Real life Virtua Fighter

Discussion in 'General' started by Akebono, Aug 30, 2002.

  1. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Now, i cant read japanese, but in the heresy section of this page they show pics of people doing hakkyoku-ken. and they mention virtua fighter. IF one of the japanese reading VFDC members can help me out and let me know what this page is all about. That would be cool.
  2. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    doesnt goku on dragon ball z use keyo-ken? I havent seen that show in a long time, its pretty shitty
  3. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Hey you found an interesting page!
    My japanese skills are not good enough, but they were showing some of Akira's techniques...
    MOU KO KOU HA ZAN is [2_][6][P]
    Tetsu Zan Kou [4][6][6][P][K]
    As you can see the moves look very different in real life /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
    But I like the real life look of Tetsu Zan Kou /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
    Da Kai looks a lot like [4][6][P][K], but in VF4 this move is called Chouzanhousui...
  4. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Wow there even is a move from Fighting Wushu's japanese girl!!
    If I remember correctly it was her 'super move'.
    Never thought I'd hear about this game who was supposed to be the 'VF3 killer' at the time... /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif
  5. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    goku uses a move called kamehameha,dbz rocks!!!!!!!
  6. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Yeah I agree with you Redman,DBZ Rocks.KammaamaaHaaaaa!!!! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  7. Goro

    Goro Well-Known Member

    no no, i know about the kamehameha, but doesnt king kie teach goku the ancient and deadly art of keyo-ken while goku is training on his tiny planet? I thought DBZ was cool at one time, but theres just so much better anime out there, its a good introductary show though, and if they released new episodes i would propably watch 'em.
  8. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    King Kie teaches him the spirt ball and the deadly art of heyo-ken.
  9. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    don't think of me as a weirdo, but i HATE animated shows from japan! It's like a video game, but you're not actually doing anything! ...ok, i don't HATE animated shows, but still, that stuff's for video games!
    P.S.: Just tell me WHY you watch all these kids shows??
  10. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    I watch these kid shows because I am a kid well thats what my mom says I'm 16 but DBZ is still a good show for all ages.
  11. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    you are amizingly stupid!!

    anime have different genre's for different ages, and if you notice some anime's in cartoon network have different times and show on different themes (adult swim/ toonami) which totally means those animes on adult swim ar for older more mature people, kageman try finding out more on what you're commenting about because it makes you look like a total dumbass.

    and for all you DBZ fans, its not king kie, its King kai, and yes goku learned kengkidama better known as the spirit bomb, and keyo-ken through him, the kamehameha is something he learned back in the dragonball days when he was a kid, and to stir up your interest in DBZ search the net for DBGT the next chapter of dragonball, i've finished all three series since i used to live in south east asia, you'll like DBGT same action stronger enemies shorter stories to prevent cartoon network from replaying them over and over again, and you'll see a very dead goku who wished himsel back to youth (but still dead complete with a halo and all) but is allowed to roam the earth, and on a side note he has his tail back and gave him more power to transform into the super saiyan 4, (4th transformation) if you're wondering where's 2nd and 3rd, second was shown through gohan when he beat perfect cell and third was shown by goku when he fought the 2nd majinboo, yes there is a second majinboo, ten times stronger. /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    oh and guys please don't stray from the original topic i really wanted to know more about hakkyoku-ken. -sigh-
  12. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    oh and guys please don't stray from the original topic i really wanted to know more about hakkyoku-ken. -sigh-

    You can't ask it of others if you fail to do it yourself.

    To kageman: if you watch american TV or look at the video rental place, anime looks like it's limited to cheesy dragonball or pokemon kid's stuff. However there are some types of anime that are very serious, or at least they try (too hard) to be. Some of them resemble a pretty good horror flick, others deal with social issues or japan's role during and after the world war, a few are flat out funny, but it's the kind of funny you wouldn't want a 12 year old seeing. The japanese are pretty good at crude sexual humor, even though america seems like it should hold the patent on it.

    Beyond that, a lot of anime is focused on pretty visuals and graphic violence, watch ninjas or vampires get hacked in half by swords, or soldiers in full battle armor getting ripped apart by miniguns. I think that might be something you could watch and get entertained by, if someone took the time to show you (I doubt you're gonna make any attempts to find it yourself).

    Go rent ninja scroll from somewhere.
  13. death_raven

    death_raven Well-Known Member

    oops my bad, just wanted to be entertaining to their tatse, so as not too sound to pushy and demanding on what i wanted to say.
  14. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    Your profile says you're in middle school, what's up with that?
  15. KageMan2002

    KageMan2002 Well-Known Member

    God, i AM stupid! to be truthful, well, i sometimes watch it too, ya know. I geuss there's stupider shows out there. dbz wasn't really on my kill list, although some shows are really dissapointing. Have i gone insane?
  16. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Well I was in middle school last year.This year I'm in High school.My elementary school goes K-6,middle goes 7-10 and High school is 11-12.Yes I know it is a weird but it is not my desision its the schools. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  17. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    So, did you guys even read the page i put a link to
  18. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    find us a good english one now.
  19. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Ill try, but in the mean time can someone translate the japanese one? /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  20. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I read a few sentences of the profile -- it's just something they're doing to go w/ the boom of fighting in games, manga, and television.

    not necessarily putting VF moves to the test, but some other "Hissatsugi" you might've seen somewhere in pop-culture.

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