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PS3's Weak AI

Discussion in 'Console' started by akiralove, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    After the announcement (in DECEMBER) of the new "Knockout Trial" feature in the arcade version of VF5, which claimed to have AI so good that you could actually improve your game by playing with the CPU, I was excited at the prospects for the PS3 version's AI; given the fact that the AI in Evo's Quest Mode was already pretty good at the later stages. Not that Quest Mode's AI was "thinking" or smart in any way, it was just really well programmed I thought, and actually had limited variations from "ghost" character to character.

    Needless to say, with all this behind them, we should have been getting some kind of real powerhouse AI for the PS3! Not only did they have 3+ years to beef up Evo's already good AI, but the Knockout Trial AI seemed really promising.

    Having just finished Quest Mode on "Hard" (that is, I saw the credits roll, and have faced what I imagine are some of the best AIs, like Ohsu Akira, Saraman etc), I can say that the AI in PS3 VF5 sucks. I mean, it's REALLY bad.

    From what I can tell, there is essentially only one version of the AI for each character, which just gets slightly harder as you get further into Quest mode. By getting harder, I think the easiest way to explain is that the weak versions basically don't do anything, they spend a lot of time waiting, lying on the ground, and generally getting Combo'd and Thrown. As the AI "ramps up", it's more like it just actually becomes switched "ON", so that the characters are moving and acting maybe 75-80% of the time, instead of 40-50%. But, they don't get any smarter.

    The AI usually doesn't Tech Roll, they use weak combos, rarely Throw Escape, don't use all the character's moves, don't use OM well etc etc.

    There's no reason for this, other than AM2 are a bunch of Lazy slobs. As several of us predicted, we've gotten a version for the markets outside of Japan WHICH IS WORSE, NOT BETTER THAN THE PREVIOUS VERSIONS. This is what we get for being complacent consumers, myself included.
  2. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

  3. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    I thought the AI was better than the crappy EVO version. In EVO the CPU just cheated and read your button hits, thats F'ing weak. Maybe your just too good.....

    I enjoy the AI, it tech rolls when I play, and I don't feel like I am being cheated.
  4. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Sega better pick it up for VF5 evolution (or VF5 revolution as I like to call it).
  5. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Thank god AI doesn't matter when you play people /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    That bad eh? So no transfer of our items, no real practice alone... well shit, I'm glad I play it for the sake of playing others, because that is the only true VF experience.

    That does suck balls that we didn't get a good single player experience.
  7. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    BTW, if you want some good practice,I go into the Dojo and set the level to 5 with all the other settings to random.
  8. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Shit, thats the main reason for me getting the game when it comes out in UK, I hardly ever get to play anyone. Can I please have some serious opinions on wether you guys think its worth splashing out on a ps3 for?
  9. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    lol it took you guys how many years to realize sega doesn't care about you? vf5 for ps3 is a piece of shit, it's gonna bomb hard in the states no matter what people say. DOJO, QUEST, VF.TV (what a joke), save system all suck balls. Just you think the save system couldn't be any worst, they toss the wonton 30 saves, you scroll all the way down to get your character, shit. On top of that they couldn't even get the button setup right. Having played evo for almost 4 years, I can still sit down and play a couple hours of quest mode. Now with vf5 after 10mins of quest mode, i'm still stuck with "wtf aren't you TRing?"..
    VF5 = Tekken = SUCK BALLS.
  10. EVM

    EVM Well-Known Member

    I would never buy a system for "one" game no matter how good it was. Would I buy a system because I would enjoy that system and the other games that come out for it? yes

    I did not buy the game because I was interested in quest mode, dojo, ect. I bought the game because I play VS with friends. I never really enjoy playing the CPU in any sports/fighting game.
    The CPU is more like a lab for me, I practice/lab it. I don't care if the CPU can handle what I am trying to do.

    As far as Sega not caring about their customers, take a look around, who does? Not that its right, but nobody cares and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

    For those who only play the CPU, by the reaction of some VF players....Probably not a good game and you should stay away.
  11. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    yeah EVM but I dont have the luxury of being able to play real people. I seriously was going to buy a ps3 solely for this game as I love the vf series so much and also because no other games coming out in the near future matter to me. I think this whole 'next-gen' shit is gonna be so underwhelming for so many people. So many promises from Sony and Micro$oft and people actually beleived it. Hell I beleived vf5 was going to be a progression from vf4 evo. I hope the 360 version is gonna have better AI because I think Ive about given up on the ps3. I doubt it though.
  12. alucard19

    alucard19 Active Member

    How weak is the Ai?And when u say weak..do u mean high ranked characters are really easy or just the low ranked ones?
  13. GohOwns

    GohOwns Member

    what a lame fucking post..

