Recollecting NYG2...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Chanchai, Nov 1, 2000.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Recollecting NYG2...

    As I've been copying the NYG2 tapes, I've been seeing quite a bit of matches from Saturday on the main screen (station A).

    First off, I'm impressed with the progress Kruza made with his Aoi. I didn't see it in this form while I was there (around this time, I believe I was having a late lunch/early dinner with Andy). If I understood correctly, it was three people for the most part on the station. I think it was Adam (was an Akira player, but didn't look like Emil's, great execution on this Akira player), Nelson, and Kruza. Kruza's Aoi seems basically the same throughout NYG2, however, it just got more refined with a really good feel for how the other players played. I personally thought it was beautiful watching his Aoi properly avoid Akira's attacks, evading out and getting a FC throw at proper times, turning the tables...

    Another thing I'm seeing on this same tape is what I think is Shota and Hiro squaring it off (that narrows it down, they were practically on the same stations the whole time, but I'm sure for excellent reason). Maybe I'm mistaken, but while I was there, I didn't notice the style of the Lion player so I assume it is Shota's. Things I tend to see so far... b, b+K, P+K, d+P, d+K. I also see quite a bit of d+P+K, something I use quite a bit more and am only learning so much watching what I think is Shota using it. What impressed me was a simple d+P+K, E, df+P+K. Looks cool, stylish, seemed to nail what I think is Hiro quite a bit. The Lion player also tends to go back and forth a bit, not too much. However, I think the "I have a lead on some health, 2 seconds left, b,b+P hit, run away!!!" sort of made me think more than anything else that this is Shota. But it's also a Lion I haven't had described to me nor recall ever seeing a style like it... Really impressed, new inspiration for my Lion play /images/icons/smile.gif

    I may be mistaken, I'm not sure who the Kage player is, I assume it's Hiro but I could be wrong. Uses quite a bit of Shinsodan, however, uses it very well as far as I can tell. Also seems to do f+P+G quite a bit. Let me know if it's Hiro. If this brings someone memory up to speed, here's the order of the first three fights in this series where I see this Lion. Lion vs. Kage, Lion vs. Pai, Lion vs. Kage again.

    Anyways, after I get done with exams and projects, I will try to note the things that were not absolutely boring or dry in the NYG2 tapes. Well, to the best of my ability, I assume everyone looks for a different thing when they watch. However, I'll just do the best I can at pinpointing ranges of areas where there should be at least some interest in the tapes. Make it easier so you can avoid the stuff that might make you fall asleep (like watching my awful form at NYG2 hehehe).

    Anyways, thought I would share.

  2. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    Re: Recollecting NYG2...

    Were you in such an awful form when you played at NYG2, or maybe the other players were so strong ? Which character were you playing ? I wonder what your biggest weaknesses were (lack of juggles,timing,lack of variable play=straightforward,timing,to aggressive,to defensive,didn't know the opponents moves well(all VF3-moves),weren't able to see through the strategy that was applied by opponents...) maybe i can avoid that when I first meet a bunch of very good players(I've only played against japanese and korean turists,some of them were quite strong .........that was 2 years ago) ......

    brumm,brumm,brumm,......wish you all the best and jacky hopes that next time you will kick some asses at the NYG3...
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Recollecting NYG2...

    Yes, I wasn't a good player whatsoever at NYG2, but I appreciate the encouragement, help, and understanding that was displayed at NYG2.

    First of all, major lack of experience. Besides earlier matches with KBCat, this was my first experience with experienced opponents. It was really eye-opening and I strongly appreciate the help everyone offered towards making me a better player. Very encouraging and very much appreciated.

    Second, extremely aggressive and dodge happy (got thrown a lot). All my opponent had to do was block and react or throw when he knew I would dodge.

    Third, dependency on scrubby moves-- which aren't bad, but the tradeoffs don't work if they are all you've got. ie. knockdown moves, but weak overall and have awful recovery when blocked (think of db+K with Kage or Lion). Generally, if you are already low on life, the way I used them... it was just really stupid, a waste of time, and actually secure my opponent's material (health) advantage over me.

    And most of all, I had a major lack of structure or form. There was no structure to my play whatsoever... It wasn't that it was completely random, but the moves I used didn't work well together, there were no useful tactics in my repertoire, lack of experience ended up bringing bad strategies onto the table. The list goes on. I was a typical beginner, but at least I was learning a lot and I've been happily learning even more since. Maybe the complaint of my play now is that it's overly structured? But that's much better than a fighting style with no structure and no clue combined...

    And there you have it, Chanchai at NYG2... And to think, I'm the one who's trying to distribute the tapes, despite my awful form at the time, but again, big eye-opener, greatly appreciated.

  4. nascarbryant

    nascarbryant Well-Known Member

    Re: Recollecting NYG2...

    I'm very pleased that the people helped you a lot....thats what I expext from a real VF-community................(I also tried to help a lot of people how to play this game............and i specialy remember that many beginners did choose Akira (because he looks like a typical karateka or somesort of streetfighter-Ryu, certainly a bad decission for a button smashing i told them to start with pai ,sarah, or jacky.............with pai i told them to use only the kick -button (try to press the kickbutton twice without moving nothing,press kick while standing up from a crouch position,try to hold the stick down and press k twice, try to press uf+k at the same time and then press kick again..........well very basic stuff but some people finally learned that there is life after buttonsmashing and what life......

    brumm,brumm,brumm, way buttonsmashers can win even a fight in VF..........
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Recollecting NYG2...

    Speaking of which - whats up with the tapes? COD, or check? :)
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Recollecting NYG2...

    I'll email you when the Maryland sets (for you and Cause) are ready. Money Order is preferred. We'll discuss all that later and through email.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Recollecting NYG2...

  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Recollecting NYG2...

    Umm... cute/images/icons/smile.gif

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