Questions For Jedi Frame Masters....

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Jun 13, 2021.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Assuming VF5FS as the fighting game

    Question 1

    If two players are in a match and they both have equal mastery of Frame Data and Character Match-ups and there is no lag what determines who will win:rolleyes:

    Question 2:

    If you have two players, Player 1 who has mastered the application of Frame Data but not Character Match-ups, and Player 2 that has mastered the application of Character Match-ups but not Frame Data. Which player wins:confused:

    Question 3:

    If you have two players who have both equally mastered Frame Data and Character Match-ups, But Player 1 can only play Rush Down Abare Style and Player 2 can only play Moral Poking/Turtle Style Which Player wins:oops:

    Question 4:

    If you have two players who each only main one character. Player 1 has learned and can perform all of the combos for his character but does not know Frame Data. Player 2 knows all of his Frame Data but none of his characters combos. Which player Wins:LOL:

    Question 5:

    If you have two players, Player 1 who has played 10,000 matches competing and who primarily uses spamming, mashing, trash talking, and random button pushing as a strategy and knows absolutely nothing about Frame Data but plays regularly. And Player 2 who has mastered Frame Data, and Character Match-ups but has only competed in 100 matches never uses spamming, mashing or random button pushing and does not play regularly or often. Which Player wins:cautious:

    Question 6:

    If you have two players, Player 1 who has absolute mastery of Frame Data and Character match-ups. Player 2 who knows absolutely nothing about Frame Data or Character match-ups, But Player 2's hand-eye coordination is 5 times faster than Player 1 and in addition Player 2 has mastered the art of Yomi who winso_O

    Question 7:

    Let's say two new characters will be added to VF5US as DLC. Player 1 and Player 2 have no Frame Data, or Match-up info on the two new characters (Its not yet been published). However both players are extremely and equally high level VF players and both have mastered all of the available Frame Data and Match-up information for the existing roster. If Player 1 and Player 2 compete against each other with the 2 new characters in a first to 3 out of 5 What will determine who wins:sneaky:

    Bonus Question:

    Is it better to be lucky or good:ninja:
    SSShinji and Ares-olimpico like this.
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    For the love of Sega...... Apply those fingers to leveling up your abilities to be combat efficient instead of typing.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Naw man, the whole point of my Dead Duck Broken Wing Kung-Fu is to level down.:LOL:

    Besides these questions are not rhetorical:)
    beanboy and SSShinji like this.
  4. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    He'll never do that. He's the fake martial artist from 1975
    masterpo, SSShinji and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
  5. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Lmao!!! He trained under Bruce Lee. Bruce was on the 4th floor... He was on the 2nd
    Zekiel and masterpo like this.
  6. SSShinji

    SSShinji Active Member

    I'd like to know your answers to these questions first and then I'll consider answering them if I'm still in the mood lol :D
    (Note: Mr.Po loves writing Essays, might as well ask him to write more of them than asking him to play VF) :p:ROTFL:
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
    Zekiel likes this.
  7. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    @SSShinji TBH if I knew the answers to these questions I wouldn't have postedo_O
    beanboy likes this.
  8. SSShinji

    SSShinji Active Member

    Well, you can guess and answer those based on your own theories and understandings first. You've got an extensive amount of VF, Fighting games, Kung-fu theories, and wisdom in your head anyway, right?? How many essays have you published on this website? C'mon, bro, I know you're better than this! :D
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
    Zekiel likes this.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Po is actually both saving and enlightening us. His prompt for us to think about these important issues is setting us on the correct path to self reflection and reaching a higher tier of thinking. And him not answering himself is saving us, as each question would in fact be it's own Po thread and accompanying essay. Which would of course raise their own questions and further essays and down that path lies oblivion.

    Thank you Po for being such a considerate and caring virtua(l) SiHing. I'll be sure to pay attention and attempt to learn the ways.
    beanboy, Feck, masterpo and 2 others like this.
  10. SSShinji

    SSShinji Active Member

    Mr.Po, rather than answering these questions, it'd be better to do the SEGA VF6 questionnaire (if you haven't done it already). Your ideas/feedback will go directly to SEGA. Although, please be mindful that there are word limits on some of the questions! ;):love:
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
    Carlos Lenz likes this.
  11. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    There's a special section of Hell for the willfully ignorant: the anti-Vaxers , the Flat-Earthers, and the Frame data-deniers.
    masterpo likes this.
  12. Carlos Lenz

    Carlos Lenz Member

    50 questions, they are insane! :LOL:
    SSShinji likes this.
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


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