Quick tip for wolf

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by rob_is_crap, Sep 15, 2002.

  1. rob_is_crap

    rob_is_crap Member

    )Just sharin a quick way of doin piles of damage with wolf i found. When you get a chance, do his vertical suplex([4][P][G]). You'll both be on the floor. Now just as the opponents getting up, hit [K]. Whilst the kicks playing out on screen, buffer either the giant swing ([4][1][2][3][6][P][G]), the KS([8][7][4][1][2][3][6][P][G) or the spinning wristlock. Once this is done, one more move or combo should finish the opponent.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    not to nitpick, but you probably let people know this is a way you can beat the PS2 computer, not actual people. Imagine someone trying this vs. a human...

    "ok I got that throw! Now I'm gonna try the rising kick"
    "d'oh I just got thrown now."

    ...so anyway, since you've prolly got a lot more to share about how to kill in kumite mode... try the kumite board.
  3. rob_is_crap

    rob_is_crap Member

    Oh right. Maybe im just playing against really really stoopid people then.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member


    Okay, well, uhm... I guess if this is vs people... just want to make sure you understand it isn't a combo. And maybe you can pass that on to them also.
  5. rob_is_crap

    rob_is_crap Member

    Yeah, i know it isnt a combo. Numbnuts.

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