Quick question regarding Kumite mode and Dan ranks

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by cka, Mar 25, 2002.

  1. cka

    cka Active Member

    Howdy. Registered here a while ago, thought I'd drop by with this question:

    I know that the Dan ranking in Kumite mode is based on victory points, but if I were holding onto 1st dan (just barely -- I've had about 10 fights that threatened to demote my rank /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif ), does that mean that I need to fight 10 1st Dans in order to get a ranking match that will let me go on to 2nd dan (+5 victory points), or is it just 5 fights (0 victory points)? Just curious as to how long the damn Kumite mode is threatening to knock my ass back to 1st Kyu. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  2. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I think it's just 5 victories in a row against similarly ranked opponents when you're a dan.
  3. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Firstly, if you are 1st Dan (Sho Dan), all battles vs Kyu players, 2nd Dan and higher players, or name-ranked players don't factor into your ranking.

    Secondly, each battle with another 1st Dan player will either give you +1 or -1 if you win or lose respectively. Points are accumulated based on the sum of all your battles vs 1st Dan players. If you hit +5, you get promoted to 2nd Dan. If you hit -5, you get demoted to 1st Kyu.

    Probably easiest to explain via an example.

    Get promoted to 1st dan = 0
    Win vs 1st dan = +1
    Win vs 3rd dan = +1
    Loss vs 5th dan = +1
    Loss vs 8th kyu = +1
    Loss vs 1st dan = 0
    Loss vs 1st dan = -1
    Loss vs 2nd dan = -1
    Loss vs 1st dan = -2
    Win vs Emperor = -2
    Win vs 10th kyu = -2
    Win vs 1st dan = -1
    Win vs 1st dan = 0
    Win vs 2nd kyu = 0
    Win vs 1st dan = +1
    Win vs 1st dan = +2
    Win vs 2nd dan = +2
    Win vs 1st dan = +3
    Loss vs 1st dan = +2
    Win vs 1st dan = +3
    Win vs 1st dan = +4
    Win vs 1st dan = +5

    At this point, you're promoted to 2nd dan, your point total is reset to 0, and now only matches vs 2nd dan opponents matter in terms of ranking.
  4. cka

    cka Active Member

    Excellent. A chart like that is something I was gunning for. Thanks a bunch.
  5. thaininja

    thaininja Active Member

    what if your about to lose to a 1st dan and you quit....do they count that as a lost?

    I want to play honest but i have been stuck on 1st dan for a long time.....i hate fighting all those annoying easy kyu its a pain in the ass..i just want to fight 1st dans i dont know why they made it this way....i think if i beat a a 3rd dan when i'm a 1st dan i should get something but if i'm a 1st dan and i beat a 1st kyu i shouldn't get anything.....i mean i have beaten a 8th dan and even a king once....but for some reason i'm like 50% on the 1st dan fights.....i hate lion.....
  6. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    what if your about to lose to a 1st dan and you quit....do they count that as a lost?

    Nope, not counted as a loss. Yep, that's one way to go up in rank (or avoid getting demoted).
  7. thaininja

    thaininja Active Member

    good but they should though.....i hate cheating but sometimes......i get so pissed i have been on 1st dan for awhile.....and to many kyu fights! they shouldn't give me fights that are lower ranking of mine whats the point....i dont care about my win i got a good 70% which is good enough for me....and i'm not that proud of my 70% because i fight a bunch of kyu.....and i need some new accesories man this 10dan jacky had a bandana i so wanted that.....i was one win away from wining....it was close.....
  8. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    Re: Quick question regarding Kumite mode and Dan r

    thanks Feixa!
    I was pondering this little issue myselft, and that chart cleared everything up for me, too!
  9. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    Re: Quick question regarding Kumite mode and Dan r

    Argh! this really sucks! Isnt the whole idea that you could only rank up against players that are a challenge for you? It makes no sense that beating a player with a higher rank than you doesn't improve your standing. If I'm a 1st Dan player, and I'm beating champion ranked players, don't i deserve to go up in rank? That's LAME.

    On top of that, the only practical way to climb in rank is to play kumite! what are the odds that the people you play against will have precisely the same rank as you?! Someone tell me why I'm wrong so I feel better about this!
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Quick question regarding Kumite mode and Dan r

    You have to remember that the system was taken from the arcade. Imagine if you're a 10-dan player and people can move up as long as they beat people of a higher rank. You're gonna keep getting challenged by pesky, annoying 2-dan players! As a 10-dan, do you want to keep playing people of sub par skill? No, you want other 10-dan players to challenge you, and that's exactly what happens. Because you have to beat players of your own rank to move up, players of the same rank just tend to gravitate towards each other.
  11. jwalton

    jwalton Active Member

    Re: Quick question regarding Kumite mode and Dan r

    That makes a lot of sense in an arcade setting. In my opinion, for the home version, it would be better if they changed it... but it does make me feel better that its true to the arcade...
  12. thaininja

    thaininja Active Member

    Re: Quick question regarding Kumite mode and Dan r

    ICe 9 that is a good point.....very true.....now i see it more clearly....yes it now make sense.....if i'm a 10 dan i dont want no 2 dan to fight me but in the home version i wish they didn't put me up against lower rank cause their just easy and annoying.....and sometimes their a semi challenge like 1st kyu sometimes it just annoys.....

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