Punishing 2p with Jeffry?

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by Phoxx, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Phoxx

    Phoxx Well-Known Member

    Does Jeff have any tech that goes over lows like 2p and wakeup low kicks? If not, what do you guys typically do to deal with 2p?
  2. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    He has nothing that outright goes over low punches except general jumping attacks, but he has two s.high moves that can beat them; PKP, which is kind of bad because it's -10 on block and it doesn't do anything special on hit, and 46P which is a circular launcher that leads to a damaging combo which is very good. A tactic I've been using to anticipate low punch spam is to back dash and then 46P to catch the recovery of the low punch and kill them, but this only pretty much works when you have the advantage.
  3. partyboy32

    partyboy32 Active Member

    what i do is back dash n low grab. n i side step noobs then i get side controll.or back dash n use 46 half circul kick into combo n elbow after 2p is gurenteed makes them freez on hit. if they do it 2nd 2p time its knee louncher combo.
  4. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    43p kills that low punch spam
    Chefboy_OB likes this.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Depends on the low. 4KP is his fastest mid attack (14 frames) so it can be used to punish lot of stuff. Some lows (low sweeps in particular) are punishable with something bigger, like a 6K.

    In general against low punch spam, I recommend backdashing into a suitable mid attack, like 443P(P) like Krye suggested. Or even better, a launcher. But this requires you to learn the distance where low punch whiffs.
    Chefboy_OB likes this.

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