Reasons for characaters in VF4 & VF4EVO

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Catch22, Nov 1, 2002.

  1. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member


    The original VF had:
    Akira / Kage- Simple Stylle / Flashy Style
    Lau / Pai- Father / Daughter
    Jacky / Sarah- Brohter / Sister
    Wolf / Jeffry- Light / Dark ???

    Lion / Shun- Young / Old

    Taka / Aoi- Fat / Skinny

    Lei / Vannessa- Old martial art style / New martial art sytle???

    VF4 EVO:
    Brad / Goh- Handsome (Vanity) / Ugly (Non-Vain)???

    Just wondering about the question marks. Anybody got some other theories?
  2. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Sarah/Aoi. Slut/chaste.
    Lion/Vannesa. Gay/lesbian.
    Kage/jacky. Ninja/not a ninja and horribly boring to boot
    VF4/T4. Excellent/crap ( oops how did that get in here)
    Pai/Lau. Lost her mother/lost his wife.
    Lei/Akira. Shaolin monk/not a ninja.
    Wolf/Jeffrey. Wrestler/Wrestler with a perverted shark fetish.
    Goh/Brad. Zombie/Tekken reject who also is not a ninja.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yeah I'd noticed this too ...the similarities/dissimilarities between each new pair of characters...

    Akira/Kage -
    Both Japanese - both traditional martial artists in terms of outfit, sort of.
    Dissimilar in that akira has the most linear style and kage is the most whirly/circular. Akira's got a ton of quick direct, quick palm and elbow strikes while kage's got a ton of slow, whirly, flipping, spinning kicks and elbows/slaps.

    Jacky-sarah: Blonde relatives, both fond of sort of american workout pimp/slut outfits, both have a lot of similar moves with jacky's specialty being strung-together elbows and backfists and sarah's specialty using multiple knees and kicks.

    Lau-Pai: relatives, both fond of rapid punches-into-kicks combinations, obviously they share PPPK and PPPsweep type combos, and since VF3 pai is getting more and more lau-like ... she got an upknife/lifting palm, a sidekick-P combo, a turnaway punch, a chargeable double palm, etc.

    Wolf-Jeff: both big heavy wrestlers... with wolf's style being modern (wwf type) and flashy. It involves a few whirly, circular attacks like HCF+P and f+K+G... jeff is linear with stuff like ff+P,P and df+P,P,df+P and jeff's style is based on a very old wrestling art.

    Lion and Shun: Oldest and youngest additions, both use a very old traditional and indirect art, both were the first and best at dodging and slipping backwards around the ring..

    Aoi and Taka: Both japanese, lightest and heaviest additions ever, both use traditional and grapply arts.

    Lei and Vanessa: black american and white asian /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif ... modern and traditional arts.... Vanessa's is very practical and straightforward while lei's is very flashy and deceptive. Vanessa's a strong grappler with a variety of high and low throws and lei's fairly limited in throwing ability.
  4. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Heh, the only things we can be sure of are my ninja/not a ninja comparisons.
    Oh and Lions sexual orientation as well.
  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Brad is far, far gayer than Lion ever will be.
  6. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    I would have to agree...I saw the two dancing at a club together and Brad whispered something to Lion whereupon Lion stormed off the floor. I turned to Jacky and said
    "Jacky honey, go find out what's wrong with the little cutie over there."
    So Jacky went off, talked to Lion then came back.
    "Man, that's so messed up, you won't believe what Brad told Lion he would do to him when he got the little boy alone...he said..."
    And I just won't repeat it. Too messed up. Way too Gay. Anyway, then Jacky went off saying that he was going to beat the crap out of Brad and when he got on the dancefloor Billie Jean started playing and instead of fighting they started dancing and before I knew it I was catching a cab home while my now ex-partner was galavanting around with the Italian Stallion...BRAD STOLE MY BOYFRIEND!
  7. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    what about lion's [9]+[P]+[G]
    lol /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Long gone buddy. Looks like he 'straightened' up. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  9. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    i suppose he was more of a bi-sexual using this move anyway! well, that's taking a lot of his sexual preference away.
  10. Valiance

    Valiance Well-Known Member

    I agree that Brad has definitely set an all new standard for gayness in the VF series.
  11. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    lol /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  12. Two_Bit_Mage

    Two_Bit_Mage Well-Known Member

    I never really thought lion was gay...As long as you use his first player outfit only i dont think he looks too femenine

    But brad...he looks pretty horrible
  13. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Hey, I don't think Brad looks gay. Not unless you give him the items to make him look gay, and even then it's nothing too horrible.

    His winning poses are quite another thing though. If that's what you guys are referring to when you call him gay...than I completely understand your logic.
  14. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Egads, what have I wrought upon here?!

    Anyways, in an attempt to get back on topic, a few ideas...

    Aoi: The ultimate defensive/mind trickery character. Akira had the most reversals in VF2 but was hardly a "defensive" character. In VF3, they decided to put in a character who used a mostly defense-oriented style with reversals and cancels for those who enjoyed this sort of play with other characters and wished to see it more.

    Taka: Big. Powerful. Hit him and he doesn't fall down. He's like a freaking tank compared to the others.

