Sarah - Evo Help

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by BoyInterrupted, Aug 23, 2003.

  1. Hey.

    I need some help with some items and what not with Sarah on Evo.

    I have almost all of the items... I guess. I'm not too sure. But there are some that I read about on here that I would like know how and where to get them.

    I have then angel wings already. But how do I get the bat wings? And also - how do I get BLACK clothes? And just how many colors are there?

    How do you get Sarah's slicked back hair? I just can't seem to get that one.

    For my stats - some of the arcades it says that I completed them 100%. What does this mean? Could there still be items there for me?

    Thanks for your help! Please respond because these questions are driving me loco.
  2. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Hi, my friend

    All you question has been asked before!
    I am tired to anwerse all your question, but your know i have a good hart!

    1.Black wing a from, 4th ARC finish the quest with a black star.
    2.Too bad, trd time full set orbs, you get nothing.
    3. emblems: Just play the game and make sure you player list is 100%. color is from: your must lost 100 match in quest.

    I just anwerse the question on Junky's Jungle,but is great you find the right place
    /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  3. 1.Black wing a from, 4th ARC finish the quest with a black star.

    I'm sorry but I don;t understand this... what's ARC? And black star? Do you mean orb? I'm confused...

    Also where at? 4th Arcade? Is that what ARC is? What quest as well. And what happens if I beat those quests alrdeady?

  4. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    4th ARC is "club sega plant area".
    in "club sega plant area" the last quest you must do is "Evade 5 times with an evading throw escape, with at least 3 succeful throw escapes". and if you do that you will get black wing. If your already done that, You may have the blackwing now.

    quest with star, is not orb,
    like "star Evade 5 times with an evading throw escape, with at least 3 succeful throw escapes"

    ARC: club in the game(they are 8), like east, north...
    QUEST: quest are in every club(ARC), if you do the quest, you will get some money or items.

    quest I mean quest order, not quest mode! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  5. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

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