    I know, how about we dont get Vf5 at all on any console. Maybe that would be better?

    Tell me could you afford to pay the $10000+ for the arcade cabinet?? so you could have the perfect VF5 experience.

    Some of the stuff your complaining about is ridiculous. Wow!! you have to scroll down a lil bit to get to your save. Holy shit, thats like 5 seconds of your life you will never get back.

    Sure Sega could have done a better job and gave us some kinda Online mode(save files, replay files, ranking, etc etc

    but i seriosuly wouldnt complain espically since the game is like 60$ and is basically equal to or superior graphic wise to the arcade, along with the HRAP3 and VSHG controllers gives you arcade quality control.

    If your so worried about the computer not "tech rolling" then how about you buy a ticket and fly your ass to Japan and watch them tech roll your ass all day long. Or....you could play with your friends..
  14. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Yikes. I don't really share any of these same views.

    I wish we could tranfer profiles, but that's my only real gripe. I wish the tutorial mode was included again but just like every other fighter made, it's not necessary. Just means we have to be less lazy and learn the game ourselves or research a bit. As long as the versus mode is great, then to me, it's a great fighter. I havn't played the arcade version, any input on whether it plays as well or identical to the arcade version? That's usually the only concern console players have when it comes to fighters, not all this other fluff.

    EDIT: I'm really with GohOwns in his above post.
  15. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would agree with you guys that these things don't really matter, but here's the thing, VF4 evo already had these and more. Why is the VF franchise going backwards in terms of features? Why would any game go backwards? Especially on features that were touted by the media as fantastic (Tutorial mode and AI, although AI isn't really a feature).
  16. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Yeah that's very true. That's really the only valid argument I see here. Though, EVO did go backwards compared to 4 in the sharing profiles huh? I guess you could argue that they didn't want to put a tutorial mode in till more was learned about the game? But that's a weak argument I guess lol.

    I still have a feeling they really are setting up for a VF5 EVO or as you said Revolution lol. We'll see. So long as the gameplay is fine, I'll be fine either way. And like a sucker I'll buy an add on if it is ever released.
  17. GohOwns

    GohOwns Member

    So you cannot go through each characters move list and knock each move off 1 by 1(you would get "succeded or "pass" after each sucessful attempt) like you could in VF4:Evo?

    I liked that feature. But that doesnt kill the game for me..espically since we have a site like this.
  18. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    the arcade version wouldn't cost that much if you were just to buy the lindbergh and the game, you could hook it up to to old arcade cabinets, sega ARE being assholes by not allowing overseas arcade sales.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">-Some of the stuff your complaining about is ridiculous. Wow!! you have to scroll down a lil bit to get to your save. Holy shit, thats like 5 seconds of your life you will never get back.</div></div>
    it all depends on your perspective,
    if someone has spent a substantial amount of $$ on the 5th iteration (not including ver + updates) of a game (inc ps3, sticks etc) it's only natrual to expect small niggling things to be ironed out, yes it's 5 seconds, but how many vs battles will you play, gatherings, torni's? now add all those 5 secs together and tell me it's not dead/wasted time that could have been avoided,
    I call laziness by sega what say you?

    Obviously there's no poing complaining for complaints sake but this thread is legitimate in pointing out the weak AI in the game, if people feel grateful to sega for releasing it like this then somethings wrong in my opinion and also partly the reason why they can get away with this.
    People are not powerless you can voice your concerns, email and bombard sega with complaints, having a passive "we should be grateful" attitude leaves the ball in Am2's hands to decide what they think the players want, and on past and present form they don't always get it right ;P

    p.s The best vf AI I've played so far was FT's AI in the challenge mode, if they only ported that one it would have been good enough. It forced you to play your best at the highest settings, and was different enough from the evo AI.
  19. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    You can. That's still in it. The sound effect when you complete a move is so nice too /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  20. GohOwns

    GohOwns Member

    Ok awesome!!

    As long as thats still there then i'm more than happy with everything then.

    All i care about in Dojo mode is the ability to be able to see all the characters moves, told how to execute them and then be able to practice it till i get it right!

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