    Lei: Fighting style that looks really flashy and cool. Makes the most use of stances, which weren't really a very big part of VF until VF4. Also adds a bit of "Asian mysticism", heh.

    Vanessa: Contrast to the other females in the game, who look more like gymnasts than fighters (with the possible exception of Sarah). Unique for the direct fighting aspect as well as the two styles.

    Goh: The first blatantly 100% EEEEEEEEEVILLLLLL character in the series. Grab-oriented play that is distinctly different from Jeff and Wolf.
  15. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Yeah Zero, I riffed on the "far gayer" bit, which I assume you took from Brad's overzealous machismo. Gay this and Gay that aside, fighting game stereotypes have always irked me a little, and if I were apt to be offended by ANYTHING I suppose certain fighting game character trends which you can find manifest in VF might.
    Big, brutish black fellow? Check
    Obnoxious, cocky american guy? Check
    Powerful, truth seeking japanese guy? Check
    Hot japanese chick?
    Hot chinese chick?
    Hot blonde american chick?
    On the surface and for a bit beneath the whole thing is terribly juvenile (not to mention un-american : )
    But then who is VF's bread and butter?
    At the same time I suppose Sega deserves some character design kudos as they have never really gone the TnA route and even when they sorta did with fighting vipers, it was with more or less an entire cast of offbeat & non-traditional (not otherwise unstereotypical) fighting game characters. But at the end of the day, if your thing is to beat up someone gay or get some gay character to obey your every whim, then don't stop, get it get it.
  16. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    I think you guys look at vf too nicely. Here is a look at vf from the mind of Jedi_Fei

    Akira-egotistical Japanese male, who practices chinese martial arts, and hates japanese martial arts. Likes to beat up shotokan karate guys for kicks. Loves sake and is an all around badass

    Kage-He is a ninja, for more about this go to

    Aoi-Gaisha girl who grew up on the streets of japan. She can make your evening fun or deadly. Cross her and you might end up with you arm relocated. Likes to write haiku, and is very good at making japanese buisness men happy /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Taka- Mute sumo wrestler(from all the blows to his throat) who is part of the yakuza. Uses his sushi bar buisness as a front for a antiques smuggling operation. Known as the Zippo, for his affinity to light people on fire for double crossing him. Likes kimchi.

    Goh-Lead singer to a Goth/Industrial japanese band. Not very popular as this music isnt popular in the land of the rising sun. Hangs out at the local goth bar, has a gang. Is into ritual bleeding, tatoos, piercing, and pain tolerance acts(like stabbing himself with nails). Likes Hamburgers. Very high pain threshold.

    Jacky-Leader of a Suzuki Bike gang. runs a small drug ring. Huge coke problem. Idolizes muhammed ali. Bets on boxing matches. Does some muscle work for his father. A big drug lord. Is known to put people in the hospital for making fun of his high voice. All around badass.

    Sarah- Slut, but dont call her that, or she'll kill you. Likes to start fights with guys at bars, if they dont die, she will sleep with them. Does coke on a regular basis. Sister to Jacky. Does escort work for him.

    Vanessa-Not a lesbian, but a feminist. First Female british special forces officer. Not much is known, other than she is a sociopath, and has trouble cooping with life after the military.

    Lion-Also not gay, But a diva crossdresser on the weekend. Clinically diagnossed with schizophrenia and narcissitic rage. Likes to go hannibal lecter on people with his knife collection. Years of rejection from girls has turned him into a lunatic. ohh yeah and hes French. Really big into rally , and does anything he can to make sure peugeot wins everytime.

    Wolf- ex-mountie turned wrestler. Got kicked out of wrestling for really hurting people. even killed a man. Hates people. Lives in the woods of canada. Hangs out with Llanfair on a regular basis. They watch hockey together. Known to go ape shit at mcdonalds when someone mistakes him for an american. Hates americans.

    Jeffrey-I ask that you look at my post in NYcats jeffrey post for this one.

    Brad-Italian mafioso. Last living male of the burnuchi family. Moved to thailand and changed last name to escape asassination. Lean muy thai. Went home finished his vendettas, now is the don of his town.

    Lau-Chinese military officer turned cook. Lau his the higgest ranking military officer to get court martialed and honorably discharged. In a sortie, Lau lost his mind and started to kill everyone in the village, women baby, childern, his own men. and he did it with his bare hands. Lau now lives his life as a cook. Sometimes he goes to ruff neighbor hoods to pick fights. Koen-Ken rules. Lau is dying. Lei-Fei is hunting him.

    Lei-Fei- Not really a monk, but an assasin and criminal(similar to jade fox in Crouching tiger, hidden dragon, only better). He seeks the knowledge of the unbeatable art Koen-Ken. With it he will rule all.

    Shun-Alchoholic, wife beater, and bum. Shun trys to live day to day, trying to get his next bottle of hooch. IS know to mug people to get some sake.

    pai-Heroin addict, movie star, pai is on a dangerous road. wild partys, booze, drugs. But is still the number one female action star in china.


    This is what happens when you mix, VF play with GTA: Vice City play.

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