credit to purchase, that would be great too.

    Thanks in advance!
  14. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    drivers to get your six axis controller working on Windows XP, doesnt support wireless blutooth yet. So you gotta stay wired.

    I just tested this and couple of things to note
    dpad inputs are now considered buttons instead of directional inputs.
    The sticks are your main source of directional movement, so you have to remap directional keys to joy buttons.

    This is probably due to the lack of an analog button on the sixaxis, ill update if a blutooth version is ready too.

    Ill test joysticks later.
  15. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    1.51 update is released

    seems like some bluray player issues have been resolved.
  16. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    added HDMI vs Component section.
  17. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    You should get rid of Fedora Core Linux and replace it with Ubuntu. Much better.

    Also, do you know if Xgl and Compiz (Linux programs that make Vista look like crap while reducing strain on the Cpu) will work on the PS3? I heard Sony (or Nvidia) won't give access to the Gpu, which sucks.
  18. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Is there any way to set up the PS3 to display games in widescreen, even if you don't have a widescreen television? Or would such a thing depend on the television? And if so, does the PS3 just acknowledge the TV's widescreen capabilities without any configuration needed on the owner's part?

    Or does one simply need a widescreen television in order to play it widescreen? VF5 simply doesn't look right in standard 14:9...
  19. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member


    are all predefined resolutions. I dont think theres any way you can get around this, If you have a SD tv the game will automatically scale down to SD resolution. I think if you forced a widescreen HD image, the SD tv wont recognize the signal. I remember having set my ps3 to 1080p and connected it to a SDtv later, only to have the ps3 visuals not show up at all. Which reminds me that i should add the safeboot section in the faq.

    poppa - ill look more into that linux thing.
  20. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Thanks PhoenixDth!

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