Request: Guaranteed Throw Attempt Situation Guide (Evo Specific)

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by replicant, Apr 10, 2003.

  1. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I know this is a lot to ask for from someone, but I was hoping someone would take the time to post here or have a FAQ put up on VFDC relating to the conditions. It would be cool to have a guide that listed character by character moves or strings that create "Guaranteed Throw Attempt Situations" to help the new and learning players out. That and when certain moves/strings can be interrupted to create these moments. Thanks a lot to whomever takes up this request if anyone does. Please make it Version B Evo specific.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    This isn't a bad request, and I may even tackle it, but you should know a little trick first -

    I know you said evo-specific, but a lot of the moves from version C have the same properties as far as counterability goes, even if their animations have changed.

    Did you know that you visit the version C movelists on this site and click the little arrow next to the letters "rec" you can sort the moves by their recovery, best-to-worst or vice versa? By sorting with the worst at the top, you can tell at a glance which moves are throwable and which are not - everything with -8 recovery or worse is throwable. In general -8 moves can be tough to throw without good reflexes, but 9/10 times the throw counter is cut and dried - just glancing at the frames will tell the whole story for all but a few weird moves that cause a lot of pushback or go from standing to crouching.

    The only stumbling block at that point becomes memorizing the moves, knowing what the command you see on the page translates to in-game, and watching for evo differences (thought truthfully, there are very very few situations where a move went from uncounterable to throw counterable or vice version in the switch from version C to Evo).

    Beyond that, the training mode on PS2 evo has one trial where you choose your opponent, and the computer will alternate between popular counterable and uncounterable attacks. You simply must throw the throw counterable ones and low punch the uncounterable ones. Finish this trial (or the challenge mode variant where you must do it correctly 20 times in a row) and you will be golden at countering throwable attacks.
    Also, I don't know the japanese menu navigation well enough to describe it off the top of my head... but training mode also has the ability to display guaranteed throw situations (you'll see "throw" flash over the opponent's head I think when a throw is possible).

    ... with all that said, I -do- see the appeal of an evo specific guide where all the information is gathered in one place instead of across forty html clicks. It's also useful to include counter information for stuff that is worse than throw counterable. If and when myke finishes all the evo movelists in the same style as akira's... you will see the throw counterabilty at a glance because recovery frames have been replaced with simple letters like "T" to indicate throw counterable and "WTF" to indicate poor recovery and "LOL" to indicate really bad recovery and /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif to indicate great recovery.
  3. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I didn't know that about the VF4vC movelist and sorting by recovery. I'll play with that some. I do hope you take up the request though. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member


    If you look under vf4 header on home index of the website, you'll find that spotlite already translated some throw guarantee situations in counter attact guide.

    Here's the link

    it's Evo ver.A specific, but it's quite good as it is.

    To every one:
    look under "Virtua fighter 4" link on the left column of the site's home index. You'll find quite a bit of info /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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