Salt Lake City/Provo residents interested in play?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by DaSuperFunk, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. DaSuperFunk

    DaSuperFunk Member


    I'm just looking for other players in the Salt Lake City/Provo, Utah area to play with.

    If you're interested, throw me a message, or add me on Xbox Live.

    Gamertag: DaSuperFunk

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    I live in the Ogden area of Utah. We had a scene going at the start of the PS3 release, but unfortunately it kind of slowed down.I was able to go up to Logan and challenge a few players but never that many.

    There is good news though, there will be a tournament next week On Sat the 12th at 1:00 p.m. in Logan at the Cache Valley Mall in the Fun Unlimitted store. There will be 2 possibly 3 other fighting games at the tournament DOA 4 and Hyper Street Fighter 2; and if it gets released the hi def version of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. So if you have friends interested in any of these fighting games invite them for the fun.

    Just curious who you use as a character. I use Wolf myself.
    I would be up to traveling down to Salt Lake this Saturday work pending. So If your up for some games this weekend let me know and I will see what my work schedule is and let you know Friday.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    On a double post note add yourself to the Map frapper if you haven't allready. The best way to make a fighting game scene is to let the people know that you are out there.

    Check the tournament forum and you will see more details about the tournament in Logan.
  4. DaSuperFunk

    DaSuperFunk Member

    Re: Salt Lake City/Provo residents interested in p

    Well, our game is shipping next Tuesday (god-willing), so I'm sure I'll be working all weekend.

    As for the tournaments, I'm fairly interested in both the VF and Street Fighter tourneys. I'm pretty good at both, so I'll probably be around for it.

    I'm an all-arounder as far as characters I play. While I'm definitely better with some than with others, I like to have a pretty decent game for everyone.

    My top 3 characters are probably Jacky, Kage and Wolf.

    Let me know when you're in the valley, though. Maybe we'll play.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Salt Lake City/Provo residents interested in p

    Work just let me know that I will be working this saturday, so maybe I will see you next week at the tourney.

    If your ever out in the Ogden area and don't mind playing the PS3 version let me know. I have 2 arcade sticks so I'm covered on that end. Just let me know a few days in advance if you are going to be in the area.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Salt Lake City/Provo residents interested in p

    Make all efforts to show up for this tournament. It will be a blast. Of the group 3 of us are very techinal at playing Virtua Fighter, so you will learn alot from the experience.
    If you can make it to the tourney see if you can bring your stick and if possible maybe a TV (to kind of help Patrick out a.k.a. neobeast).
    If you have any friends that are interested in VF or any of the other games at the tournament then by all means invite them along for the fun!!!

    All in all an event not to be missed.
  7. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Salt Lake City/Provo residents interested in p

    I'm also in the ogden area, but I play online a couple times a week.

    GT: Mecha Shiva X

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Salt Lake City/Provo residents interested in p

    DaSuperFunk curious to see if your interested in a summer Utah VF gathering. Throw out some dates if your interested.

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