ring out on stage with fence

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by pedroosan, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. pedroosan

    pedroosan New Member

    Something really hilarious happened to me and I was wondering if it ever happened to anyone else or whether it is a fairly normal technique:
    PAI vs. PAI on the palace stage with an unbreakable fence:
    I actually knocked her with a combo *over* the fence and won by ring out! It looked so funny when she was getting up outside and a fence inbetween us.

    I am a newbie (only played pai so far and have troubles in the 5th arcade... kinda stuck, even demoted from 6th dan to 5th)
    So I don't know maybe this ringout over an unbreakable fence is completely everyday stuff for the pros /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    And this has what to do with character technique and training.
  3. _tRu3__sKiLLz_

    _tRu3__sKiLLz_ New Member

    Yes, it has happened to me before but I'm not a pro though. I was playing a vs match with my brother about a year ago when he was Kage and I was Lau. He was a super newb then but still threw me out with the [2_][P]+[G]. Yes we thought it was hilarious when it happened to, the wall being between us and stuff. My main character is a Lau named Jesse. He is 2nd Dan with 113 Wins and 49 Losses. Yeah I stink at the game too.
  4. forestsavior

    forestsavior Member

    Yeah, this is a rather well-known little quirk with short-unbreakable-fence stages.

    I don't play serious VF versus, so I don't know how often practical opportunities for the ring-out trick occur, but about the easiest way I've seen to do it is doing [4][P]+[G] (Ten Foot Toss) as Kage with your back to the wall.

    Even if you do the canned [8][P]+[G] Izuna Drop followup (or whatever the command is, I don't play Kage that much) and fly over the fence to slam the opponent into the ground, it will still count as a Ring Out victory over your opponent.

    Of course, [4][P]+[G] is the Kage throw people are most wary of escaping, so you'd probably have to play some damn decent mind games to get the opponent to eat a ring-out TFT if they're aware of the trick.

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