Ring Name Contest

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by VousDew, Aug 27, 2003.

  1. VousDew

    VousDew Member

    Because I'm bored, quite frankly. And because ring names are fun!

    Okay, here's the contest. Post your VF4 or VF4Evo ring name(s), and everyone can vote for the ones they like the best. You can vote for as many as you want, but only one vote per ring name. Whoever gets the most votes wins....bragging rights, I guess. I'm too cheap to provide your clever asses a prize.

    Here are mine:

    Bootylish (Sarah)
    Voodoo (Sarah)
    SweetiePai (Pai)

    (I get the feeling this thread will be locked. In case that happens before I return, I just want to say....I regret NOTHING.)
  2. PGhacker

    PGhacker Well-Known Member



    utD is clan name, btw
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Please, not this again. This is at least the 3rd time this thread has come around. If you really must, then search of the older thread and post there. Hint: try the Console board.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Here guys, I'll do one in asshole vet mode and one in friendly creampuff mode:


    This has been posted before about ten times. Please use the search.


    If you click here you can add yours to the hundreds of cool names already posted. There's another thread posted a little later with some more ring names. Have fun! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I don't have the PS2 version, so I basically have one ring name at a time, they've all generally been variations of the same thing. I'll list them all though.

    GaijinChu (a chu is a peck-like kiss)
    GaijinPunch Only
    GaijinPunch wo Sumaseba*

    *The last one deserves an explanation. One guy in our team (Chitose --- but uses the characters "1000" and "years") made a pun w/ his ring name. He just changed it to "Sen to Chitose no Kamikakushi"... basically the Japanese title of Spirited Away with his name replaced w/ Chihiro. I must admit - that's the best ring name pun I've ever seen. Everyone else on the team started making their ring names after Miyazaki movies. There were few left by the time I got in, so I played mine off of "Mimi wo Sumaseba". The one about the books w/ the Olivia Newton John song in the opening credits.. Some others worth mentioning:

    Tonari no Mossa
    Ninja no Ongaeshi
    Kajigaya no Takkyubin
    I forgot the ones based on Mononoke Hime and Porco Rosso.

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