replicant finally has evo...

Discussion in 'Console' started by replicant, Mar 11, 2003.

  1. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Not much I can say. Still busy playing.
    Beautiful, stylish, and more than we could have asked for.

    Brad is shaping up to be the character I was looking for.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    No offence, but nobody really cares.

    If you want to post your impressions, or a review, of the game, then go ahead and post it in this board. Simply posting you have it doesn't really do anything for anyone, and is just adding to general noise around here.

    I think I'm going to be dreading the weeks ahead...
  3. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    can we just delete this thread?
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I was going to, but I want to leave it as a sort of deterrant to other people who might want to let the world know that they too have ps2 evo.

    I'll be deleting other similar threads though.
  5. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    <gasp> sorry to have shown a love for virtua fighter.
    I'll try and find a more suitable board for discussing this game. Go back to you DOA or Tekken. Whatever it is you guys play. Peace. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    You might want to see a proctologist about that stick in yer ass bud.
  7. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Quit looking at my ass, ya perv.
  8. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    replicant said:

    <gasp> sorry to have shown a love for virtua fighter.
    I'll try and find a more suitable board for discussing this game. Go back to you DOA or Tekken. Whatever it is you guys play. Peace. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You show your love for evo by not buying it and downloading a copy. Good job at screwing Sega and adding to their $800 million debt. And seriously if you want a more suitable board that caters to your mental capacities please and I do mean please goto Gamefaqs.
  9. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    First of all "Blow Me".

    Next on the list.
    [ QUOTE ]
    Good job at screwing Sega and adding to their $800 million debt.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Whether I own the import of Evo or a burned copy of Evo makes no difference. Why you say? ...because they have shown no plans to bring it to us stateside. Why should we be expected to add to their profit margin and a foreign economy if they care so little for us. You can take you holier than thou stance and shove it up your ass. I am looking at simple economics. Sega and their loss of money has been because of low arcade turnout, poor reception of hardware, and generally a lack of any true growth within their entertainment division. They are living on sequels and not growing as a creative unit. Their merger with Sammy will provide a better solution for immediate cash, but will only help to stall their losses temporarily.

    When Sega brings VF4E out here in the states, then I will buy it and support them.
  10. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    You know through all that bullshit, you claim to have a love for the game. Wheres the love man. You cant fight a 2 front argument.
    [ QUOTE ]
    First of all "Blow Me".
    . . .
    You can take you holier than thou stance and shove it up your ass.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'll try and find a more suitable board for discussing this game.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Geez it feels like GameFaqs all over again.
  11. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    buying the jp/asia version still halps AM2 and Sega as a whole you know. Sure they didn't want you to buy the game in the first place, but hey, mental patients usually don't know what's best for them /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  12. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    Can't we all just be happy Evo is out? I am! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    For the record piracy sucks and costs everyone more in the long run. Peace
  13. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    I sure am. if all turns out as planned, I hsould have the game within 40 hours... hate waiting!
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: replicunt finally has evo...

    [ QUOTE ]
    replicant said:

    Whether I own the import of Evo or a burned copy of Evo makes no difference.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cool. Please send me the $70 you would've spent on it. The retail value for the other stuff you've stolen would be cool, too. Or does this suddenly make a difference to you?

    On a less selfish note...

    I hope terms like foreign economy disappear from your thought process. I think the world is becoming much more connected every day. I think things that happen in other countries matter over here. If SEGA tanks and the VF franchise is lost, it affects everyone who cares world wide.

    As far as Evo coming here - I think if there's a market for it, we'll see it happen. I imagine SEGA pays attention to the number of units imported to the US and those numbers may have something to do with their decision.

    [ QUOTE ]
    replicant said:

    Sega and their loss of money has been because of low arcade turnout, poor reception of hardware, and generally a lack of any true growth within their entertainment division. They are living on sequels and not growing as a creative unit. Their merger with Sammy will provide a better solution for immediate cash, but will only help to stall their losses temporarily.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your answer to this is to rob them... "Wow, this company is suffering. And you know, they're pissing me off by not selling a US version of Evo. Eh, it's all their fault. They don't seem to know how to run their company. If they hired me, I'd fix everything. Nah, too much work. I will punish them for their stupidity and lack of servitude by stealing their product."

  15. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    replying to ...

    "replicunt" ... Almost witty. Please try harder if you are going to try and get personal.

    Now to your points.
    1. Your money difference example has no valid point, so it needs no in-depth reply.

    2. Foreign Markets will not be removed from my thought processes until they no longer exist within economics and business as a whole. Japan does not want their entertainment purchased outside of Japan just as the US does not want our products purchased outside of the US. Why? ... because it's harder to tax properly, doesn't give a true revenue tract for the business, and helps to create potential losses when said entertainment is eventually exported. Why is importing tolerated? Simple. It works just like Fansubs/dubs of anime as a potential way to generate interest in a foreign markets product. Most japanese games if you look on the cover will tell you that they are not for resale outside of Japan. I have over 100 imported games and the majority have that logo on the back cover. VF4 sold pretty good in the US, but I don't know if we have a viable enough market for VF4E here since it is more of a geeks version of the game and not a true sequel. I am still hoping for a stateside release.

