Samba de amigo and sega fans?

Discussion in 'General' started by THE_WALL, Sep 24, 2008.


    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Anyone out there buy the game. What about the perripheal maracas that went with the Best Buy add? Is there more than one perripheal marracas than the one in the add. I looked at the one's at best buy and they seemed kind of big.

    Why are Sega fans so specific to certain games. And Nintendo fans will buy anything that says Nintendo even if it's a crappy game like there new mario baseball game.

    We should serioulsly buy games outside of the vf radar like Yakuza 1 & 2, Samba De Amigo, upcoming games like Sonic Unleashed, and not to forget the one that I think that will give serious props to Sega is the new Golden Axe this game has buy all over it. As a VF and Sega fan I put my stamp of approval on all of these games!!!
  2. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    I plan on getting Samba de Amigo and Sonic Chronicles this month. It is a shame that Sega just can't market their games like they used to when they were in the console business.

    Other Sega Titles to look up are

    World Destruction (DS)
    7th Dragon (DS)
    Phantasy Star Zero (DS)
    Infinite Space (DS)
    Bayonetta (PS3/360)
    MadWorld (Wii)
    Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
    House of the Dead Overkill (Wii)
    Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii)
    Empire Total War (PC)
    Phantasy Star Portable (PSP)
    Yakuza 3 (PS3)
  3. quash

    quash Well-Known Member

    sonic unleashed has a distinct chance of blowing hard.

    other than that, i'm still sega's bitch. i even played psu for three months when it first came out.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    I hope that you aren't buying in to the talk about his alternate nightime personality where he changes. Why did they criticize that so much at E3. Mascotts have had tons of powerups where they change forms. Should we have not bought super mario bros.3 back in the day because cause mario turns into a frog, flying racoon, or statue seriously.

    I think there are way to many SEGA haters in the Video Game Magazine and Internet Industry. They are seriously ready to rip SEGA for anything wrong they do just so there favorite franchise or company stays big. For example UBISOFT, ACTIVISION, NEVERSOFT, and any first person shooter or rock and roll type game because these games and companies can never go wrong.

    My personal thoughts on the new sonic is that it will be twice as fast as sonic rush for the DS and on a home console so how can you seriously go wrong there.

    Don't believe everything you here or read. Buy the game don't rent it. Except for what I just told you to do.

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