rumor time (again): Console VF4:E to release start of 2003

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by 3of19, Dec 2, 2002.

  1. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    From :
    "02.12.02 - Laut der aktuellen Dorimaga soll Sega im Frühjahr 2003 angeblich Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution veröffentlichen. Da die Meldung in einer Gerüchte-Ecke in dem Magazin steht, gibt es dafür keine offizielle Bestätigung. Das Heft spekuliert weiter, dass der Titel für mehrere Systeme erscheinen soll."

    12.02.02. - According to the current issue of Dorimaga, Sega will release Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution in spring 2003. Since the news was printed in the rumor corner of the magazine, no official confirmation is availble.The magazine further speculates that the game might release on various platforms."

    My comment: IMO a conversion of VF4 E is a no brainer. Converting it to PS2 would merely require to convert the new animations, items, and frame data to the existing build of the game.
    An Xbox version, given the state of the system in Japan seems less likely, but the system is doing fine Gaiikai ni. Besides at a recent press conference, Sega mentioned Virtua Fighter as one of the franchises that are headed multiplatform. W´hy convert a PS2 title(version c) that will be over a year old? there are no sales in that.
    Gamecube? Don't know.
  2. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

  3. Valiance

    Valiance Well-Known Member

  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I'll take Gamespot Japan over any English gaming site any day of the week.

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