    3. You support them how you want to and I'll support them how I want to. When a US version comes out I will purchase it, but until then I will play it however I can. Whether that be import, arcade, or backup. I just want to play the damn game.
  16. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: replying to ...

    I still cant see your "love for the game". . .

    [ QUOTE ]
    Most japanese games if you look on the cover will tell you that they are not for resale outside of Japan. I have over 100 imported games and the majority have that logo on the back cover.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    On another note isnt that statement contradicting itself. Please stop shooting yourself in the foot, it makes it harder for all of us.
  17. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Re: replying to ...

    How have I contradicted myself?
    By owning import games?
    I dare you to pass up Dreamcast import games for under $5 each. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  18. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: replying to ...

    Well heres what im getting. Im not gonna support sega because boo hoo they havent announced an American release yet. Yet i own 100 imported games so importing doesnt seem to be a problem.

    Still I dont see your love for the game especially when you call evo a "geeks version" and all things prior.
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: replying to ...

    [ QUOTE ]
    replicant said:

    "replicunt" ... Almost witty. Please try harder if you are going to try and get personal.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wanted to see how observant you were. It worked (you noticed and changed it), so I don't really HAVE to try any harder. Maybe Replican't would've been better.

    [ QUOTE ]
    replicant said:

    Now to your points.
    1. Your money difference example has no valid point, so it needs no in-depth reply.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    All flippancy aside, I don't understand what you mean. If it made no difference to you - why not send me the money? I certainly wouldn't mind. How can buying something vs. stealing it make no difference? I think my point is valid.

    [ QUOTE ]
    replicant said:

    2. Foreign Markets will not be removed from my thought processes until they no longer exist within economics and business as a whole. Japan does not want their entertainment purchased outside of Japan just as the US does not want our products purchased outside of the US. Why? ... because it's harder to tax properly, doesn't give a true revenue tract for the business, and helps to create potential losses when said entertainment is eventually exported. Why is importing tolerated? Simple. It works just like Fansubs/dubs of anime as a potential way to generate interest in a foreign markets product. Most japanese games if you look on the cover will tell you that they are not for resale outside of Japan. I have over 100 imported games and the majority have that logo on the back cover. VF4 sold pretty good in the US, but I don't know if we have a viable enough market for VF4E here since it is more of a geeks version of the game and not a true sequel. I am still hoping for a stateside release.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't have the depth of knowledge that you appear to have regarding the above. As far as the statement "...give a true revenue tract for the business," - if exports are measured, why wouldn't it? What loss is created when entertainment is exported (I REALLY don't understand - if Konami sells 500 units of Guitar Freaks 8th mix in Japan and then sells 500 more units to the US, how does that hurt Konami)? You say the US doesn't want our products purchased abroad. I own a design and marketing firm - I'm quite happy to sell to Korea and Japan - am I making a mistake? I'm in business to make money, if people are willing to pay for my product at the price I quote them, should I care who I'm selling it too? I just bought some products directly from China that aren't sold in the US - I don't think they minded too much. You specify entertainment - does that differ from other goods and services? I realize there may be licensing issues when it comes to music and whatnot.

    I'm not trying to be difficult. I'm just interested in your answers to my questions.

    [ QUOTE ]
    replicant said:

    3. You support them how you want to and I'll support them how I want to. When a US version comes out I will purchase it, but until then I will play it however I can. Whether that be import, arcade, or backup. I just want to play the damn game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm glad you and I have those rights. I'm glad you'll purchase a US version. As far as back-ups (*cough* - euphemism for stolen property) go - I don't think stealing helps anyone, including you. I don't think your selfishness helps anyone either, including you. "Play it however I can" = "Play it however I want" - with the bullshit filter in place.
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: replying to ...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Japan does not want their entertainment purchased outside of Japan

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're retarded Replicant. If the Japanese companies do NOT want their games to be sold outside of Japan? Why do they offer copies of their games to other countries in the Asian region? Why do they come to E3 in the US and show off their new games in development. Why did games like Metal Gear Solid 2 and Shinobi come out in the US first? Most of these games are developed in Japan, and they are sold to other countries. They all have the same exact label that say "Not for sale outside of Japan" but Japanese games have been shipping to Asian markets like Taiwan, China, Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, etc. This has been a stable for as long as Japanese gaming have been around. Importing adds to the business of companies, so don't give that bull shit about how importing doesn't support the company.

    For the record, SOA did NOT make the VF series. Yu Suzuki and AM2 are the creators of this franchise, if ANYONE deserves your money, it's them, the Japanese, and NOT the lazy people of SOA. Please don't act like you know when you have no experience outside of your little hole of existence.

    Bragging about having a pirate copy and being proud of it does not have any redeeming value to support your argument. If anything, I know I had the dvd release of the game even before you did, the fact that you got the game is nothing to be impressed about. Piracy is wrong no matter what. If you want the japanese version of the game, import it. If you want the US version, wait till it comes out. Don't give that bullshit about how you want to play now but don't want to pay for two copies of the game. If you don't want to do that, then don't, but it's not a reason to validate pirating the game. I myself have already purchased the import copy and will either purchase the european or the US version when it comes out, and for that, I am better than you in everyway. Nothing more that you have said or will say can overcome that fact. So please just join the people at and rid us of your ignorance.

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